
  1. T

    Bug After Installation can create new instances but they will no display

    On my test instance I installed the lite version of reviews, I then bought the full version and re-installed with the full version. All worked fine. I then installed the full version onto my main instance. The install seemed to work successfully however the reviews won't display correctly...
  2. Black tiger

    Question Vb Shout Not Working on Vbulletin 4.2.2??

    I just upgraded my forums to 4.2.2. The shoutbox was working right before the installation. However, after, the box is clear, and active users are displayed in plain text such as: Vitaris]]> When I enter a shout and press Enter, it clears in the text box, but doesn't refresh. The archive is...
  3. angeljs

    Legacy Integrate post thanks with other mods?

    How difficult would this be to integrate with other mods? For instance, I use vBadvanced Dynamics for my downloads section and would love for members to be able to thank each one. However, Dynamics has to be installed in a different folder beneath the forum so I don't imagine it would be easy. :)
  4. P

    Question Install on vb5.05?

    Where are the VB 5.x install instructions?
  5. J

    Advance Post Thanks / Like

    I am interested in Adavace Post Thanks / Like - mainly for the "Like" feature. I've gotten many requests for that on my forum. I have never done a mod before, so I would be interested in using your Professional Installation service. My questions is, will you be able to set the permissions for...
  6. L

    Bug Type ID missing

    Seem to be having all kinds of issues using this program with 4.2.1 The create contest has no contest type in the drop down menu. Still getting errors uploading the vbactivity-export file as well. Missing ID
  7. graybeard

    Bug APTL Issue

    I had the APTL mod installed by my hosting service. Everything looks great except nothing registers when I click on one of the buttons. I have done some research on the forum and haven't found a solution. I use cPanel and I have a little experience. It was mentioned that I need...
  8. O

    Trying to uninstall lite versions of mods/add-ons but can't.

    I want to remove a swarm of lite versions of DBTech mods that I've tried out via the lite version, but I can't. This is the list: DBTech - InfoPanels + DBTech - AJAX Threads + DBTech - Forum Tabs + DBTech - Live Feed + DBTech - vBActivity + DBTech - User Tagging + DBTech - Registration +...
  9. I

    Question Invalid Button: 0

    I suspect I may have missed something in the installation but we just installed this product and when we click on Manage Buttons an error is returned "Invalid Button: 0". I am guessing that this simply means we dont have buttons, but I am having a hard time finding where i go to add buttons...
  10. M

    Bug SQL time out error

    MySQL time out error Hi Staff, I have a big problem, I am on a shared hosting plan and my MySQL Packet Size is 1mb(i asked my hosting provider to upgrade it to 2mb but they wont,it is standard for all) so I have tried now many times to install vBActivity&Awards pro(even with all mods...
  11. lester

    Question installation ok, but vbdownloads not configured

    Hi, i wanted to try out your vbdownloads product, before purchasing the full version. i've installed the trial however i cannot locate the entry in the acp to allow me to set the permissions and configure the product. the product is installed and the settings in acp/options/Dragonbyte Tech...
  12. S

    Bug Blank page on installation

    Hi, I cannot install the gallery plugin on my board. It seems to time-out, leaving me a blank page and a half-installed mod. I can see in my backend the Gallery options, but cannot access any menu's: The mod is also visible in the plugin menu.... I've set the exection_time to 300sec, but...
  13. M

    Bug Tabs disappear after adding Smillies/BBCodes.

    Installed and working. But one thing tho.....the bitfield_dbtech_vbeditortabs_pro.xml is included in the XML folder, Is this normal to have the favorite tab option in the usergroup settings?...i thought this was only available in the pro version! Also if i enable this option it gives me a...
  14. V

    Bug Shows no the title Hall Of Fame

    Hi, Shows no the title Hall Of Fame. The new installation. Link: What to do?
  15. limits

    Question PHP-Code for Sideblock?

    hello, i have problems to show the spotlight in the sideblock. on i found a screenshot with php-code in the block editing options after my installation the field is empty and text is selected. have i missed something or installed it wrong? or could you please post the code to...
  16. XGC Paravain

    Question Installing issues

    Ozzy maybe you can help me im not sure what happened but I uploaded the filed the same way and now im getting a 404 messages in my admin panel yup my admin panel is gone what can I do about this?
  17. Nirjonadda

    Question Remove from .htaccess

    Can i remove vBArcade installation code from .htaccess if i uninstalled v3 Arcade? Does work without .htaccess code?
  18. S

    Question Problem with placement of sub nav

    Having an issue with the sub nav bar (one right below the nav) where the text is to the left of the bar instead of in the bar area. You can see the issue by going to my homepage Forums This is a brand new clean installation of vbulletin and I just need to know what to modify to move the text...
  19. L

    Bug No points showing in leaderboard or user profile

    Installation went smooth. Have created a bunch of activities, contests etc. Everything appears to be working fine except there are no users listed in the leaerboard screen. Points are being gathered by users and are being recorded in the "rank" page and also being shown on the users CP as a...
  20. F

    Legacy Restore CHARGE / Setup Tag

    Hi there, its me again ;) Im not quite sure but if i remember right: 1. i have deleted the bbcode manually because i decided previously to not using it OR 2. the installation has not installed the bbcode So i got now none bbcode regarding the charge tag and the '(Pro) Charge Content Tag'...