
  1. J

    Bug Not able to do settings

    Hello, just installed the Addon and wanted to look at the settings but all I get is white pages and this error: PHP Fatal error: Class 'vB_Api' not found in /***/***/***/forum/core/admincp/thanks.php on line 23, referer: http://www.***.***/forum/core/adminc...=******&do=nav Domain and paths...
  2. D

    Question Importing existing VB Albums into DB Gallery Lite?

    I've done the import albums on my test site, I can see the albums but they're empty? What am I doing wrong? This is a test site and the url is password protected... I'd like to use this on my live site, just testing before purchase...
  3. jluerken

    Bug Adding Group Moderators make the script loop forever

    Hi Mokonzi and Belazar, when I go to ADMINCP - GROUP MODERATORS and add for example the group "Moderators" to a category with subforums to make them all moderator in one go, the script loops foreever. If I click on the GROUP MODERATORS link again I see it was added but there is definetly a...
  4. CharlieDelta

    What To Do When a User Asks to Have Their Account Removed

    Have any of you been asked by a user to have their account removed from your forum? Have you done so? What if it is not the user at all and someone being malicious? What are some of the procedures or personal policies you have with regards to such a request?
  5. W

    Bug Download Delay Causing Occasional SQL error for Unregistered Users

    Hi again! I pushed 2.01 to my live site today and it went great! ... except for a couple errors. After I deleted the listings.php file that caused one set of errors I ended up with just a couple of new errors involving unregistered users and the download delay producing an advertisement. Here...
  6. T

    Legacy "Send" button and Ajax comment

    Hi to All I install this hack. But: why this hack haven't "Send" button on end? and user can not write comment on the end of topic?! this is better that for send a comment, not needful to referral to another page. are may be we add Send button and Ajax Comment for this hack? Tanks and...
  7. heyzeus909

    Legacy Update Status From Forum Sideblock

    In addition to updating the status from the postbit and profile, it would be handy to also do so from the forum home page's sideblock, similar to the way the Live Feed status update works. That way, a user can simply make the update without having to visiting a forum thread or their profile.
  8. heyzeus909

    Legacy Wrap Status Text in Quotes

    Is there a way to have the status text automatically wrapped in quotes? In other words, changing: This is my status. to "This is my status."
  9. Steris56

    Prevent live links in Private Messaging

    not sure what can be done with this but i would love a mod that would allow admin to limit user groups putting in live links in pm's thanks in advance
  10. Sarab

    Question Many Q!

    Hello, I really love this mod =.= <-- just finished understanding every aspect of the mod xD ( thank you Darkwaltz4 =) ) Will when I finished I had some questions, they are: 1- about paycheck is their a way to set it for users instead of usergroups? <-- we have ranking system for users so...
  11. G

    Question Page Navigation

    Hello, I'm trying VBDownloads Lite with Vbulletin 3.8.7 at localhost and I can't find the way to limit list of downloads per page. Is it possible? I'm planning to buy Pro and use it for a large file archive, so s few hundreds of downloads at one page will be a serious problem Thank You
  12. A

    vBShout (vB4 or vb5)

    I have a license for Vbulletin 5 but I wait with updating my live site for the Gold release If I now buy vBShout can I use the Vbulletin 5 version for Vbulletin 4 or must I wait for the gold release? A other question can be: If I buy the Vbulletin 4 version what are the cost to upgrade later to...
  13. U

    Question Adjust padding in Categories description

    I don't have it live yet so you won't be able to see it but I'll include a screenshot. How do I close the padding so it comes left a little more? Is this in a stylevar that I can't figure out? Or a template edit? I tried going into developer tools and playing around, but couldn't come up...
  14. J

    Question How to check if vbOptimise is running

    I am really looking for a reason to purchase the Pro version of vbOptimise, so I have installed the Lite version to see if I notice any performance enhancements. When first installing, it was set for Filecaching. Now, my host has installed xCache. I have edited my config file to go for xcache...
  15. U

    vBDonate Widget?

    Hello! I installed your latest version of vBdonate lite to try out. I am looking for a replacement to AWC Pro since it is no longer working. I like everything that I see so far, in particular, I am excited that your Pro version offers an import feature for migrating donations from AWC. One...
  16. Big Dan

    Howdy Folks

    Hello Everyone, I stopped in to research pricing on some DB Tech mods. I've been a big fan of DB's releases on for quite sometime now and am looking for upgrades to some of my current installs. I'm just looking to add user friendly mods to my forum on vB 4.2 as I don't plan on...
  17. F

    Bug New Gallery Instance not set with correct CHMOD

    Not really sure if this is a bug but seemed the best fit given the choices... I've tried setting up a new gallery instance just for member video uploads. (This is done on my test install by the way) I'd like to have two separate areas one for photos one for videos. I believe i set it up...
  18. K

    Question Questions regarding location of Shoutbox

    Hi there, I am thinking of downloading this however I have a few questions first: 1. Does the Shoutbox show in threads? 2. Can I have the Shoutbox only show up in threads in one forum only, but the shoutbox not show up anywhere else on my site? I don't want the shoutbox to show in Forum home...
  19. blinkster

    Few ideas for possible new mods.

    I was thinking about your profile hover and how it could be adopted or used for other things within the forum. Idea 1: For example hover over thread title and it shows you the contents inside (free users shows same as default hover only DBtech sexy touch) and (Paid users it shows full contents...
  20. W

    Bug Can't Install Latest Beta

    Ok, after a bunch of computer troubles and getting things reinstalled, then trying to get my test domain finally set up, I attempted to install beta 3 onto my test forum, which is an exact replica of my live forum. Unfortunately, very quickly into uploading the XML into the product manager...