
  1. angeljs

    Bug Tabs stopped showing after adding more tabs in admin

    This was working nicely, but now the tabs have stopped showing in the forums. I have a feeling it's because I've added a lot of them - 12 to be exact - as a few tabs below this number and everything worked okay. Is there a way to have tabs shown across several rows?
  2. Mental

    Bug Bug when clicking stats.

    When you post a new comment using the "quick reply" method and then click on "Post Thanks/ Like" link of the just posted post. It will redirect you to a blank page. (Tries to call #top but url is missing).
  3. Eda

    Question Using notifications

    Hey its me again :) After your correction for the Vbulltin 5.0.5 (patch 6.1.0a7) i went pro to be able to use those great features we dont have on lite version. (thanks again for this patch) Now i try to figure out how to use the "notification système" this is my instance configuration and i...
  4. Q

    Question Ratings?

    Hey guys, I am looking to replace Ted's review mod with yours and installed it on my test server. No major issues so far however I am stuck getting the ratings to work. I have set in the "instance" options the usergroup "administartor" to be able to rate reviews but it shows nowhere the option...
  5. Mental

    Bug missing location :)

    Current ActivityUnknown Location /thanks.php?do=profilenotif Just so you know :)
  6. heyzeus909

    Bug Error After Submitting Listing

    I briefly get this error message after clicking 'Submit' when creating a new listing: Also, I'm unable to find any listings I create either via search or browse. If I copy the link after I create it, then I can paste that link into my browser later and view the listing. But if I, instead, go...
  7. heyzeus909

    Bug Adding Currency *NOT* Primary

    Hi, just getting a chance to dig in with this tonight for the first time. I'm still getting accustomed to things, so sorry if I'm doing something wrong on my end of things (or if this has been discussed elsewhere - I looked, but didn't see it). I'm able to add a currency as 'Primary' = 'yes'...
  8. M

    Bug Phrase Missing - redirect added postage thanks

    Hi, Found this following missing phrase when submitting a new postage through the user control panel. please see attached image.
  9. M

    Bug Phrase Missing - Invalid Country

    Hi, I accidently pressed the number key while searching for a country and the following phrase was missing Please see attachment
  10. M

    Bug Images Not Updating - After Edit

    Hi, I added a new item but forgot to add an image, I used the edit listing function and added 3 images to the buy it now advert but when I click on the listings page. No matter how many times I edit or add images there is still nothing showing in the buy it now listings Please see attachment
  11. L

    Bug Type ID missing

    Seem to be having all kinds of issues using this program with 4.2.1 The create contest has no contest type in the drop down menu. Still getting errors uploading the vbactivity-export file as well. Missing ID
  12. M

    Bug Phrase Missing - Invalid Listing

    I clicked to offer on my own item in a WANTED listing and I got the following error popup: See attached image:
  13. L

    Bug Error when trying to upload xml

    Might be a simple problem. When trying to import the vbactivity-export xml file I get the following error message. It seems to bring up one or two things each time but not the whole contents A required field called typeid is missing or has an invalid value
  14. L

    Bug Admin Control Panel

    I recently got wiped out. Had to put in a fresh install of vb went from 4.1.12 to 4.2.1 and used a backup to restore the forum. I have vbactivity plus thanks and vbshop which were installed and running fine prior to the loss. I re-uploaded all files for these programs and re-installed them...
  15. heyzeus909

    Bug Avatar and/or Signatures not showing in Live Feed

    I'm getting Live Feed updates of new posts and threads, and visitor messages, but not for avatar or signature changes. I can't say one way or the other about other notifications because my site has little activity on it at the moment (waiting to get things ironed out before I start promoting...
  16. Mokonzi

    Closed Beta Information

    First of all, thank you to everyone who has agreed to help out with the Closed Beta testing. We're excited about Classifieds, and can't wait to get some feedback from you all to enable us to better shape the product to your needs. As well, Fillip H. deserves a big thank you for his continued...
  17. S

    Bug Missing DL-Link in Client Area!

    Hello, I miss the download link of the game in my client area. I have only the Forumon_RPG _AddOn_Quadripeds one. Many Thanks! sven
  18. M

    Bug SQL time out error

    MySQL time out error Hi Staff, I have a big problem, I am on a shared hosting plan and my MySQL Packet Size is 1mb(i asked my hosting provider to upgrade it to 2mb but they wont,it is standard for all) so I have tried now many times to install vBActivity&Awards pro(even with all mods...
  19. N

    Question Stats for users

    So are users that buy ad space able to see the stats for their own ads? I'm testing on a XAMPP box and don't see any way for people that aren't admins to see stats for their own ads. Hope I'm not missing something very obvious, thanks!
  20. Nirjonadda

    Bug Actions Hottest Threads / Posts

    Actions Hottest Threads / Posts are thread title missing and page load take to long time,please can you fix update on this issue?