new post

  1. Nirjonadda

    Legacy PM User When Reaching X Posts

    PM's that will be sent to users when they reach X Posts,also could you add a function that would create a thread/new post when the member reach's x post,
  2. U

    Bug database Error after i set up auto post new thread / new posts

    Hi every was fine until i decided to open thread settings. i set it on and when someone make a donations i am receiving this database error. It was written as unregistered members but they are actually registered users. Sometimes it does show a moderated post/thread but sometimes none. Have i...
  3. S

    Legacy Attachment Thanks

    I figured out how to make it to where you have to thank to see the attachment based on another post, My question is how do i make it to where that box is checked by default when making a new post instead of having to remember to check it each time? Any help is greatly appreciated Regards Sky
  4. F

    New vBulletin Skin/theme/MOD...

    I had an idea and not sure if this is the proper place for the thread. I went to the vB forum but seems I cannot start a thread there. Does that mean you no longer do vBulletin skins/themes? In case you're open to the idea... I'd love to add a 'Pintrest' style to my forum page. I've attached...
  5. Drahnier

    Bug Edit Post charge uses Default Values

    When editing a post as usual the old post gets subtracted and the new post added, however since we changed the values for posts and threads we've found that the old value is still used when subtracting during a post edit, resulting in post edit's costing Credits even when the final post is...
  6. CharlieDelta

    Legacy PM Sender Setting

    I have the PM Sender setting set to my "CRR Bot" but the PM notifications are being sent from the followed user and not the bot.
  7. J

    Question List of MySQL queries for installation

    Ok, so our forum has a big post table (61 million posts) and there's no way I can run the install script without things breaking horribly. Any chance I can get instructions on what queries to run manually? I'm paging through the stuff in the install directory, but I'm not sure if I'll see it...
  8. IcEWoLF

    Legacy New Posts

    Hi Fillip H., I have a suggestion: Could we make There have been 1 posts, 0 threads and 0 blog entries since your last visit at 11:37 PM 01-07-2013. I want to be able to click the 1 post that was made new so I can click it, just like what Admin Zone Forums - Discussion Forums & Resources for...
  9. C

    Bug Weird error in admin panel

    My server just upgraded their PHP to 5.3.19.... and I am getting this weird error when navigating your product in my admin panel
  10. Alan_SP

    Legacy Double posts, why it happens, maybe you could do something about it.

    I'm starting new thread, just to confirm what I has found. Maybe you could find solution for this problem. As I wrote in thread about it, but it is closed, so I'll quote info here again: Anyway, this is true. Now I have one thread that is very, very live, many users posts in it and many of...
  11. M

    Question Posts and threads points is confusing

    Hi, I've set all option possible but wither way is useless to use this plugin. Maybe you can help me to set it right if somehting like that will be possible. So. I want to set 0.5 point for every new message, and 0.01 extra points for each word, this is damn simple and i did. Is working. Now...
  12. Ozzy47

    Legacy Character Limit

    The new post content feature is cool, but I would like to see a setting to limit the amount of characters in the email containing the post/blog comments. As it is now the entire content is sent in the email, so the user really has no reason to go to the forums to read said post/blog. Maybe...
  13. B

    Question Colors

    Dunno where else to put this, sorry! I bought the tabs, was wondering how I would edit the color's? I have a black back ground as my skin, was hoping to get rid of the white that goes across the site? and also change the tab color it's self? Thanks, Brian
  14. Extreme John

    Bug Mentions and Quotes Notifications links Go to 404

    I'm currently running vBulletin 4.2 Level 2. Everything works great with the exception of notifications. Specifically, "new mentions" and "new post quotes", when either of the links are clicked it takes the user to my site 404 page. The links are...
  15. C

    Question Trying to fix a broke notifications link to New post Thanks / Likes Alerts

    So when there's a notification that pops up telling a user that someone has liked a post that they have posted I get a broken link and Server Not Found - Firefox can't find the server at*****.comthanks.php Now the problem is just a missing / after the .com where is the file that I can...
  16. B

    Question Is it possible to retain WYSIWYG in templates

    Hi There, When I save a template made in WYSIWYG mode, it seems the rendered BB code is saved. This means that when I add images and tables to the template, new mails based on that template will show the markup rather even if the editor is switched back to WYSIWYG mode. Am I overlooking...
  17. K

    Question plugin does not working

    Hi. thank you for this mod but this mod not working on my forum and not refresh page, auto or manual. please help to fix this problem
  18. M

    Bug Strange issue that I have not see posted

    I ran a clean install, added the branding free code. Go into my profile and create a category, create the template. Everything looks great Go into a forum and create new post, select the template and it populates with HTML coding instead of BB coding which is how it was entered. Thoughts...
  19. kitawanita

    Question Why vBAvatar Copyright Appear On Every Page ??

    Hi, I see vbavatar copyright showing on every page include my cms. I think it should appear on showthread only. Thank"s
  20. C

    Bug Selecting Forums?

    First I have a question about selecting the forums. In the screen shot of my admin panel, it appears maybe something didn't go right. I'm expecting a selection box but getting some code? Also notice the styling (or lack there of) of the admincp that normal? also should I be able...