
  1. naijafinder

    Bug Data base error (MySQL Error : Unknown column 'phrasegroup_global' in 'field list')

    I have data base error on my admincp and my website homepage. my site is completely unaccessable I do not know the plugin that i uninstalled Please how do i fix this error some website can start working Database error in vBulletin 4.2.0: Invalid SQL: SELECT languageid, phrasegroup_global AS...
  2. H

    Bug No change in MYSQL statistics after install/uninstall

    Hi, I was running the old lite version of this mod, then recently upgraded to the new lite and finally paid version. However despite stated savings in the admincp of 240,000 and 360,000 saved queries per day respectively, I'm seeing no change in MYSQL statistics in my monitoring as per the...
  3. Snafu

    Bug Problem with tabs in members profile

    Hi. I have a problem with the tabs in the profile of the members. When i have a notification and ill click in this, I get redirected to the homepage of the profiles, but no in the specific tab. I have vbseo 3.6.0 if this is important. Sorry for my bad english :(
  4. M

    Question slider only at the start page of the CMS

    Hello, I want the slider to show up only on the CMS start page not global in all other CMS catagories. How can I set this?
  5. A

    Question please take a look at this error

    Please see this imgur: the simple image sharer
  6. W

    Lite/Free Mods Navtab link is empty

    The title of this might be misleading. I just wanted to report that I clicked on the Lite/Free Mods link, but it took me to an empty category. Did it get purged or something? It's a bit of a useful tab at this point, especially since the actual files are downloaded from the homepage area.
  7. GoodApples

    White page on dbtech .com

    I have noticed that http://www.dragonbyte-tech.com is a white page. Other pages seem fine. http://www.dragonbyte-tech.com/forum.php ;)
  8. GoodApples

    Racing to 4.2.0 - Arrival

    People are asking if anyone has upgrade to 4.2.0 Yes - See Blog! ;)
  9. Taurus

    Some of your products just don't work on my big forum.

    I am sorry, but honestly, some of your products just does not work on busy forums. I don't know why....maybe you cannot test it on busy forums, or it is based on working on your site here... But really...I have bought almost all of your products, yet on most of them, it will just crash my...
  10. Taurus

    Bug Image issue

    When an image is inserted into a post with these codes: Then it shows up in the slider. However when an image is inserted using this code: Then it does not show up in the slider. Why is that please?
  11. S

    different payment method

    hello i am interested eseguenti products, but to pay 50 euros more I discovered the vat. I can pay with another way to save the 50 euros? I have a moneybookers account, can be a solution? This vat is a real problem for me is an obstacle in buying your product thanks
  12. M

    Question How do I list quizzes under there category on the vbquiz homepage?

    We are doing a very structured series of quizzes that the forum admins are writing and which will be up indefinitely. They refer back to a series of tutorials done as Movable Type blogs in a different, non-VB section of the site. We would like to list the quizzes in their respective category on...
  13. Freekoid

    User Interactive Homepage

    Normally the Admin controls what is shown on the homepage / Index via widgets so what about a user interactive? Customizing would have a new window open asking which forums you want in that area then allowing the user to drag and drop around a controlled area. igoogle and bbc.co.uk already do...
  14. Neo_Angelo

    Bug Possible bug when adding new catagory

    I get the following error when trying to add a catagory (please note its VERY long and i had to chop a lot of the code out) Fatal error: Field active is not defined in $validfields in class Avatars_DataManager_Category in [path]/includes/class_dm.php on line 515 #0 vb_error_handler(256, Field...
  15. P

    Question How can I apply the shoutbox to every page of forums?

    Do I use the instance var on the right pages in the right places? thread display and stuff right? Under nav bar? Not sure of the complete code and don't want to muck something up. Thanks :)
  16. T

    Bug XHTML Validation Errors with Slider

    My homepage now has 6 errors after the slider was installed. Some are stupid ones like missing ALT tags for the images. But where can I fix these errors??
  17. O

    change in site name

    hi, i am changing my site name from old one to a new one. So, what do I need to do to re-deploy all my purchased DB mods to the new site? Is there any soecific steps that need to be taken? Something I should do in my DB account? (the old site will close down as soon as the current site is...
  18. F

    Ajax JQuery auto page refresh

    I've been searching for this and found a lot different code/scripts yet i have not been able to get any of them working. Wouldn't be a good idea to make a mod that auto refresh the page with ajax jquery? Btw, i'm already using the ajax threads mod.
  19. R

    Question Leaderboard, and extras for pro version

    I have had this installed for a while and honestly just never read the actual specifics that came with the Pro version until now. I am curious as to how come I do not have the extra's that are listed in the mod description for the pro version see below list please as beside each one I will ask a...
  20. D

    Bug CMS Cache was not cleared if vB Optimise: Cache Datastore was enabled

    Hello, When I posted a new article, sometime VB CMS Homepage display the old version before I edited. It doesn't display the newest one. I try to flush all cache in VB Optimize, it is still display the old one. If I use Clear Cache of Admin CP, it works. So I think when If I enable VB Optimise...