
  1. S

    EXP rewards

    One of my members pointed out a problem with the EXP rewards. He has noted that if he remains in the Training Grounds fighting level 1 enemies he reaps 65+ EXP per battle at higher levels. When he goes to higher level encounter zones his EXP yield drops down to 8 - 12 per battle. Is there a...
  2. S

    Breeding Problem

    When breeding completes and a user clicks on the view button to see the results an error pops up and the resulting offspring has all 1's for stats. Also, the game allows breeding using the same monster as both mom and dad? Error: string(5) "title" string(11) "description" string(5) "parts"...
  3. S

    [VB 4.07] Problem with battle

    I just installed the pro package and I can't get the monster battles to do anything. Help?
  4. S

    A little prob....

    Well i´m a totally n00b with this RPG and i have lil prob setting up the species. All the same what i select in the Breeding Results Settings: Stats (Basic) and Breeding Results Settings: Stats (Special) parts it/s not saved and all is 0 % after saving the species. Shall this not be modified...
  5. S

    Database Errors

    Hello, I´m getting database errors if i try to update a monster Database error in vBulletin 4.0.7: If I try to delete this monster i get This monster exsists and is shown on "Manage Starter Monsters" Also got these errors: Can you give me a hint please how to fix this :D Many thanks. sven
  6. R

    Suggestions on Monster Setup...

    Hello everyone, I am having trouble coming up with a good system with the starting Health/Stamina/etc. for enemy monsters and starting monsters. I want the monster fight scenes to be quick when it comes to low leveled monsters facing each other, while tougher monsters take a little bit longer...
  7. M

    Invalid SQL when Creating Starter Monster

    Random Question :D I'm getting an error when i'm creating a starter monster Database error in vBulletin 4.0.3: Invalid SQL: INSERT INTO dbtech_forumon_startermonster (title, description, active, parts, colors, stats, speciesid, dateline) VALUES ('Warstone', 'A common monster stone', '1'...
  8. Edrondol

    AddOn RPG Items

    So I can add items to the system....but I have no idea how the players and their monsters can actually GET the items to use.
  9. R

    Open Beta = Beta v3.0?

    I was just wondering if the open beta is the third installation of the beta? I currently have the Beta 2.0 installed in my forums and due to you saying that it will be required to completely uninstall Monster RPG from our forums, I disabled the game for now... - Red
  10. W

    My Feedback

    So I've been trying out the Forumon version on this site since the beginning, and looking at it right now I have a few comments. Keep in mind, this is meant to be constructive criticism, so if anything comes off as insulting it wasn't meant to. Initial Monster Creation This is part of the...
  11. kitawanita

    AddOn Don"t see monster images on monster list

    Hi, isee no images on monster list. Please check this Thanks for any advice
  12. Trekkan

    Small bug with monster names

    I used a single quote in my monster name, at the top of the monster list, it says "Bob\'s BigBoy".
  13. DragonByte Technologies

    [POLL] Sounds/Voices?

    So we are contemplating putting voices & sounds into the RPG. The NPCs would be voiced, there would be several hours of generic voiceover material for admins to insert as needed as well - things like generic greetings "welcome to X", warnings etc, as well as taking your requests. Because we...
  14. Trekkan

    Alpha 3 issues/suggestions

    When creating the monster, a color chart to choose basic colors from would be good. Most people have no idea what a HEX color is. Put the monster your building in a more viewable area while building. I didn't realize it was actually putting it together until I got to the bottom. Not too big...
  15. Fillip H.

    Levelling & Advanced Monster Creation!

    Not to let you down on a friday night, we've once again wiped monsters in order to prepare for the next iteration of our development: Levelling & Advanced Monster Creation! You are now no longer limited to choosing a set monster and that's that, the advanced monster creation will now let you...
  16. DragonByte Technologies

    Back-End updates

    Just got the monster creation system installed in the ACP. so far so good. Hopefully i'll be able to tweak it and have a vid for you guys tomorrow (time permitting) meantime, those of you who are curious how they will look, can check here: feel free to change the number at the end upwards...
  17. DragonByte Technologies

    Feedback REQ on background images

    So i'm debating what style to go with for background images. For ease of use and to make the best use of limited resources (see: time) the images will all at least be *based* on actual photographs I have/will be taking. What i want to know from you guys is whether you prefer them as plain...
  18. DragonByte Technologies

    Alpha Bugs

    Please report any bugs or errors you run into while testing out the RPG here.
  19. fufu

    TT not displaying how many of each card

    Is there a way to find out how many cards of each you have? Like (4) Tier 1 Monster Blob?
  20. S

    AddOn vBCredits + vBookie

    Hi I have recently upgraded my vbcredits system to the vbcredits deluxe II and wondered how I can get the credits integrated with vbookie.