
  1. M

    Question Unable to install vbdownloads

    I just bought the Pro version, and downloaded 2.2.0pl1, but for some reason I'm having issues installing it. I'm read the instructions that is provided in the zip folder, but for some reason when I go and import the plug in it says I put the whole 'upload' folder in the /www in the FTP and...
  2. C

    Question custom rewrites update fail

    I had an unfortunate power failure in the middle of saving the custom rewrite rules this afternoon as I was doing some updates. Whenthe pc power failed in the middle of the settings update, the custom rewrites were not in the control panel any more. So I figured I would install dbseo on my...
  3. M

    Question Keep image size on import

    Just a quick one. I am about to import my photos again on a clean install over the weekend. I noticed that when importing from vbgallery that the images was all 600x400 in size and when I clicked enlarge nothing happened. The VBGallery is still installed at present and I checked a few of the...
  4. Bullmama DeLano

    Bug Database Error When Editing Usergroup

    Help!!! I cannot edit the usergroups at all.... Database error in vBulletin 4.2.0: Invalid SQL: UPDATE usergroup SET ### UPDATE QUERY GENERATED BY fetch_query_sql() ### `title` = '4 Paw Member h', `description` = '', `usertitle` = '', `opentag` = '', `closetag` = '', `passwordexpires`...
  5. C

    Question Just upgraded forum and getting database error

    Just upgraded my forum to 4.2.2 and when I upgrade and enable vbslider I am getting the following database error: Database error in vBulletin 4.2.2: Invalid SQL: SELECT thread.threadid, thread.title, thread.dateline, forum.forumid, forum.title_clean as forumtitle, post.pagetext AS message...
  6. Nirjonadda

    Bug Member Profile Tab

    If i go to member profile page, Its show me Mentions or Post Thanks / Like Tab , Why Not Open vb default Tab ? /members/3.html /members/25676.html /members/19598.html /members/15076.html
  7. V

    Bug Thread admin gets no permission error

    Hello. I'm adding an admin to thread ("Registered" usegroup user) with all permissions. But the user gets "No permission error" while trying to edit/manage thread he was added to. Need help. Thanks, in advance.
  8. Nirjonadda

    Bug Some URL Result

    Some URL Result /?f=9&page=137 does not work and not Redirect.
  9. G

    Question Import from vBGallery file location issue

    Categories going pass Ok, but when importer trying to locate files it givs me waenings bellow: Importing...Please wait until the importer has finished. Warning: file_get_contents(..../gallery/files/1/1-dscf0361.jpg): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in...
  10. H

    Question Translate

    How do I translate the thanks/like words? For example; I want Likes (given) translate to - Likes (ontvangen) I've been looking for it in many files in the dbtechtanks folder but really can't find it.
  11. M

    Bug Hundreds of these errors (maybe thousands)

    Hi all, Just thought I would mention this, my server load has been all over the place lately and can only put it down to DBSEO or the DB LIKES THANKS HACK. as nothing else is new... but I have been getting load spikes of 20+ infrequently just random crazy spikes then zombie processes in the...
  12. Nirjonadda

    Bug Forum and SubForum

    Forum and SubForum Rewrites does not work , please check on this issue. Does not work: /f45/f49/f53/ ( Sub Forum View) Work : /f45/f49/f53/156391-christina-aguilera-photoshoots-2.html ( Thread View )
  13. M

    Bug Error on save settings

    Got a problem whenever I try and save the settings in ACP Warning: require_once([path]/dbtech/profilehover_pro/hooks/admin_options_processing.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in [path]/includes/adminfunctions_options.php(490) : eval()'d code on line...
  14. M

    Question No options in admincp

    I've uploaded all files and imported the relevant XML file, but there only seems to be general options under Vbulletin Options and Usergroup. I can't workout where to create categories etc? I've set all Usergroup permissions however, there doesn't appear to be an 'Upload file' option for me on...
  15. racersimage

    Bug Warning: strtr() [function.strtr] error when I first visit my site on IE and Safari

    Warning: strtr() [function.strtr]: error when I first visit my site. When I load up my site I get this across the top of my page. After some browsing it goes away. Warning: strtr() [function.strtr]: The second argument is not an array in [path]/dbtech/dbseo/includes/class_core.php on line...
  16. V

    Bug notification

    Hello In the upper right corner when "notifications", those of reputation received, pressing takes no comments reputation, leading to index. Appear Occurs install "dbseo" or "post thank" please as I solve? I install two at a time, which is not guilty. thanks
  17. neounix

    Bug Bug in DBSEO URL Rewrites in BBCODE tags [URL]

    Hey! Have noticed, from time to time, that we are seeing an occasional problem with DBSEO when we use the "Add Link" BBCODE for: full link with http:// here But so far, I've only confirmed the problem in forums which are not public, for some reason. So, I started a thread on our forums...
  18. P

    Question Settings help

    Hello, Need some help with settings: right now i give my users credits for every post they make but i want that it cant occur more thne 5x a day how do i do that ?? :) and second i want when someone gets infraction that they lose credits even when the infractions expires ? ty
  19. S

    Classifieds v1.0.0b13 bug fixed and report

    in dbtech_classifieds_feedback_list_bit image icons fixed <tr> <td class="blockrow"> <a href="dbtclassifieds.php?do=listing&action=viewlisting&listingitemid={vb:raw listing.listingitemid}"> <vb:if condition="$listing['attachmentid']">...
  20. neounix

    Bug Previous Thread and Next Thread Not Working

    Hi! Sorry to be posting so many bug reports! I have tried just about every setting and cannot get "Previous Thread" and "Next Thread" to work. "Previous Thread" gives a "This webpage has a redirect loop" error. "Next Thread" also gives a "This webpage has a redirect loop" ....