
  1. madmaxmangos

    Urgent - Entering Dragonbyte site via google results in warning page

    Hey, Searching your site from google comes back with your site on https. When I entered the site on chrome I got a big yellow warning screen because you're SSL cert has expired back in July last year... I expect anyone entering from google is seeing this because google is linking to -...
  2. K

    Legacy suggestions for review system

    first of all thanks for this great tool but i have some important suggestions 1- view images from external links some forums like me has limit disk space and maybe i want to link images from another server or sites in reviews maybe we can have option to disable "upload" fields and can link...
  3. R

    Question Buttons stopped working

    After upgrading to 3.2 the buttons fail to work. when you hover over them you see a javascript in the bottom left of firefox. I thought they had been working but due to symptoms from an apache memory limit I accidentally set in WHM was trying to reinstall vb and could not complete the...
  4. S

    Not working on a mobile

    Hi I have downloaded the lite version as a replacement for the boring old Vbulletin default album I have installed it just fine and it works on my desktop theme just fine but displays a blank page if i view it on a mobile I use Themeforest Vbulletin Metro for my desktop theme and all is good I...
  5. sharma

    Dragonbyte SEO Mod Enhancement with Following Feature

    I'm looking to develop a SEO plugin with following feature or dragonbyte SEO Mod with following features 1, Google Authorship users can enter their G+ Profile and claim Authorship and profile image will be display on google search 2, Microformat tags : Eg: Twitter Hcard,Fb opengraph,Google...
  6. A

    Question Question on mobile regarding collapsed posts...

    Just a easy question but maybe not an easy solution: I know it isn't exactly possible to have this working on mobile with how it is currently written but is there a way to prevent posts from being shown as collapsed on the mobile? The reason is that on my old setup, collapsed posts were...
  7. ar15dcm

    Legacy Blank page in registration page using mobile style.

    When I enable "Enable Verify Email Before Registration", it got a blank page in registration when using the mobile style? will this feature available on mobile style?
  8. C

    Advanced Post Thanks / Like Questions

    I'm considering purchasing the Advanced Post Thanks / Like Questions modification and have a few questions. I'm currently using VBSEO on my vb3.8 forum which I am upgrading. I have been using their like system for a couple years now but since they aren't around any longer, I will need to make...
  9. S

    Question How do i make Advanced post thanks/likes show on mobile style

    I want to know how i can make the advanced post thanks and likes show on the mobile style as 90% of our users are using mobile phone. Thanks
  10. K

    Question Mobile browser Like post function-

    I'm trying to see if there's a way to have the "Like" button on a mobile style. When Likes installs, it doesn't do anything to the mobile styles, which most likely prevents that, but is there a way of adding in the code manually? We had to do that for our reputation buttons: The Hearts/Like...
  11. M

    Question Design Issue - Overlay

    Hi Mokonzi, This might not be a BUG but a "How Do I" - I was not sure, basically there is a overlay where the wanted items come out of the forums borders which looks quite messy. I have uploaded an attachment to show you what I am talking about... If you have an IOS device it is even worse...
  12. S

    Question My proper way to handle mobile guests

    If you use full page guest caching feature from vb optimise, you might need this plugin (or not). When you use dartho's mobile lightweight style (like me), you might need this plugin. If you do not use full page guest caching, you do not need this plugin. This plugin will properly (at least in...
  13. Nirjonadda

    Legacy Ban Spiders

    I think that a great option if DBSEO Can Spiders Ban , Who Spiders can allow for Pages Crawled Search Engines?
  14. M

    Legacy Category - do not allow listings

    Hi Mokonzi, Would it be possible to make some categories top categories. Basically I have sub categories, and do not want people posting in the top sections. Like this -Electronics and TEchnology (this is the top Category) ---> Do not want anything listed here. ---Desktops Laptops and...
  15. neounix

    Legacy Add Hook in class_sitemap.php

    Hey! Do you mind to add a hook in class_sitemap.php after this code: /** * Default name for sitemap files, which is prepended by the sitemap file count * * @var string */ private $sitemap_filename_prefix = 'dbseo_sitemap_'; const...
  16. neounix

    Question Disable DBSEO for a Specific vB Style ID

    Hey! We are having a tough time debugging why one of our mobile styles stopped working after installing DBSEO. It works find on our staging server, but on production, we are getting a 301 from the mobile style to the main style; and have not be successful debugging it. We have even tried...
  17. A

    Question Mobile friendly vbulletin site

    Hi, Currently, I bought vbcredits and vbshop. I want to change my vbulletin into mobile friendly interface when members access my forum using mobile devices. Under the mobile version of vbulletin, is vbcredits and vbshop function still perform as normal? Please advise. i am intending to buy...
  18. bzcomputers

    Bug Beta5: Possible conflict with Tapatalk app

    There may be a conflict with DBSEO and Tapatalk. I came across an error when trying the latest version of Tapatalk for vb4 - version 4.8.1. Server error occurred: 'require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required './global.php' (include_path='.:/usr/local/php5_3/lib/php')...
  19. bzcomputers

    Bug Beta5 issue: Switching Styles (for example Default to Mobile) causes 404 error

    When switching styles in CMS, for me this was Default to Mobile (the only 2 styles I have) the url attempts to go to: If I refresh the CMS page the style has changed, but it seems the automatic style refresh step is broke.
  20. Sicilian

    Vbform - Disable priority

    Guys, I've been having a play with VBforms lite with a view to buying pro version. Is there a way to disable priority?