
  1. blinkster

    Is it me or...

    Am i having blonde moments? I used to buying your products, install, set settings up and they work but now suddenly i purchase postbttabs and profile hover and now i find what was great products now having to do alot of manual fixing or work arounds and considering the cost of these products and...
  2. Trekkan

    Legacy Delay before showing popup

    I've had requests from several people to make the delay before the popup happens longer. How can I change that? Basically the problem is that when chatting in vBShout, people are mouse overing names more often on accident there. Also, would be nice to be able to click off of the popup and...
  3. Trekkan

    Bug vBA Total Point Precision needs to be formatted

    The total points are at about a 10 point precision (I think it's a double). I don't even use tenth's myself so it should be rounded I think... anyway, you'll know what to do to fix it. heh
  4. Trekkan

    Bug Only works on my own profile

    This works fine, it just only works when I hover over my own name. When I hover over anyone else's I get nothing, or whatever the other default would of been. I thought maybe it was a permissions issue, like it was checking to see who's profiles could be see instead of who's viewing the...
  5. H

    Hoover not working

    I run a custom skin on my site and this is not working, whether in the shout or reading posts/threads. In shout if i hoover a username, i can see a http://javascript link in the toolbar,
  6. Freekoid

    Legacy Creating spaces in description gifts/items

    When I create a gift , I try and make my description of it a little more the one sentence or line but have noticed when I press enter a couple of times to add line breaks it doesn't show when you get your PM when recording a gift. I have to use < br > tags to make this work so it looks good on...
  7. Replicators

    Persistant Navbar Credits Display with Background Image

    VBCredits II Addon = Persistant Navbar Credits Display with Background Image for VB 3.8 This was made from the pro version so i can't guarantee it will work for the LITE version or not, and WILL NOT work in vb4! You can get vbcredits II from: [DBTech] vBCredits II Deluxe LITE =...
  8. R

    I HaVE A question about user profile bubble preview

    ok i see that your site has a feature and when u put Ur mouse over peoples name it shows a preview of there picture and name. what is this product called
  9. David

    Beta 2 now available

    Hey, Just a quick update on vbDownloads! Beta 2 is now available to download in your member areas. This contains a number of bug fixes, the ability to specify your own downloads.php name, a number of style improvements and a few smaller improvements. This update also contains an importing...
  10. C

    vBO 3.0 beta guest caching broken images

    vb 3.8.5 vbo 3.0 beta 99.9% this problem did not exist prior to 3.0 beta. Problem: When a guest page is cached, I get broken images in some areas: Solution: Disable guest caching is the only solution I can find. The URL's are wrong, because they are added behind vbseo's optimized URL's, so...
  11. W

    Suggestions for the Improvements of vBShop

    Hello devs, I'm posting a few suggestions and opinions for the improvements of vBShop, Hope you consider and make them available. ************ Suggestion 1 ************ The categories are just useless because "Item Shop" and "Gift Shop" both using and displaying same categories, Does this...
  12. kolenoblata

    Transfer from [AJAX] Post Thank You Hack

    Well, I know it is available only for paid version but I saw somewere you are telling that it is possible to transfer from 7.7 version which is made for 3.8.x VB. What about last version of that hack 7.8.2 for those how already running it on 4.0.x? Also, I didn't want to open another thread...
  13. S

    Thanks/like on vb3.8

    Does the popup work the same on vb3.8 as it does on this forum with the pro version, is there any popup at all on hover? Thanks.
  14. D

    How can I do mouse over information?

    Like here, I want enable mouseover user information..I mean, whenever my mouse comes over username on this forum, it shows up user information like avatar,post count etc.. One more thing, How can I remove date and time stamps on chatbox..I just want it show only name and his/her...
  15. Trekkan

    History icon

    I just added this mod to my forums (nice idea BTW, I like the limiting factors). Anyway, what I thought would be good is maybe something next to the username in the postbit that when mouse overed would do a hover window with the username history. This way when people change their names, it's...