
  1. O

    which mods?

    Hi, In the attached photo you have the following functions in your posting form: Wrap [h] tags around selected texts Wrap [vbslider] tags around selected texts Wrap [hide] tags around selected texts Wrap [charge] tags around selected texts Can you please tell me as to which Dbtech mod(s0...
  2. CoZmicShReddeR

    Question Download file pre-uploaded How to add as main download?

    I am almost sure this is a normal feature but how can I add a hidden location of a download? Every time I try to add a main download it keeps opening a window to look for a file on my computer?? I would like to see that feature removed and just have it where I can just add the file link manually...
  3. D

    Question Ordering Items in Post Bit

    Hi, I am wondering how items are ordered in the post bit. I'm trying to move them but it seems I cannot do it.
  4. J

    Legacy Choose display order of postbit items

    Right now the 5 most recent purchase go in the post bit. At my forum we've been using them to show things like trophies for winning contests, etc. And collectable things that they will want to display, etc. It would be nice if the users could choose which of their items show there.
  5. GoodApples

    Legacy @ User Tagging & BB Code Hider

    When using this mod BB Code Hider it hides the @ user because it's a URL is there someway we could get around this...? I would like the option to display the the @ usertag Am I a pain? or what? ;)
  6. GoodApples

    Legacy One Click Hide/Show Postbits

    When using this mod One Click Hide/Show Postbits Hide Postbits I would like the option to to still display and use APTL :) Current the Hide Postbits also hides APTL.
  7. GoodApples

    Legacy Play Nice with Postbit Collapser/Arranger

    I would like to request Thanks / Like play nice with Postbit Collapser/Arranger Most of the issues that I have noticed so far are when using Above and Below Signature and requiring Hide...maybe bbcode in general. Yeah this is a request but to me it just a bug. ;) Besides this might be a good...
  8. V

    update add on and Template for vb 4.2

    Hi all can anyone update or rewrite this for vb 4.2.0 1-Hide Printable View Link in threads and Printable View Page for certain usergroups http://www.vbulletin.org/forum/showthread.php?t=262961 2-Nexia's Web Crawlers Bundle http://www.vbulletin.org/forum/showthread.php?t=279593 I want to...
  9. B

    Question Problem with Categories

    Hi, i have some problems to understand the Categories right. For example, i have CA, CB and CD I upload a picture in CA and when i click now in the sidebar block categories of Categorie CD i can see also my upload picture, but i have load it just in CA why i can see it in all other categories...
  10. thebeuving

    Legacy Hide Post Thanks / Like Bar when post has no likes

    Is it possible to hide the Post Thanks / Like bar when a post doesn't have any likes? If not would this be a feature you would consider adding? David
  11. S

    Question Hide doesnt work?

    I installed Advanced post thanks like,and when i go to a post nothing is hidden,Am i doing something wrong? Default Button: Content If yes, clicking this button will be required to see content between [HIDE] tags when making a post from Quick Reply. <-- Set to yes.
  12. D

    Bug serious custom style issue...

    Hi There! I installed the Navbar-Addon for testing purposes in my XAMPP-testground, together with my new style "IdealVB" from Themeforest. I have a lot of issues, now, metioned your products... For better information, looks like the picture please, you will see the different: This is the...
  13. Amaury

    Legacy User-Defined Option to Hide Username History

    One of our sectional moderators sent me a PM early this morning and was wondering if this were possible: Thanks in advance for any replies.
  14. Nirjonadda

    Implement of Advanced Post Thanks / Like

    Hello Does work Advanced Post Thanks / Like work with vFCoders - Hide Hack v4 ? Can you add option work with vFCoders - Hide Hack v4 ? please try to Integration or Implement !
  15. Don Pezet

    Question Can I Remove the Hivelocity Hosting Advertisement?

    Is it possible to hide the Hivelocity add when using the Copyright Management plugin? I currently use two DB-Tech programs (VBShout and VBSecurity). They are both pro editions and not the lite editions. I have noticed that when I enable the Copyright Management plugin to combine their footer...
  16. D

    Question Specific Questions (Criteria, Collapse Button)

    Hi Bro`s! Hope you are fine! 2 Questions: 1. When i want to add a criteria "Infractions Points (given)", what is the right "type" ? Value or points? Can you explain this more? If a member give one infraction is it a value? 2. How i can safety delete the collapse-button? Is it enough, when i...
  17. WenM

    Question Hide tabbed forum from main forums?

    Hiding the tabbed forum from the main forumhome doesn't work; I tried display '0' in the Forum Manager, but then it doesn't show up on the tab when clicked. ideally, I'd only like the chosen forum to be seen only on a tab when clicked, not also in the main home forum...perhaps I'm missing...
  18. IcEWoLF

    Bug countdown not showing

    NaN Days NaN Hours NaN Minutes NaN Seconds The 47 Ronin Squad Not sure why it's doing this. :/ Also the vBadvanced module after upgrading looks a bit weird and I think one of the bottom links are missing.
  19. Force

    Question Miscellaneous Options:

    You know the Require options like Require Thanks to see content I find these don't seem to work I make a post click these options post the post login with my other account and nothing i don't have to click anything I still all content in the post even attachments if I decide to hide that as...
  20. M

    Question All kind of questions about vbshop

    1. How do i hide donate link, why don;t you hide the link if we don;t allow donation in admin ? 2. How do you hide Steal link, why don;t you hide Steal if we don;t allow that on options ? 3. Lotteries on fixed fee look horrible, you should rebuild how you list lotteries. I have 5 prizes and...