
  1. Steris56

    Question LIVE Threads Image

    Fillip H. hopefully this is easy fix i have a mod that auto closes the threads now for some reason the sticky's are un affected but when the thread auto closes it still leaves the image live there how can i fix this
  2. S

    Bug Problem with VBShout Pro

    Hello i just buy VBShout from here and i install it and it are showed on my forums but on admincp i can edit it or something check this image: Screen capture: 2013-12-21 16:49:49 PD: my normal users cant see the shoutbox, i can see it as admin.. thanks alot i hope i can fix this fast.
  3. liebherr

    Question Upload images from creating a post

    Hello everyone. The possibility exists that attachments and are stored in the gallery? You can upload a picture writing a post? A greeting.
  4. W

    Bug Add Tab only has vbulletin option as default

    I hope somebody can help me with this very weird issue. I have been using Navtabs for as long as I can remember and had a functioning drop down menu for my Care sheets and User CP. Around a week ago all images that my members upload show as attachments with a number and to troubleshoot mods...
  5. blinkster

    Question Donation Bar with shout

    I am not sure if this is within setting or not of shoutbox or vbdonate but is it possible to have the ability to have the donation bar display within shout box i.e below shout options as one one area rather than have both showing as separate areas? I use both but be cleaner an use up less space...
  6. A

    Error with Logo

    Alright so every time I put the logo picture in the folders it just shows up as cb33e1332349135d96112f3c685fc68d.png. Any hints on how to fix it?
  7. bzcomputers

    Legacy Increase SEO by adding additional meta tags to page header.

    I currently modify the dbtech_downloads template to increase SEO. I change this: To this: What I'd like to do is be able to add the category description / file description (first 150 chars) into the description tags for their appropriate pages in order to make all the tags unique. Are...
  8. S

    Classifieds v1.0.0b13 bug fixed and report

    in dbtech_classifieds_feedback_list_bit image icons fixed <tr> <td class="blockrow"> <a href="dbtclassifieds.php?do=listing&action=viewlisting&listingitemid={vb:raw listing.listingitemid}"> <vb:if condition="$listing['attachmentid']">...
  9. B

    Question Blue Pearl skins fix

    I read this thread - Navtabs and BluePearl Style problem... and also have some blue pearl skins and will soon use dbnavtabs - can you explain what i must do or what is fix to navtabs shoud work with blue pearl skins? regards bosss
  10. limits

    Bug bbcode charge when the content is image error

    alternative for the other problem i have whit pay for upload image in new thread, i want to use this on but is also not working, after click the paybutton you dont see the image, only like this, but no image.
  11. Mental

    Bug having trouble getting nav to display correctly

    Hi I looked at my style navbar and yours, merged it according and still no joy, my current merged code is as follows; <div id="navbar" class="navbar"> <ul id="navtabs" class="navtabs floatcontainer<vb:if condition="$show['member'] AND $notifications_total"> notify</vb:if>"> {vb:raw...
  12. Nxt

    Legacy Easy insert IMG button and ability to resize images in shoutbox

    Easy IMG button Would it be possible to add a button to insert images into chat instead of manually having to type the IMG code?
  13. neounix

    Bug Bug in DBSEO Rewrite Rules for Forum Navbar Navbits

    We have installed DBSEO on our backup server and notice a problem (see images attached) where DBSEO breaks the way the Navbar navbits image is displayed. The correct working code is (for example) before DBSEO is: <a href="/showthread.php?t=238407?t=238407"> <img class="inlineimg"...
  14. M

    Bug Classifieds Item Display Bug

    Hi Mokonzi, There is a bug with the last item added... in the forum home page banner display. See the attached image for more information.
  15. S

    Question nginx

    Hi, Got my lifetime DBSEO license and am planning for the upgrade, but was wondering if anyone else yet has implemented it on nginx/php-fpm? Apache is way too slow for my site, thus migrated to niginx. Vbseo works on that, can i use the same rules for the dbseo.php? These are my settings for...
  16. S

    Bug viewing a image it spend 2 credit

    i set 1 credit on download event,but when i view a image it spend 2 credits. if we look in the image it is double.
  17. P

    Question Merging thanks/like/dislike with signature area?

    It looks like here at the forums, the like/dislike/thanks has been added to the signature area? That has a much more cohesive look to it. Can someone help me figure out how to do that for my forums? I would rather not have the signature box follow the post box as it is now. I just am clueless...
  18. V

    Legacy Wishlist to 1.0.13 Beta

    Dear developers Russian community very much asks you to give the opportunity to not go to the payment of paypal when you are ready to buy a Item (Listing on the Classifieds), and to have an alternative in the form of the "inform the seller." Seller automatically receives email or PM. Next -...
  19. CharlieDelta

    Bug View Listing Page Layout Issue - Image Re-sizing

    Not sure if this is style related but it seems as if the image is not being re-sized and it is throwing the layout off on the listing page.
  20. CharlieDelta

    Bug Listing Type Phrase Missing

    There seems to be some missing phrases in the Listing Type???