
  1. Mental

    Bug clean_array_gpc error with this .htaccess file.

    Fatal error: Call to a member function clean_array_gpc() on a non-object in /home/x/public_html/forum/forumdisplay.php on line 117 This one confused me initially! Disabled dbseo, error remained, removed the htaccess , problem went. Enabled the product without the htaccess as a test, the error...
  2. S

    vBMail Questions and Issues with Lite

    I was looking for a way to keep up with mailing list and found this add-on/plugin. I wanted to give the Lite version a trial run first to make sure it all works like I need it to. I downloaded it and have a few questions and an issue I would like to work out before proceeding to purchase. I...
  3. Mental

    Bug showpost.php not working

    Example; going to returns to the homepage, htaccess is set correctly with migrated write rules, cannot pinpoint the problem. Assistance = appreciated.
  4. S

    Question nginx

    Hi, Got my lifetime DBSEO license and am planning for the upgrade, but was wondering if anyone else yet has implemented it on nginx/php-fpm? Apache is way too slow for my site, thus migrated to niginx. Vbseo works on that, can i use the same rules for the dbseo.php? These are my settings for...
  5. S

    DBSEO Performance vs VBSEO?

    Hi, I've been running VBSEO for a while, and I was curious if there were any significant performance benefits that would be gained by upgrading to DBSEO? VBSEO has always slowed down our page loads a lot - regardless of the specs of our dedicated server.
  6. R

    Question Can't select mood

    Hi, I wanted to move the user mood and status after the username in the postbit and I moved the content from dbtech_status_postbit and dbtech_status_mood_postbit in my postbit_legacy after the username variable. Everything is fine, but the selection box (drop down) does not appear when I try to...
  7. L

    Legacy Various Requests

    Hi Would be nice to see some features vbSEO supports 1.) Enable Adsense Section Targeting? BETA Select "Yes" to add Google AdSense section tags to relevant parts of your forum pages within forumhome, forumdisplay and showthread. 2.) Option to rewrite the Archive 3.) Relevant Replacements, is...
  8. P

    Question Some info

    Hello, Iam thinking of purchasing vbmail but iam not sure if i really need it :) I need to send emails to old users(inactive for 1 year or longer) and send emails to activate users can i do that with vbmail ? and can i create mailing list for all users ?
  9. T

    Question How Do I Create a Drop Down with Navigation Manager

    I see I'm suppose to use the Navigation Manager in vB 4.2, but I don't see a way to create a drop down. Is it possible with the free version?
  10. A

    Question Mobile friendly vbulletin site

    Hi, Currently, I bought vbcredits and vbshop. I want to change my vbulletin into mobile friendly interface when members access my forum using mobile devices. Under the mobile version of vbulletin, is vbcredits and vbshop function still perform as normal? Please advise. i am intending to buy...
  11. L

    Question Total Posts per Forum?

    Hello, Our IT support recently upgraded our VBAnalytics Lite version (on 19-Nov) to version 1.2.0. I used to be able to report on total posts per forum within a time frame directly in the Forum Analytics tool - which I ran weekly (for each forum) and then monthly to see Total posts for all...
  12. Morrus

    Legacy Ratings

    With 2000 downloads made, but only a half-dozen items rated (and half of those ratings by me) it seems clear that the current rating system isn't being used. I suspect that's because unless you know it's there, it's hard to notice! Could we get a more visible one? Even better, one which...
  13. Movie Prop Sites

    Legacy Likes slow to change after click

    Maybe my expectations are unreasonable, but we use the Thanks/Like button like you would on Facebook (of course). With that in mind, when you click "LIKE" for a post, there is a considerable pause (1... possibly 2 seconds), before the like registers and the page refreshes to show you liked the...
  14. W

    Question Disabling charge functions completely

    How to disable the charge function completely from the forum but not the credits system. We have tried disabling the product but it seems, the bbcode [charge] still remains active as the contents behind [charge] code are not either loadable or visible. please help.
  15. S

    Legacy Forum Ads for 3.8 X? Will be possible?

    HI! I am a DragonBytes´s fan! I whant to know if you are thinking to develop this mod to 3.8x version? I would pourchase this mod to my 3.8. Thanks for the support. Sergio
  16. T

    Bug Click breaks Disable Postbit Stats Collapse

    Hi, Cheers so far, really impressed with the mod! I am running VBSEO on the forum so think this may be part of the issue but if you have any suggestions on how fix I would be really grateful. Also I have the mod running on a devel version of the forum, I can PM you IP address if you want to...
  17. J

    Bug My observations

    I have installed dbseo on my test forum @ 401 Authorization Required 1. Installation was smooth but I think the documentation should have a step by step upgrade from vbseo walkthrough (I didn't know when to turn off vbseo for example). 2. Rules - my custom rules were not transferred to dbseo...
  18. webi

    Question BB-Code in Uploads

    Hi Fillip H., small problem in our download overviews (vbdownloads.php?categoryid=xx). BB-codes are displayed as normal text. The download itself the records are displayed properly (vbdownloads.php?do=download&downloadid=xx) How do I get dissolved in the overview?
  19. S

    Question shops

    Hello, There is something we cannot figure. Do we have to add shops for the items on locations and how can they be added then ? Many Thanks :D sven
  20. Eda

    Question Using notifications

    Hey its me again :) After your correction for the Vbulltin 5.0.5 (patch 6.1.0a7) i went pro to be able to use those great features we dont have on lite version. (thanks again for this patch) Now i try to figure out how to use the "notification système" this is my instance configuration and i...