
  1. R

    What order do I untangle this upgrade to vbcredits pro ?

    I need help in determining the sequence I use to upgrade and to remove the adon for v3arcade that failed previously but refuses to uninstall. I had vBCredits 1.4rc2 installed on my 3.86 and disabled it before upgrading to 4.0x back in April. I want to upgrade to the Pro version. and I...
  2. Chad Warden

    vBCredits + bank duplication

    Well a lot of my staff members just caught this and told me that you can cheat the system and get posting credits by just editing the same post. So basically, if someone makes a post, they get 7 credits (according to my system), and if they keep clicking the edit button they will get 7 more...
  3. Alisa Lindsay

    I'm Alisa

    G'Day and Greetings from a Newbie, I just found your vB Shoutbox on and installed the lite version on my 4.0.3 test environment. I am considering purchasing the pro version, but want to make sure that it would be considered legal to install it for testing and then move it to its final...