
  1. brandondrury

    Bug 500 Server Error When Editing Question

    I have vbseo and quite a few 301 redirects from my forum (moved back to Wordpress from vbCMS). I'm not sure if this matters. If I edit a question I get a 500 Server Error. Everything else is working ok so far. Brandon
  2. K

    Bug Browse and Moderate Logs - different credits amount in same page?!

    How this can be? And if can - what is that mean?
  3. K

    Question Browse and Moderate Logs - db error

    Browse and Moderate Logs -> Statistics Grouping - Event brings DB error:
  4. K

    Bug Auto confirm not working

    Hi, another problem came up today: the auto confirm seems not to work. A user contributed today but I still had to confirm the donation manually. Use can still use the ACP account I sent you via PM. It's still active. Which settings have to be made in the PayPal account? Chris
  5. Vcize

    Question Not getting Bounced Emails

    I have basically the same problem as the user here: http://www.dragonbyte-tech.com/f100/sending-email-address-doesn%B4t-exists-but-i-don%B4t-get-bounced-email-8481/ I contacted my host to make sure I was using all the correct IMAP settings. I entered a non-existant email address for a user...
  6. blinkster

    Bug Not auto confirming.

    Ok i bought this other day and it looks great and appears to work ok other than it won't auto confirm which means they don't auto move groups. I have it setup to My main concern is not the group but its not auto confirming even though i get confirmation from paypal in one case hours earlier...
  7. Spinball

    Bug Maintenance -> Recalculate takes way too long

    Installed the lite version and ran the maintenance -> recalculate function. With the default 1000 per page, it crashed the database server. I reduced it to 100 per page and the whole process was likely to take lots of hours. Probably most of a day. Also with the plugin enabled, the forums...
  8. Solein

    Bug After update to 3.0 Gold got a blank page on CMS

    Just updated mi vbslider version to the 3.0 Gold versión and my CMS returns a totally blank page without error messajes. If I upload the old widget.php (from previus version) the slider works but without the new improvements. Any solution?.
  9. F

    Bug Site compromised

    Hello, my site was recently hacked. I believe it was because of my vBShout version. I've already cleared out the site and upgraded pretty much everything that needed to be upgraded, but I had a question regarding how the users hacked the website. If someone could shed some light on how they did...
  10. Bassinurface

    Bug THis is a new error

    So I have been getting those error is my logs: PHP Fatal error: Out of memory (allocated 10223616) (tried to allocate 30720 bytes) in /home/masteras/public_html/dbtech/vbactivity/includes/class_core.php on line 195 PHP Fatal error: Out of memory (allocated 12320768) (tried to allocate 30720...
  11. D

    Bug HTTP Error 500

    After purchasing the Professional version and upgrading it from the lite verson 1.2.2 when I have the plugin enabled I get (HTTP Error 500 (Internal Server Error): An unexpected condition was encountered while the server was attempting to fulfill the request. ) when trying to view forum posts...
  12. J

    Bug Users complaining of losing all their "gold"

    Had a member contact me tonight asking where all of their credits went. This is the second member to ask me this in the last month. I looked at their transactions and there is nothing to indicate why they were completely wiped out of currency. I have no idea why this happened. Attempted to...
  13. M

    Question All kind of How do i for vbcredits questions and optimization

    Sorry to open another thread, but i have to many questions to post the in other one where i understood what was explained. also i will show how i give points because i need to know if you have any sugeestion to optimize how we give points. So lets begin : 1. If i set at post, minimum number of...
  14. TandyServices

    Bug No settings on page

    Have no settings in the Activity Amounts Configuration? Is the same as what happened on Arcade.. I have re-installed it twice and still same..
  15. twolegit

    Bug strange bug in admincp

    Warning: array_diff() [function.array-diff]: Argument #1 is not an array in [path]/admincp/credits_admin.php on line 2001 Warning: implode() [function.implode]: Invalid arguments passed in [path]/admincp/credits_admin.php on line 2001 this is located in admincp/vbcredits/browse and moderate logs
  16. V

    Bug Unconfirmed payments after goal reached?

    Hey I was wondering if this is a bug or not. Whoever donates after goal has been met is set automatically for unconfirmed? Maybe it is in the settings and I am not seeing it? Thanks
  17. TandyServices

    Over did my site

    I think I will have to back away from all the mods I have from you guys. As of now my site seems to be slowing way down. I think I sort of over did it with all your mods I got. ARCADE: One of my biggest problem is with the arcade. After I imported the games I started getting errors and the...
  18. L

    Bug Unable To Register on Closed Forum

    So the emails go out just fine and you can click the link to verify the email. No way to register though. It just throws the permission denied page. Is there something I need to do with a custom skin for some reason?
  19. IcEWoLF

    Question Donors are no longer being added to groups?

    Today one of the users donated but they did not get added to the donators usergroup at all, not sure why. I do believe I setup the permissions correctly since it worked for the last several donors.
  20. H

    Legacy Allowing Some Pruning Of Transaction Logs - Please Read Why

    I get a lot of transactions on my site. My daily backup now takes 13 mins longer because the transaction log is growing so fast. About 7 million when i saw the backup tonight. Many of us aren't using real money to gain credits, so why cant we have some sort of pruning of the transaction log...