
  1. Bounce

    Question How do I

    Not Saving with product activated Find out what what system my forums using, my host installed whatever it is, im sure its XCache but when i run system test it give an AJAX error - internal server issue! Does that mean im not on xcache?
  2. A

    Legacy i need some custom modifications on vbactivity (point sitting)

    i need some custom modifications on vbactivity (point sitting) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- i am admin of forum and i am using vBActivity & Awards (Lite) , i need make the point sitting depend on another factors such as : monthly activity ...
  3. J

    Question Disable Hottest Thread or optimize query

    We've got a pretty large forum. After about 4 months of having the thanks hack installed (and trimmed down so it's basically a "like" button for posts), we have about 1.45 million rows in our dbtech_thanks_entry table. I've had to add quite a few indexes to keep things speedy, but I have one...
  4. B

    Legacy Hidden content visible to Admin

    Hi, I was wondering if its possible for admin (or any user group) to be able to see hidden content without clicking thanks. If so, how do I do it? :RpS_unsure: Cheers
  5. Tinkerbell

    Question Couple questions - Achievements and post counts

    I have two questions since I am not positive they can be done. 1) I added some post achievements (I set the criteria to value and = a certain number of posts). I have over 900 posts on the forum and when I recalculated the achievements I still was not given the achievements I should have. Does...
  6. X

    Bug Unconfirmed donations spam

    Hey, So recently I noticed that if a user clicks the submit button on the contribution page it adds him to the unconfirmed donations list instantly so, if he would press the button like 10 times it would spam the list :( So, is there any way around this ?
  7. X

    Question Donation auto group change

    Can vBDonate automatically change the group of a user, after he paid/donated ? If yes how can I make it do that ? Thanks :)
  8. A

    Bug Mention notifications not showing for users

    Hi there, A couple of my users have complained they are not getting notifications when they are mentioned anymore. I thought this was strange, as I am still getting them. I couldn't see any permission options for notifications anywhere. Is there something I'm missing? This started happening...
  9. D

    Question How can i make Menu-Tabs active?

    Hello! One question: I have successfully installed the Mod and it is working. I have a Menu-item (e.g. "Community") and inside is the sub-item "Membermap". How can i make the item "Community" active, when i visiting "membermap" ? I set the correct Add-on and i try in the "community"...
  10. B

    Question How remove year 1970

    How remove year 1970 from activity feed? I run all recalculate stats and maintains in vbactivity settings in admincp ...but still shows 1970. will attach picture ... regards bosss
  11. M

    Question Shoutbox breaks style in skin

    Hi, I have installed the Lite version of Shoutbox and have run into a problem. When I add it to the site, it breaks the style of the skin. This happens on all of the skins I've tried (3 total). Can you direct me to the template(s) effected by the Shoutbox so that I may fix the issue? And any...
  12. B

    Question How change text color

    Need some help - how and where change text color (underblock name) in top x stats (custom seamus light banner skin) will attach picture for better explanation (put red arrows that you can see what I mean and which text) regards bosss
  13. Alan_SP

    Bug When adding mod through forum, it doesn't add it to group moderators

    I just noticed this, I'm not sure if it's bug, feature request, but here's the description. When I add moderator using Manage forums option and option add moderator to certain forum, I have option to change primary usergroup (or secondary, if I want to) to moderator. After that, this moderator...
  14. L

    vBSuper PMs - Reply All?

    Question about vBSuper PMs - Will this mod give the ability to "Reply All" to a PM that was received? As of now, you can send a PM to a group of people but if I want to reply so they all see it, I need to go to advanced view and manually add everyone back to my reply. A Reply All feature...
  15. B

    Bug Sidebarblock problem (custom skin)

    Have just one small problem with donate sidebar block ... when I have block enabled ... can not see text in bottom of block " Latest Contributions" only pencil icon ... and skin lose default look on all sidebars blocks (Seamus Light Banner skin). When block is disabled ... skin get original...
  16. K

    Bug vBDownloads Permissions where is the problem

    where is the problem vBDownloads - General Permissions Registered Users : Browse Files Favourites ModCP Manage Categories Import Files ip Tv CCcam Cardsharing Forum Uydu Destek Forum Sitesi Uydulife Cccam Test Pls demo demo1
  17. B

    Bug Missing text in admincp - options

    Hello Yesterday uploaded newest version - 3.1.1 and update product file (overwrite) - product works fine but have something strange in admincp - options will attach picture 1 - some text is not visible when I double click on that invisible text I get some settings - attach picture 2...
  18. O

    Bug Sidebar donators revealed regardless of able-to-use permissions

    Hi! There is one thing that really bothers me. I've set up donations system on my site where I only run sidebar version. Sidebar is visible to all users (including guests) so everyone can get the feeling about its meaning. Although donation system is visible to everyone, not everyone has...
  19. W

    Bug Every Category uses the same two extension groups

    Guess who? Another day, another glaring problem to fix. Now, for some reason, I've just noticed that despite having different extensions for different categories in the settings, EVERY category is only allowing two extension groups, regardless of the settings. I have one for Images and one for...
  20. E

    Question Link open in popup or new browserwindows

    hello, i have a question. i will open a url in new browserwindows ( popup ) or frame in the vbulletinsite. have manage Tab---add new tab---input name, URL, mode this script, tab target _parent or _top, user group what see this button, placement rigth_end, next display order, and save. the...