
  1. B

    Bug System test has started to fail? ... was working?

    Not sure what's happened, but our tech support updated our Linux to the current build and I checked the system status of vBoptimize. (see attachment) To be honest, I'm not exactly sure if this "Fetch Cache" problem existed before they updated Linux or not, as I hadn't run a system test in a...
  2. S

    Vboptimise benefits with Memcache and APC

    I’m planning on installing memcache and APC on my server and was wondering what benefits (or conflicts) would vbo cause while running the aforementioned software?
  3. D19RNY

    Bug Low memcache memory usage, lots of flushes

    Hey The memcache server seems to be using very little in size of data storage Also i noticed the amount of cache flushes, this seems very high and goes up on it's own! Am i missing something?
  4. Wayne Adam Giles

    Question MemCache vs FileCache

    I am currently using the lite version. Ran the tests it says I have memcache and Filecache installed However memcache gives this error In Store and Fetch Cache Your Opcache Operator extension is functioning, however it is unable to store data. Please check your extension configuration...
  5. B

    Question Free add-on for Memcache

    I thought this might be of interest for those customers using MemCache with vB Optimise ... :) Here's what it reports for our site running MemCache and vB Optimise Pro ... Does the information it shows...
  6. B

    Question Global Cache TTL setting?

    Hi .. :) We're using Memcache and this setting was at 3600 as a default when we installed vB Optimise 3.2.0.... I notice that when checking our site using Pingdom tools HTTP remote check, that the "Response Time" report seems to show an increase one hour, followed by a decrease the next hour...
  7. B

    Bug vB Optomise v2.03 PRO start test, whereas vB Optomise Lite 2.01 passed all tests?

    Finally got vB Optomise Lite 2.01 running fine, including passing all tests. So, purchased vB Optomise v2.03 PRO with one year support. As per instructions, un-installed vB Optomise Lite 2.01, then installed vB Optomise v2.03 PRO . Set up MAIN settings selecting Memcache as per Lite version...
  8. 0

    Bug memcached

    Ok, I think I'm experiencing a little problem. I'm trying to take advantage of using memcached with vBOtimise. Here is my config.php file: // ****** DATASTORE CACHE CONFIGURATION ***** // Here you can configure different methods for caching datastore items. // vB_Datastore_Filecache - to use...
  9. S

    Question probs with vb lite + xCache

    I had verified from my management team and they said they could go ahead with xCache with no probs. They installed it fine and everything is good. I asked them about admin authentication, they said they never knew about such admin authentication earlier but they would check out - So, I set the...
  10. D19RNY

    Bug No "Generated page in x.x seconds", no data in filecache/ directory

    The bit in the footer saying Generated this page in x.x seconds is not showing anymore, and there is no data in filecache/ directory I am using memcache as the operator.
  11. blinkster

    Bug vB Optimise Causing Site Slow Down

    Up until a few days ago my forum was running along nicely but then i was seeing and getting reports of massive slow down with the site, so as you do of you go to track down a possible problem and one by one i worked through the possible causes and nothing had any effect. Strange thing is this...
  12. R

    Question vbOptimize Pro Error In Fetch Cache

    I have the latest vbOptimise Pro. I got memcache installed and configured the settings. I pass 3 out of 4 systems test. Here is the one i fail: Running Test: Fetch Cache Your Opcache Operator extension is functioning, however it is unable to store data. Please check your extension...
  13. djXpire

    Question Memcache installed, when selected in Main Settings error occurs...

    We had Memcache installed and start running but within Admin CP, whilke we tried to configure the main settings for vB Optimise, we got the following message: How do we fix this? Thank you.
  14. T

    Question System test blank result

    Hello, It seems that the plugin works fine, but the system does not return test results. Please look at screenshot: Waiting for reply, TM
  15. viper357

    Question How to configure xcache etc.

    Hi, just installed the lite version as a try out, couple of quick questions please, I can't seem to find any instructions on how to do all this. 1. In the vbulletin config.php file, I would assume I have to change this to whichever method I am using, is that correct? I'm using filecache at the...
  16. FreshFroot


    I had a quick question. I was looking to move to a new host. I asked them if they used * APC * eAccelerator * Memcache * XCache * WinCache * Filecache Basically they stated they don't, but they use Apache Cache. And that it cache's information which is used or loaded...
  17. V

    Testing "Guest Full Page Caching"

    Hello, I have Memcache as Opcache Operator and Guest Full Page Caching is set to 10 minutes. First I view a thread as a guest (internet explorer), then i post a new reply as a registered user (firefox), finally i refresh the thread as a guest (internet explorer) and i can see the new reply...
  18. C

    vbO 3.0 beta "fetch cache" broken

    vb 3.8.5 vbo 3.0 beta php 5.3.3 w/php-fpm, compiled from source Problem: "Your Opcache Operator extension is functioning, however it is unable to store data. Please check your extension configuration" during 'System Test' I have tried memcache, apc, and xcache --- all latest versions compiled...
  19. C

    vBO 3.0 beta, blank page across site after enabling

    vb 3.8.5 vbo 3.0 beta Hi, I recently migrated from a single-server config to a multi-server cluster. vBulletin (PHP) is running on two app servers (app1/app2), and the backend is two database servers (db1/db2). The filesystem for app1 and app2 are clustered via GlusterFS for the forum...
  20. Taurus

    Fetch Cache issue.

    With the help of my hosting company I switched my Opcache Operator to Memcache yesterday. Everything seems to be fine. Although when I run the System test everything is OK except for the Fetch Cache option. Here I get this message: Can you please help me in getting this right? Thank you very...