
  1. Steris56

    Question Displaying Issues

    How do i get any type of review to show up or where am i going to get to write a review ect this is all i see so far .. i need a manual lol
  2. C

    Question How do I get started?

    I have everything installed however I cannot find manual of any type to get started. How do I get started here? Is there steps and a process? I noitced all of these Dragonbyte tech ads in my vbulletin ad manager do I use both of these products now?
  3. T

    Product/Business Review System

    A lot of people have been waiting a long time for a product review system that has all the bells and whistles. Currently there is nothing out that that is supported that works well as a review system. Dragon-byte may be the only one that can pull this off properly and I hope this is seriously...
  4. bzcomputers

    Bug Error when turning on Zip Archive

    After turning on the zip function in options and clicking on the "Download All Files" button this error is coming up: Fatal error: Class 'ZipArchive' not found in /home/sitename/public_html/forum/dbtech/downloads/actions/file.php on line 423 lines 422-428 // Generate zip $zip = new...
  5. Nirjonadda

    Question Post Thanks / Like

    How to Disable Post Thanks / Like from Postbit?
  6. Nirjonadda

    Question Why vBPhrases Files Edit

    Why vBPhrases Files Edit? what option work with Files Edit?Please can you make it work on without manual template/files edit?Template/files edits are a bad, bad thing. Every time you upgrade vB you need to edit every template/files you've done edits in. That's no fun. I hate doing any manual...
  7. jluerken

    Legacy Signature based on ID

    Hi Ozzy47, I really love this addon and was waiting for such a mod for a long time. I am using it now a couple of days and want to give Feedback especially about I function I am missing. At the moment you can use phrases or a signature entered in the admincp. The phrase part is great btw. ;-)...
  8. Q

    Question Hash tags?

    Just installed the PRO version and most of it is pretty self explaining and works well. Call me stupid but could you explain me a bit in simple words what "hash tags" are? There are some instructions in the manual but still don't get it what would be the difference between user tagging and hash...
  9. X

    Question Newbie needs help

    Ok after several hours of reading.... i need the dummie manual...boy do i feel stupid LMAO in the past the apps that have been added someone on site has known how to run/work with them and well being a complete knob ( yes i admit it ) I am so lost its embarrassing so what i am asking is...
  10. T

    Question New Advanced Post SQL commands.

    Hello. We would like to obtain the "new" SQL commands required to activate/install the mod on a installation on VB5. I have seen the thread and this could work on VB4 or VB3. But on VB5 all tables...
  11. Nirjonadda

    Bug Prune PM's

    Hello Prune PM's not working,Also not work manual pruning of PM's via cron job,How Many Days Old To Prune to 90 day,but does not delete any pm 90 day old,please check and fix on this?
  12. Taurus

    Question Move the cloud manually?

    Is it possible to move the cloud manually? I have it set now to show right below signatures, but I would like to have it like this: So it should be right above those controls, and stay there. Thanks.
  13. S

    Bug Uninstalled thanks/likes-Tried to Reinstall, Lost All Thanks

    hello, We had an Admin that screwed up and uninstalled APT/L. We tried to reinstall it, however none of the thanks are showing up. We figured this data was held in the SQL, and reinstalling it would make it reference the data again. However that did not happen. How can we restore the database...
  14. Rusty Ferguson

    Question Question about the Manual

    I'm seeing a lot in the documentation that I don't seem to have available. Especially in the user group settings. After looking around for a bit, it finally hit me, "I bet this is for the full version?" I think I recall seeing that trophies are for the full version only? Is that correct? I...
  15. M

    Bug Database error when opening a pm

    Set the board into maintenance mode and proceeded with install. Installation went smooth, took a few moments and set all of the settings the way I wanted them. I reopened the board from maintenance mode. Board was operating and I proceeded to the private message system. All of messages in my...
  16. Steris56

    Quick Account Switch

    This mod is or has been unsupported could the db team improve and release a supported one ???
  17. Taurus

    Bug Attachments not working.

    Attempting to upload an image as an attachment just gives me this in the popup. Please advise. Thanks.
  18. S

    Question Can not uninstall product

    When i tried to uninstall product, my script dies with these output : Reverted Table: administrator Reverted Table: datastore Reverted Table: forum No further message. I think that's because it tries to alter some tables with lot of data. Can we do manual table alter by phpmyadmin and should...
  19. U

    Bug database Error after i set up auto post new thread / new posts

    Hi every was fine until i decided to open thread settings. i set it on and when someone make a donations i am receiving this database error. It was written as unregistered members but they are actually registered users. Sometimes it does show a moderated post/thread but sometimes none. Have i...
  20. B

    Bug Tabs in PM

    Hello Can you fix that looks same in PM like is in posts (postbit_legacy). In posts looks fine but in PM Best Answers and Good Answers are in same line (should not be). Will attach picture for better explain - picture id from here ...same problem on my site. regards bosss