
  1. W

    Bug Bug in user panel

    When I installed your plugin on my board I have control panel issue. When I click on User Settings I simply got a message like that "That action could not be completed. Please try again, and if this occurs again please contact the system administrator and tell them how you got this message."...
  2. U

    Bug database Error after i set up auto post new thread / new posts

    Hi every was fine until i decided to open thread settings. i set it on and when someone make a donations i am receiving this database error. It was written as unregistered members but they are actually registered users. Sometimes it does show a moderated post/thread but sometimes none. Have i...
  3. Nirjonadda

    Legacy Moderation Auto PM

    Hello Please can you add option Moderation Auto PM? If yes So i can buy PRO Version. Moderation Auto-PM It has support for the following types of moderation: Thread Edit Title (Inline Moderation) Thread Ajax Open/Close (Inline Moderation) Thread Ajax Delete (Inline Moderation)...
  4. L

    Bug Fatal Error

    I get this error when I try and upload an image to an album: Fatal error: Call to undefined function imagecreatefromjpeg() in /home/rpgchaz/public_html/dbtech/gallery/includes/class_core.php on line 897
  5. V

    Question Upgrade to 2.5.3

    We moved to a new VPS and finally have gotten rid of suhosin. We now have CENTOS 6.4 x86_64 virtuozzo and PHP 5.3.23 I read the install directions from the download and followed them but I noticed in Admin it shows Blank resource settings but tests fine. So I checked my file stamps and they...
  6. P

    Question Credits transfer problems

    Donate transfer problems hi need some help with donate credits The problem is donate is activated, but the popup for transfer doenst apear only adjust and i cant edit that donate is enabled and i cant switch from adjust to donate :( 1more problem i have referal doesnt work i setup...
  7. slapyo

    Bug Uninstalling does not work

    I am having a problem with uninstalling vB Optimise Lite. I have tried to uninstall the plugin. It says it was successful and is no longer listed in products. The vboptimise folder still exists so I renamed it rather than deleting it and then I get errors when loading the site. Warning...
  8. E

    Question Link open in popup or new browserwindows

    hello, i have a question. i will open a url in new browserwindows ( popup ) or frame in the vbulletinsite. have manage Tab---add new tab---input name, URL, mode this script, tab target _parent or _top, user group what see this button, placement rigth_end, next display order, and save. the...
  9. B

    Question Problem with sidebar block

    Have some problem with custom styles - tf_ideal and seamuslight banner (sidebar block form for vbanswers). will attach Pictures ...hope some help to fix those blocks ... regards bosss
  10. B

    Bug Internet http 500 error

    Just installed slider on my site and get it work and now i have http 500 error and also on my test site... where is problem? can only use admincp but not forum ...some help? regards bosss
  11. Nirjonadda

    Bug Previous Contests

    Hello Previous Contests view more info does not work.also bug on Prizes mark on admin cp,please check and give me fix.
  12. J

    Bug Not able to do settings

    Hello, just installed the Addon and wanted to look at the settings but all I get is white pages and this error: PHP Fatal error: Class 'vB_Api' not found in /***/***/***/forum/core/admincp/thanks.php on line 23, referer: http://www.***.***/forum/core/adminc...=******&do=nav Domain and paths...
  13. Nirjonadda

    Bug Branding Free Key

    Hello Branding Free Key not working,when i enter the key...get error : Error:You did not enter a valid value for this setting.also now updated Post Templates v1.6.1,get same issue,so v2 Branding Free Key not working,please check on this issue.
  14. MaxLiao

    Bug Branding Free

    The new v2 Branding Free Key is not working for me. I read the troubleshooting notes in the readme file, and I verified accuracy. I even tried to add in the leading colon and the training period - just in case - to no avail.
  15. Morrus

    Bug Error Message

    When attempting to visit activity.php, we get the following error: "Fatal error: Access to undeclared static property: VBACTIVITY::$isPro in /*/forum/vbactivity.php on line 242"
  16. I

    Bug Like / Thank images missing

    I just upgraded to 3.1.0b1 and my Like and Thank images are missing. Everything else works and the text is there... but the images are missing. I followed the upgrade instructions to go in and edit/save the buttons, but that doesn't solve the issue. I also tried creating a new button and...
  17. Neo_Angelo

    when are the old mods getting some love?

    VBAvatars hasn't had an update in forever, its such a good mod and could be made so much better but its been neglected for other mods that are frankly pointless in my opinion (Re-direct banned users for example). I'm just wondering if you guys have any plans on updating/upgrading any of the old...
  18. G

    Question Translation of phrase in navbithome

    What phrase in templates is vBdownloads in navbit? I want to change translation of this phrase but I didn't find russian Скачан in product phrases...
  19. E

    Question game import stopped >56 Games

    hello, i have a problem, that the game import stopped by 56 games. in the importfolder i have kopie 150 games from me older pro arcade addon, all files .tar.gz files. admincp-import games-upload games- found 25stck a page. select all, update games-add, and then the first 25 games running. i...
  20. Sarab

    Bug SQL error

    Hello, @Fillip H. I have an urgent problem, on one of the forum I and other get: What the problem and how to solve it >,< It really an urgent mater ="( Best Regards, Saran