
  1. ringnews24

    Bug Invalid query: Duplicate entry

    Invalid query: Duplicate entry '28804' for key 'PRIMARY'56 When I click certain threads/categorys I get the above error. I had Vbulletin look into the problem and they didn't know what it was. They suggested I disable SEO and remove the SEO code in .htaccess and the problem went away. I am...
  2. Toon Creffield

    Bug Installed and now even my home page doesn't work.

    After uninstalling VBSEO I've managed to get most things back to normal. The only issue I did have is external images that were linked to our blog: VBSEO Uninstall and Linked Images - Forum I installed all files and imported the products but when I complete the .htacess stage the...
  3. webi

    Question Sender in UCP

    Recently, no longer appears in our UCP who has a sent a message. What setting needs to be corrected here? Regards
  4. R

    Bug Multiple issues after upgrade to 4.2.2

    We had a working install of this product until we upgraded the forum to vb4.2.2 and imported the Likes from vbSEO (which as now been removed). Since then I've upgraded the Post Thanks / Like to the latest version 3.2.5 pl2, I've repaired the cache and run all of the maintenance tasks (which...
  5. B

    Bug Problem with this mod

    There is a problem with this mod upon installing it and keeping it enabled. When its enabled it changes the thread title at the top to a thread name & link that is somewhere else on the forum and not the current thread you are in. When I disabled the mod the thread titles went back the way they...
  6. Nirjonadda

    Question XCache with DBSEO

    How to setup XCache with DBSEO in config.php ? Currently I am using XCache with vB Optimise, Do need to modify config.php for DBSEO Cache work ?
  7. P

    Legacy Remove Background

    Would it be possible to have the grey background removed from the button in an updated version? See image attached. Thanks!
  8. sevenmix

    Legacy Show if the user is using two factor authentication

    Will be great if the users can see in the profile of the user if he is using the authentication. I guess is not really difficult to implement this and will be a great help for lot of users, thanks :)
  9. C

    Question Live Wall Stopped Updating

    A couple days ago I noticed the livewall forum block stopped updating. Even on a new page load it still is showing data that's several hours behind. Only after a refresh, will it show the latest information....and often on the next page visit, it reverts. The only thing I think that has...
  10. N

    Legacy More 'Official' rewrite rules for non-Apache Web Servers (IIS, nginx etc)

    Just a quick general feature request - It would be nice if DBSEO out of the box provided 'official' and confirmed working / perfect rewrite rules for non-Apache webservers. I know a few members have done their own attempt at converting them to IIS or nginx or other web servers, but to have...
  11. San

    Bug subnav links are not showing up

    The subnav links are not showing up and when I make new they are a no show as well. On default and custom skins.
  12. M

    Bug Broken images after converting fromVBSEO

    I was previously running VBSEO and recently a consultant upgraded to DBSEO. While most things appear to be decent so far some images are exact from VBSEO but some are broken. The images are there, however they just appear from threads as broken images...
  13. M

    Question Help with Dragonbyte SEO and another Product

    Hi Fillip H., First off I wanted to say I know this is not your products error or bug, more of a can you help please post. I installed the product Cerberus from ( Forum - View Single Post - CERBERUS: 1 vB4: runs multiple domains with custom styles, forums, universal...
  14. Z

    Bug Issue with using Word Press

    After installing this mod I ran into trouble on my board. With no plugins installed accept this one, when attempting to use the "Reply to Thread" in any of the forums, the board freezes into a searching mode. If I then select the Refresh on the Browser it will complete as it should. We tried...
  15. T

    Legacy Move Block

    In what template to I need to edit in order to move the Recommended Thread box? I want to move it so it displays above the 'Thread Information' block. Many thanks
  16. T

    Legacy Finalise taking a really long time

    First of all, thank you for releasing this mod! I have installed it and it's been running the 'finalise' step of the install for about 8 hours now. I did a quick look at the database and there are just over 3k records with data in dbtech_recomm_threads Is this supposed to take this long? I...
  17. Nirjonadda

    Question CometChat issue with Redirect Rules

    CometChat Mobile App login issue with DBSEO Redirect Rules .we need to add than login working. Why not work without adding /cometchat ? How to working without add /cometchat ? Also member/user does not know what he need to adding for login, User going to...
  18. GoodApples

    Question Review with Google Map

    How does the google map set up? Is there a screen shot or a review which has the google map in the review here on dbtech? is the map inserted into the review?
  19. Vincent Polisi

    Question How Do You Enable Email Notifications In Advanced User Tagging?

    I've got Advanced User Tagging Lite operational for vB5.1.0 and it's working great. My understanding is that it would fire an email notification to each user when they are tagged in addition to adding it to their inbox and notification number icon. It's not doing that. Is there some other...
  20. G

    Dragonbyte SEO on vB5.X

    Hi we're running a quite large forum, currently on vB 3.8. We would like to update to vB 5.X. Unfortunately, we're using vBSEO. Before we can update to vB 5.X, we need a alternative for vBSEO. As it seems, the only alternative is your DragonByte SEO and it's feature list is quite impressing...