
  1. F

    Question A handful of "How Do I" questions inside please...

    Hello, I've uploaded the lite version to my test board to work things out before setting up on my live site. I do have some procedure questions and hope you can answer them. FYI - Please keep in mind for some of the questions below I'm set up using the vBstyle for the Gallery Layout. How do...
  2. djFarsang

    Bug vBSlider (Pro) cause white page at home

    My forum.php has been showed the white page after choose any Style at Quick Style Chooser. I were found MOD of vBSlider (Pro) cause white page. Now, I disable this MOD and can be solved the old issue: When I clicked setting > Options > Shown All Settings, there are show Fatal error message...
  3. I

    Bug Footer Issue with the vB4.2 version of NavTabs

    Hello, We recently purchased the Pro version of NavTabs and installed v1.2.0 for vB4.2. Ever since, we are having issues with the footer on our forum. It is the exact same issue as described in this thread (Issue #1 ). I believe you made a...
  4. xandyx

    Question Suggested Layout

    Hi, I thought i would tinker about whilst you do the serious work. I like the layout I have done, hope they are useful to others, if anyone would like, I can post the altered style . All changes are using existing arcade styles excluding the centring of the tables. Just one problem I have; I...
  5. G

    Question Post tabs in 4.2x Duplicate issues cant find in postbit

    Just installed and tried to setup Postbit tabs lite and while I got the system working and I read your instructions on needing to remove content from postbit legacy layout I was unable to find where or what I needed to remove to prevent the double posting of content. I say no calls in postbit...
  6. Mokonzi

    Legacy League Tournament Layout Suggestions

    Suggesting a couple of changes to the layout for League Tournaments. Atm the layout is vertically uneven. I'd suggest putting the layout into a proper grid, either in a full table setup, or into a <div> layout that uses the same table structure idea. It will help it look neater. Additionally...
  7. A

    Question please take a look at this error

    Please see this imgur: the simple image sharer
  8. Dylan

    Gallery Beta 3 Release

    Hey all, I posted Beta 3 tonight, and if you haven't seen the blog it's gone open beta as well :) Thank you so much for the info and bugs you reported. I'll add some more to it before it goes gold still, so don't think I've forgotten about the requests :) Here are the changes for Beta 3 Added -...
  9. IcEWoLF

    vBulletin Connect 5 has been announced!

    vBulletin 5 Announcement - Admin Zone Forums So far the mockups look great, lets see how to the final product will look like, because you never know.
  10. Dylan

    Question Beta 2 Release

    Hey all, I just added the Gallery Beta 2 release to the downloads. It fixes the issues reported so far and adds a few things. Let me know what you guys think, thanks for all the suggestions and bug reports. Hopefully you like the changes :) With the view image discussion, it was pretty much...
  11. KristerSwe

    Legacy My Vision of Gallery (modern Look)

    Was play in photoshop and think have the cms look to it should make it more modern indded ... see the photo below and tell me what you think ... Have this layout in gallery home, my gallery profil etc If you guys want i can mockup a user gallery home to see how it looks like ???
  12. M

    Question Pulling reports of entries across all quizes

    We are using vBQuiz to run a static set of quizzes for our tutorial articles. We know we can see a list of entries for each quiz by going to that quiz's landing page and choosing "Current Entries" from the admin pop-up menu. We would like to get a report of entries for all of our 43 quizzes in...
  13. Dylan

    Legacy Asthetic changes question for testers

    I was talking with Fillip H. about the layout of the gallery. He is in favor of using a more standard vB type layout with the headers and boxes and doing more of a type of layout like vBGallery. I'm thinking it looks better more free form like I have it. I asked Cosmic about it as the tie...
  14. GoodApples

    Bug Delete Image issues

    The check box for delete is misplaced and can not delete images. do=edit_image
  15. IcEWoLF

    So how many DBTech Pro Mods do you currently own?

    So, how many Dbtech pro mods do you currently own? I myself own 7+ and using every single one of them because DBTech is amazing at keeping every single one of their products up to date!
  16. W

    CMS.xml not properly set up?

    Ok, I'm going to make a separate thread for this, because of the response I got when I contacted vbulletin support to see what my problem is. As far as I can tell, any time I import a cms.xml file to my site it breaks the layouts/grids. If I only install the base theme, everything is sized...
  17. Ozzy47

    Question vBDonate Closed Beta v1.0.1 Released!

    IcEWoLF GoodApples Freekoid Valcav Mokonzi bszopi KristerSwe The new version of vBDonate is available in your Customer Area now. Bug Fixes And Issue Fixes: Fixed: A issue with the Banner Block Height not working as intended. Fixed: A issue with the Donate navtab not highlighting...
  18. KristerSwe

    Legacy CMS Widget

    Was play to make an html widget but the link not work and i am not so familiar with coding HTML Code i used !! <div align="center"> <p><img src="images/Documents-icon.png" width="16" height="16"> Please support our site by considering donating. </p> <p><img src="images/paypal.png"...
  19. Toorak Times Newspaper

    Question Thin Box on CMS

    Hi mate, I hopeless it seems. I think I uploaded a couple of Custom Content but all I get in the forum was an empty box and a thin strip on the home page. Is there a Youtube on how to use the mod? I have just bought and ordered vbshop so I was hoping you guys could check all the mods I have...
  20. W

    Legacy Automatic Comment Thread Linking

    Hi Dylan! It's been a while since we talked about it, but I realized I never made a formal request for this tiny feature alone. My request is simple: whenever you make a new file upload and have the option turned on to create a comments thread, I'd like a link to that comment thread to...