
  1. J

    Bug vBArcade and IE9

    Hello I have a problem with IE9 I've set 10 game panels and displays in IE 2 more without data. In Firefox and Google Chrome all is ok. Mfg.
  2. Robert Morrison

    Question Moved VPS, Scores not working now

    We moved from to a VPS to increase our speeds and found an issue where now the vbarcade scores do not submit. The games will either lock up when they try or they show a quick preview of the content.php inside the game area and then the game will appear again. The only thing I've...
  3. Mokonzi

    Legacy Email Reminder for Games Pending

    It'd be nice if we could have an email reminder that the game is counting down... perhaps an hour or so before it's due to finish. :)
  4. xandyx

    Question Suggested Layout

    Hi, I thought i would tinker about whilst you do the serious work. I like the layout I have done, hope they are useful to others, if anyone would like, I can post the altered style . All changes are using existing arcade styles excluding the centring of the tables. Just one problem I have; I...
  5. xandyx

    Bug Notification Gone Loopy!

    One of our top players got the shock of his life... He currently has 4,294,967,295 Notifications To take part in the tournament. He is waiting for others to finish the last round:: No other Member has this problem. How do I clear the notifications for him?
  6. Trekkan

    Bug PHP Error on game Import

    I'm posting this to the beta forum as it's the version I'm using, but not sure where you would of wanted the report, move as needed. =) I've been importing a lot of games and when I moved the next batch into the import folder and tried to import, I get the following error: Fatal error: Maximum...
  7. Mokonzi

    Bug Random Opponent Not So Random

    Noticed that in the league tournament there has been at least one occasion that when games are completed the opponent picked has been the same player. I had the same player picked as an opponent 3 times in succession.
  8. S

    Bug Countdown Timer

    Not sure if it is a bug or just something to do with the times each round was completed previously.. First round game time remaining. Second round game time remaining. Third round game time remaining. The countdown time is increasing..Also I noticed it's costing vbcredits to play a...
  9. Mokonzi

    Bug Game Score Not Submitting After First Game Without Page Reload

    Noticed two issues which might be identical. Both apply to at least the league version of the tournament. When playing a game and finishing a round (i.e. playing two games of three, and submitting the score forfeiting the third game) that when playing again without a page reload that the score...
  10. Mokonzi

    Bug No Game Highlighting on 4.1.12 PL2

    Noticed and Darkwaltz4 confirmed that there is no game highlighting as it adds the "alt2" class to the game that's playing in the games list at the bottom of the tab. The latest versions of vB 4.1.x use "alt" as the alternative colour highlighting.
  11. Darkwaltz4

    Question Tournament Feature Overview

    Here are the details on how I am implementing/planning current features to work. This will probably morph into the user guide later. If you want clarification, ask in this thread. If you have suggestions/alterations to discuss, start a new thread on it. Tournaments These are created on a...
  12. Darkwaltz4

    Question Download Beta: #7

    Kept here will be the revision log for each beta version. You can find the actual zip to download in your members area. The date on the members area download may not be updated, but just keep up with the latest posts here and download accordingly. This work is to be treated as any license...
  13. Darkwaltz4

    Question General Discussion

    Welcome to the closed beta testing program for vBArcade v2. The main new feature for v2 is Tournament functionality, however there are some unrelated special features you'll get to play with in the near future. There is a separate thread I am posting the actual zip file for you to download and...
  14. wEbAddEr

    Battle Mod

    A battle mod like the one from ip2 and ipb3 would be nice, it keeps a lot of members active on the board. It's nice to kill other members, and with a very active board the guilds make it rocks, guilds against guilds. You can even add extra stuff as battle armor like the "Enhanced" version
  15. S

    Bug High Score v2 Games.

    Not sure what happened here,but thought it better to report it.Had alot of reports of games reverse scoring after the update to 1.3.0.See images below.. First image is on the test board and adding the games..Both v2 and v32 show High Score Second image is on Live site after update and the...
  16. L

    Bug Since update to vb 4.2 no scores working

    Hi, since i Updated my forum to Version 4.2 there no scores are submitted now. The settings are correct and the .htaccess is the same. If i try to submit a new score then i see only a white page (where the game was) or i see for a few seconds the index.php in the game frame and then the...
  17. CoZmicShReddeR

    Bug VBArcade 1.30 XML Install Parse error

    Just downloaded and tried to install and received this error when using the product-dbtech_vbarcade.xml Installer Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_IF in /home/content/47/9320747/html/dbtech/vbarcade/arcade_installer.php on line 192
  18. GgAcE

    "Custom Showcase"

    I don't want to promote an overly price mod here BUT would like to give a suggestion that I KNOW is 100% within the realm of DBtech. If any of the mods want to see this highly detailed video or a link with a demo, let me know. This site that currently produces this modification has not been...
  19. H

    Mobile supported mods

    I have had to stop using the mobile style on this site because dbtech mods do not function in it since vb 4.1.12 On my iPhone I prefer the mobile style but when @ mentions dont show and it lacks other dbtech mods that I love I have had to stop using the mobile style. Please see Making your...
  20. Snorqi

    Legacy Gametabs

    Sorry, leider spreche ich (fast) kein Englisch Zuerst, danke vielmals für diese Arcade. Meine User lieben sie! Bis jetzt hatten wir keinerlei Probleme damit. Jetzt kommen erste Feedbacks von den Usern: Die Tabs hätten sie gerne auch unten auf der Seite. Ebenfalls auf der Seite mit dem Spiel...