
  1. S

    Switching from photopost to your DragonByte Gallery

    Hi, we made good experiences with your Advanced Post Thanks / Like pro version and so we consider to switch from photopost pro to your new gallery product. What we don`t like about photopost pro is that it is not fully integrated into vBulletin. If users would like to create a new thread/post...
  2. IcEWoLF

    vBulletin Connect 5 has been announced!

    vBulletin 5 Announcement - Admin Zone Forums So far the mockups look great, lets see how to the final product will look like, because you never know.
  3. Taurus

    Bug Database errors

    I am receiving hundreds of emails like this: Database error in vBulletin 4.2.0: Invalid SQL: SELECT dbtech_vbeditortabs_fav FROM vbuser WHERE userid = 107341; MySQL Error : MySQL server has gone away Error Number : 2006 Request Date : Thursday, June...
  4. GoodApples

    Bug Delete Image issues

    The check box for delete is misplaced and can not delete images. do=edit_image
  5. IcEWoLF

    Great news Advanced @User Tagging! - Tapatalk now supports mentions bb code! 6/1/12

    The update just came out yesterday, not sure if this was mentioned or not but here it is: Tapatalk just released an update to support mention bb codes! @ tags and # works 100%! Edit, looks like I didn't read this part (already announced):
  6. GgAcE

    Legacy Moving "Image title" to a better location

    Currently the image title ("Arthur the magic penguin" in the image example) after viewing an uploaded picture is in what I think to be a strange location. Since this seems to be the only way I can see to edit your images details, I think this should be located above the image either between the...
  7. W

    Question How can I put it on every page above the footer?

    I'm not sure if this is possible, or if I'll have to edit a plugin or something, but how do I make the shoutbox appear above the footer on all pages? A quick search shows that only putting it in the navbar actually works, but my navigation area is a bit full at the moment so I'm thinking of...
  8. W

    vBArcade for XenForo

    Hello DBTech Team I'm very glad to see you guys released 2 XenForo add-ons, May I request you to please consider on porting your vBArcade add-on over XenForo? XenForo still don't have a stable Arcade mod and I'm very much interested in buying your Arcade add-on if you port it for XenForo...
  9. Taurus

    Bug Strange code

    Hi there, after moving hosts, I am now getting this at the top of profile pages: Warning: in_array() expects parameter 2 to be array, boolean given in [path]/dbtech/vbnominate/includes/class_profileblock.php on line 102 Warning: in_array() expects parameter 2 to be array, boolean given in...
  10. Ozzy47

    Welcome to vBDonate closed beta testing

    IcEWoLF GoodApples Freekoid Valcav Mokonzi bszopi First off I would like to thank those of you who choose to be a part of the closed beta testing. The Beta Product should show up in your Customer Area and be available for downloading. As of now the only payment processor it has is PayPal...
  11. angus

    Question Add Text but nothing happens

    What is the trick to add a custom text to the signature? When managing a text region in the ACP the demo image to set coordinates is shown. But after clicking the "Preview Text Region" button nothing happens. (All necessary fields are filled out) Same in the VBSiganture User Interface out of...
  12. M

    xFShout Support

    It seem's there isn't a forum for xFShout, so I'll just post it here. On my forum (GameFeint - Gaming & Modding Community), the shout button is under the message box. How do I got the shout button on the same line as the message box? Thanks.
  13. C

    Question moving a thread/thread points calculation?

    If a thread is moved into a forum with a different point settings for creating threads or posting, do the points get recalculated? If not automatically, what would I have to do to get them to get recalculated if it is possible?
  14. San

    Bug Database error

    I updated the site yesterday and today I have nothing but db errors. Latest DB Error Database error in vBulletin 4.1.11: Invalid SQL: SELECT user.avatarid, user.avatarrevision...
  15. A

    trophy with vbnominate

    Hi, it's a excellent set and a great idea this hack! when I was vb3.8 ​​I used this hack, Topic (incl. Blog) of the Week/Fortnight/Month Nomination v1.636 - Forum, I thoroughly enjoyed and if I could make one small critic of after the screens I've seen. I find there are missing...
  16. LuDawgs

    Bug Host Keeps Blocking My Site

    Hey, guys. For the past day, my host has been shutting off my account and taking my site offline. I think this is due to the number of connections that are running and I'm exceeding server load. Do you know if this has ever been a problem in the past? My site is relatively small with only...
  17. CharlieDelta

    Bug Imported Games Not Saving Score Locally

    All games that are imported do not save scores locally. The are saved to Mochi without a problem. All pre-loaded games such as asteroids and space invaders are saving scores without a problem. I will PM you admin login to help diagnose. Thanks
  18. C

    Bug chats autofill in messenger?

    I noticed that some chats are being retained sort of like an auto fill when I start typing. (I noticed this after moving to 6.0.0.) Is this a new feature? Is there a setting for it?
  19. Freekoid

    Legacy Stop thread rating incur wrap around

    I notice that when using [center] tags the message area involves the thread rating bit, so you dont get a true center as it shifts it to the left to incorporate this. The wrap around is fine on text I guess but plays havoc on images. Is there no feasible way of utilizing the thread rating as...
  20. Neo_Angelo

    Question Moving Items in postbit

    is there any way currently to shift the Items postbit below awards? as my current postbit looks like this: vBshop items Activity level: 1 Vba Achievements Vba awards this make my level bit look out of place as its sandwhiched between the images. plus since i want activity stuff to be more...