guest cache

  1. iPhoneclub

    Mobile Style cached for Guest users /w Full Page Caching

    I think I'm running into a bug with vB Optimise Pro 2.0.1 and a custom plugin for mobile style redirection in combination with vB Optimise's setting 'Guest Full Page Caching'. In some occurrences guest users (on desktop-browsers) get the mobile style instead of the normal style. I think this is...
  2. S

    full page caching for guests conflicts with vBEnterprise Translator

    Hi I have vBOptimise Pro 2.0.1 and vBEnterprisetranslator (vBET 4.2.1) installed Both products are needed on my forum. It works perfect but translated pages don't get shown fully or bring up errors or behave strangely. The conflict lies in full page caching for guests. Can you please sort...