
  1. XGC Paravain

    Question Uploading Addon Quadripeds

    Ok quick uploading question I got the Quadripeds addon and there is no read me file I am assuming I upload the dbtech folder that's in the upload folder to my root then import the XML file adminCP/Plugins & Products/Manage Products/Import Product?
  2. XGC Paravain

    Question Monsters And Species set up

    I purchased the Forumon RPG Pro and was thinking it would be all set up with a import like the vBActivity Pro had the import file, but I dont see a import file in the vB Forumon RPG Pro and no monsters or maybe I just don't know what I am doing I am new to it I have never even seen Forumon RPG...
  3. Steris56

    Bug Breadcrumbs

    I installed the 4.2.0 navtabs on my test site and when product is enabled my breadcrumbs disappear this is what i have on it New Posts: Private Messages FAQ Calendar Community Forum Actions Quick Links My Search Links when i disable navtabs they re appear...
  4. bzcomputers

    Bug Beta5: Possible conflict with Tapatalk app

    There may be a conflict with DBSEO and Tapatalk. I came across an error when trying the latest version of Tapatalk for vb4 - version 4.8.1. Server error occurred: 'require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required './global.php' (include_path='.:/usr/local/php5_3/lib/php')...
  5. bzcomputers

    Bug beta 5 - Google Analytics increased pageviews

    After turning on beta5 and letting it run I have noticed a spike in reported pageviews on Google Analytics. I have been running Google Analytics for a couple years on the site and am very familiar with the expected pageview count and trends for the site and something is definitely off. I run...
  6. CharlieDelta

    Bug Unable to move review from one instance to another

    I created a new instance and would like to move a review to this new instance but there is no option for that under edit. How can I accomplish this?
  7. XGC Paravain

    Question Scores And Trophies

    I am trying to get the scores and trophies working in a bunch of games I installed I was wondering if there is any way of doing it if the scores are unsupported here is one of the games I am trying to get working. MochiAds Games ? Mochi Media :: Fueling Creativity Can it be done?
  8. V

    vbanalytics and dbseo

    Hello. I hope to explain well the question. Please excuse my English. "I have vBSEO" and I want to uninstall it. DBSEO want to replace when stable. But I see this: I have my analytics code inserted only in the header, and besides, I've put in: VBSEO, Control Panel> General Settings>...
  9. T

    Legacy Import vbseo likes

    I would like to import vbseo likes as 'votes' for the best answer.
  10. Sarab

    Bug Error when trying to upload xml

    Hello, When trying to import the Achievement Pack: Ultimate I receive the following error: A required field called typeid is missing or has an invalid value. This my third thread asking for you support this month, while two of them didn't get the help I asked, I hope this one will get real...
  11. Morrus

    Bug Import not working

    First off - thanks for the help with the free version. It prompted me to buy the pro version! I've run into an issue with the import script (the import from filesystem one, not the Downloads II one). When I hit Import Files, it takes me to a screen with the source folder correctly indicated...
  12. Sicilian

    Bug Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../vboptimise/core/class_v

    Since upgrading Forum to 4.2.2 and upgrading Forum tabs/infopanels to latest this morning we keep getting these php errors in the head of the Forum. Any ideas? Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../vboptimise/core/class_vboptimise.php on line 485 Warning: Only variables...
  13. B

    Question Errors when importing games (ibpro)

    Hello Have board 4.2.2 (new installation) and your latest arcade. When import games get this errors in my admincp: Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 248 Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in...
  14. webi

    Bug Search result with multiple pages

    Hi Fillip H., We have problems with the search results have several pages. Page 1 shows the results. On page 2 we only get "vBulletin Message Go Back." Regards
  15. bzcomputers

    Bug Observations & Issues

    Observations: External Links - Anonymise External URLs: default setting is currently "Yes", probably should be "No" the majority of the people will probably not want anonymized external links. External Links - There is currently not an "Internal Links" options section. Will this be added? Do we...
  16. T

    Bug importing product freezes

    Can import the product. Freezes after this Lite version installs just fine. I check my logs and found this error... PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function unserialie() in REMOVED/dbtech/vbshout/install/450.php on line 94 Looks like a file issue in the install folder. I can't seem...
  17. CoZmicShReddeR

    DBTech Navbar custom forum link Error

    Used Navbar to go to a custom forum linked with the "Minecraft tab" for the CozWorld Minecraft forums The tab link showed Error Results are: Fatal error: Using $this when not in object context in...
  18. V

    Question Is an upgrade needed?

    1. we have installed v1.0.4 on our forum. I notice you now have v1.0.4pl1 . Does this new version have any major changes? 2. what is the procedure to do the upgrade? Is it as simple as uploading the files by overwriting the existing files on the server thanks
  19. S

    Question Big Board Installation

    I have run all queries which are stated on But installing product always stopped at this Updating Version Number To: 1.0.0 Altered Table: administrator Altered Table: forum Altered Table: post...
  20. Freekoid

    Bug non-aligned text in admin-cp drop down

    Text leaking