
  1. IcEWoLF

    Legacy Any Updates on vBA Module?

    Hi Ozzy47, any updates if we are able to integrate this for vBadvanced? Right now this is the only thing holding me back from upgrading at this point.
  2. G

    Bug Strange issue with points not showing properly on postbits

    Fillip H. Im having a really weird issue with the points system on my site. sometimes it works, but when a users posts an article the points for users shows as 0 than when someone else posts the points update correctly but the last posters points show 0 and it's always at the end of the thread...
  3. M

    Bug Running Test: Fetch Cache failed

    I have APC installed on my server. My php.ini: [PHP] engine = On short_open_tag = On date.timezone = Europe/Berlin precision = "14" y2k_compliance = Off output_buffering = output_handler = unserialize_callback_func = zlib.output_compression = implicit_flush = Off...
  4. IcEWoLF

    Legacy scrollable UI for forumhome

    Hi Dylan, lets consider adding this on forumhome for vBGallery: Minimal setup for scrollable I also like the boxed idea and then the images inside of it, so that way the gallery mod is not too big and it won't take up too much space. It would enhance the overall look of the forums and it would...
  5. G

    Legacy Quick Question if this is possible 4.2.x related

    I am very intersted in this mod however I don't need alot of the features your offering for user front ends like allowing them to buy forum access, or changing their titles etc I suppose I can disable all these?? Second question is that I really like the item shop and want users to be able to...
  6. G

    Question CDN support

    Hello All, we are using cdn network for our site now & we use now. but now we find that none of dbtech files are cached on there servers & they say since you use active cookies for the files so its not any one tested this on your site of ur files. please refer to the...
  7. IcEWoLF

    Legacy Feedback #2 :) - Latest release. 6/5/2012

    Hi Ozzy47, 1. I'd suggest changing the corners to round corners for the contribute button, the square button (default) looks a bit weird, I think with round corners it would look much better. 2. Maybe adding an option for pro version users to have a gif image it would be nice too...
  8. IcEWoLF

    Two identical xml's.

    Hi there, I noticed that there are two identical XML files in the product upload folder. Screenshot.
  9. GgAcE

    "Custom Showcase"

    I don't want to promote an overly price mod here BUT would like to give a suggestion that I KNOW is 100% within the realm of DBtech. If any of the mods want to see this highly detailed video or a link with a demo, let me know. This site that currently produces this modification has not been...
  10. Bassinurface

    Bug White screen after update?

    I uploaded all the files, updated the xml file. When I went back to the site the content.php is all white. Once I disabled the mod it came back? Did I do something wrong?
  11. Radsy

    Bug Downloads sys not working on 4.2.0?

    Not sure if you have done anytesting yet on 4.2.X but i cant get this to work the System Status Online Module have been setup + i have Default Category set aswell but its not showing upon navbar
  12. M

    Bug Hidden forum threads showing up in "Latest Thread" in postbit, help!

    Why are there threads from hidden forums showing up the Latest Thread for all my members to view in the postbit? This needs to be fixed ASAP as I don't want my members to see these threads as they are admin discussions...Why was this not set up to take in account if a thread was put in a hidden...
  13. CharlieDelta

    Subscription Manager

    I know that stock vBulletin comes with a basic subscription manager but it lacks in some important features. This is where I think DBT could come in. Notifications of subscriptions ending through PM, visitor message, DBT notifications, or all of the above. Separate notification for each...
  14. Ozzy47

    Welcome to vBDonate closed beta testing

    IcEWoLF GoodApples Freekoid Valcav Mokonzi bszopi First off I would like to thank those of you who choose to be a part of the closed beta testing. The Beta Product should show up in your Customer Area and be available for downloading. As of now the only payment processor it has is PayPal...
  15. twolegit

    Question custom theme

    so the slider shows up on one theme and not the other any ideas how to fix that? also i think i just dont understand how to add the cmps vbadvance..i mean i uploaded it but then what do i do? i'm very new to the cmps (first day)
  16. twolegit

    vbslider work with vbadvance cmps

    if it does and the light version works good i'll buy it shortly
  17. O

    Question Not the same

    Hello, I have purchased the life time license + branding free for the Live Feed module. But, after installation, what we now see on our website doesn't appear to be the same as what is visible on the DBtech website. Please see the attached photo 'untitled' of comments in live feed on the...
  18. C

    Question clarification for use on 3.8

    Just noticed you have this now for 3.8. Does this create a sidebar like the live feed you have on DBTech? Do you have a 3.8 demo forum with this running? I'm also a little confused about the "comment" system that is part of this mod. I'm curious what the background/thinking was for this...
  19. B

    Question no score saving

    Hi, i install right now your mod and import my old games from my ibparcade. great it shows all the old scores but when i play a game now it safe not the score from me. what do i wrong? After the play and i push submit, the arcade load my forumhome in the little game window and then the...
  20. J

    Legacy Problem with large forums protected by Suhosin module

    Hi, there is a problem with large forums protected by Suhosin module in combination with "Editing Button: Forum" (DBTech - Post Thanks -> Forum Manager). The thing is, that on sites with LOT of forums, subforums, categories, ... etc., when you make changes, not all of the "checkboxes" remains...