
  1. T

    Bug ACP mass import userid not working

    Hi, Sorry for all the questions on Mass import..... So following the instructions we get to the box marked "user id". No matter what I put in there it always marked the uploads as done by me even though I put in the user name of the person who has sent the pics for upload. What is the purpose...
  2. HaZaRd

    Bug Strange format Link

    Only in one Topic (private, not public) i get this link: The number between ! and ! are thread id. Thank for support ;)
  3. M

    Bug DB Errors after uploading the latest patch

    Here is the error ------------------------------------------------- Database error in vBulletin 4.2.2: Invalid SQL: SELECT listingid FROM theforumprefix__dbtech_classifieds_listing WHERE enddate > 1392921849AND startdate < 1392921849 AND ended = 0 AND featured = 1 AND active = 1...
  4. N

    Bug Conflict with Tapatalk?

    Since installing 1.1.ob1, I get the following error with Tapatalk 4.9.1. I DISABLED the classifieds mod and the errors STOPPED! 9:24 AM (14 minutes ago) to nelson Database error in vBulletin 4.2.2: Invalid SQL...
  5. C

    Legacy Renaming dbseocp directory

    What would be involved in renaming the dbseocp directory? The reason I want to do this is I need to exclude it from cloudflare...admittedly, I'm trying to make their free service work for me (their pay service doesn't limit the number of directories that can be excluded). If I can rename it, I...
  6. S

    Question Turning on DBSEO and Site stops working

    Not sure where to start, It seems like every time I enable dbseo from cp my site crashes, pages cant be found- pretty much just falls apart Most recently I have disabled all of my plugins uninstalled and reinstalled DBseo Edited and reedited .htaccess file So here is what I have currently...
  7. bzcomputers

    Legacy DBSEO 1.0.4 - New Sitemap Function Suggestions

    A couple suggestions: 1) Sitemap cron job time option appears under "SEO - General Settings" probably should be under "Sitemap - General Settings" 2) New automatic settings appear under "Sitemap - Page Settings" may be better under "Custom Sitemap URLS/Settings" (took me a bit to find them). If...
  8. CharlieDelta

    Bug Unable to Save a Name in Email/PM Sender Field

    I am trying to enter a name in the Classifieds Email/PM Sender field of the ACP but when I click save it remains blank or comes up with zero.
  9. X

    Question update pl3 issue

    I received notice that pl3 was available ... d/l to ftp as instructed and have done this twice now.... at this point in time the pl3 version does not display in product manager and notification disappears after an update but reappears (next day) in acp notification that is it available.... I...
  10. U

    Bug data base errors when users donate

    Hi i have been recieving these errors ever since last few days without knowing what went wrong, Can you guide me. When i manually add in donations for my users they are not able to automatically change usergroup. For the rest it seems okay. I just did an upgrade to the latest patch btw.
  11. Q

    Question upgrade Dbseo

    Hello! I saw that today has been released a new version of Dbseo. What should I do to upgrade without losing settings? I have to save something before proceeding with the upgrade? Thank you!
  12. S

    Bug Images/ Attachments not loading and generating vbdb errors

    Was running vbseo and vb3.8 previously and recently upgraded to vb4.2.2 and DBseo. I installed a cert and urls should be https.... performed the vBseo import and disabled the plug in. So tot he best of my knowledge I should be squared, however I getting db error the appear to pointing to http...
  13. GuiltyNL

    Advanced User Tagging PM Notification

    Hello, We have tested the Advanced User Tagging Lite version on our 5.0.5 board, but we are unhappy with the PM's being sent with each tag. Is there a way to disable this in the PRO version? Also, wouldn't it be better to add it to the Notifications in the Message Center instead of sending a...
  14. N

    Bug A few php errors (nothing major at all)

    Just thought I'd post a few of the PHP errors we noticed with DBSEO (it's running fine, but I just thought I'd mention them just incase there is anything that could be a possible bug or help improve the product) Line 1818 error has appeared about 30 times over the last 24 hours: [10-Feb-2014...
  15. T

    Legacy Multiple Price Points

    On your list of features for the Lite version it states: 'Configure multiple price points for the same banner space or for keywords to encourage bigger purchases' As an example I have created 3 different prices for advertising in the Global - Below navbar (1 rotation available) 1 for 1 day @...
  16. C

    Legacy Multiple default slides

    I think it would be nice to have the ability to specify several "default images" and have them be use randomly per instance so that if there are a couple threads without an image it seems less redundant.
  17. mrderanged

    Bug Error on Install

    getting an error when trying to install reviews lite. everything seems to be going fine, then it starts upgrading to 1.0.0 It rebuilds the styles and then it comes up with: Invalid SQL (this is huge and it never posts when I paste it in here, so it's in the attached .txt file) MySQL Error...
  18. J

    Question Hide thanks

    I have requested Professional Installation and its installed. 1 - I used following similar mods on my website and it is still active. Can I disable these below mods - Post Thank You Hack 7.83 - vFCoders - Hide Hack 3.1 This MOD gives users in selected forums the ability to use a BBCode to...
  19. R

    Question Unknown column 'phrasegroup_dbtech_usertag' in 'field list'

    I had this installed and had to remove it with 4.22 but I am still getting loads of these errors. I do not wish to reinstall the lite version because I don't want the HIVE Hosting LINKS. I am unsure which version I had installed last but i think it was 3.0.7 Can you help me clean this up...
  20. J

    Bug Database load increase

    I've tried to transfer my forum from vbseo to dbseo tonight, but there was a significant increase in database load and had to revert the procedure. There was a huge spike in query numbers with dbseo and althought the queries themselves didn't seem to be very intensive - the sheer number of them...