
  1. Tricksodave

    Question Is it possible?

    Hi Ozzy We run the vsa mod at the mo, have done for quite a few years. I'm really looking to know if this mod can handle it all ( for our needs ). We our a small club and members pay an annual fee, could this mod import all our data from the database? Plus manage annual membership, all...
  2. M

    Bug vbactivityimport

    When an import of all awards, the notice did not come to users. Notifications are sent to me for other users. The users are added rewards, but there is no notification. Although I do not have awards.
  3. 1quicksi

    Bug Incorrect title on importer

    When running the importer, if you select VBSEO the title in the upper right corner says "Abe Post Thank You Hack to [DBTech] Advanced Thanks/Likes" Should be VBSEO ;)
  4. O

    Question Query Question

    Hello. I ran abe thanks modification on my board as a likes system (changed the phrases). Is it possible to store the thanks from that mod as Likes in your mod? Or when they are imported are they only listed as thanks? If not, is there a query where I can move the "thanks" stored in advanced...
  5. heyzeus909

    Question Footer/Branding Links near top of screen on fresh install

    I desperately need a skin that is mobile friendly. I'm hoping to find it with your Mielo skin. I just installed it, and as you can see from the above picture, the branding links aren't where they're suppose to be. This is interfering with the touchscreen's ability to put the cursor on the...
  6. C

    Legacy Comments and Database...

    I see that comments are very simple, users can’t quote, edit or remove their comments like vBulletin does. Also there is no subscription method. Looking further inside the code to see how you build comment system, I see that you don’t use the vBulletin system. You store all messages in your...
  7. D

    Gallery - samples? importing from old galleries?

    In the documentation it says that galleries can have different looks. Do you have some links to forums using the gallery that have customized it? I noticed in an older post that you don't have an importer for Photopost - that's a deal breaker for me - has that been rectified yet?
  8. Nirjonadda

    Bug Import Abe Post Thank

    Import from Abe Post Thank You Hack does not get all completed,Its stop working Import.
  9. Dylan

    Question Beta Testers - Imports

    Hey all, If you have another system you are using for reviews at the moment and you want me to work on an importer let me know. Right now I'm trying to work on GARS (I know it's only vB3 but I bet there are a lot of people with the tables hanging around waiting for a good system to import the...
  10. Viceroy

    Alternative to vBSEO

    Since vBSEO is practically dead Dragonbyte-Tech should create an alternative mod with the same purpose and that works in the same way.
  11. jluerken

    Legacy Replace Post Templates with Draft Posts

    Hi Mokonzi, we use Post Templates on our page at the moment but have a problem with it. Our chinese mods cannot use it because it does not show the chinese chars correctly. I think the Draft Post Addon solves this issue but I have a couple of questions before I go and replace the addons. 1. Is...
  12. Jono Read

    Legacy Links and Downloads Manager

    Is there any support for moving over files from Links and Downloads Manager? Would there be any possible support to update the descriptions based on ID3 tags in MP3s?
  13. D

    Bug Top 100 thread table

    Top 100 thread table does not seem to be updating with the current stats. The threads that have a 5 star rating are not being moved to the top of the list. I have run the Cron job and nothing is being updated on my site for top ratings. I have attached a screen capture.
  14. N

    Question Importing from AWCoding Donations

    I have a backup of the database prior to uninstalling AWCoding donations. Is there a way to manually extract the info from the backup? I had the Pro version of AWCD and I was unable to change anything in settings, or upgrade the product. Uninstalling the product did not remove the tables from...
  15. H

    Question Move everything back to the rep system

    Since I am moving to XF, I will sadly be missing many of my awesome dbtech mods, however I really don't want to lose all the thanks/likes from dbtech. I believe if I can get all the thanks/likes moved into the rep system, than the xf importer will import them. I have code on how to do it for...
  16. Sarab

    Bug Weird xD

    Hello =D I think there is something weird xD As a gallery my user tend to design wallpaper then upload it to the gallery, put then the dimension been set to something let the the image fit on the page and don't look ugly ( gallery right? ) so the image resized, After that I may like their...
  17. M

    Does your Downloads Plugin Support secondary usergroups

    Two questions please. Hi does your Downloads modification support secondary usergroups overriding the primary usergroups. We have a subscription service that adds a secondary usergroup, I need something that if a member subscribes to the forums they will get the downloads permissions and...
  18. A

    Legacy Importer for Links & Downloads Manager (LDM)

    Please add an importer for AndrewD's Links and Downloads Manager. The various versions of this software have a total of 22.000 downloads on and there still are more than a few sites running it. LDM creates linked threads for new files, so replacing LDM with vbDownloads would create a...
  19. T

    Legacy What does it cost to have a importer written?

    What is involved in writing a importer? I read the post about custom work and what it costs. But this is not a 1 week job, more like a 3-4 hour job. I could probably map the old database to the new database structure, but I don't know enough to write it myself. Is this anything that you guys...
  20. cliff p

    Question Converting from Extra Threadfields

    I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to work this product into our forum software. Currently, we have VB Extra Threadfields which I had purchased (twice) for our forum, and the support I'm receiving is less than stellar. The developer regularly ignores e-mails and other requests for support. That's another...