
  1. Darkwaltz4

    AddOn vBookie Actionset

    Just import the attached product after installing both vBCredits II Deluxe and vBookie, and it will expose the additional actions available to you and configure vBookie for use with vBCredits II Deluxe! You need to set up events to use them of course. Please keep questions/comments for this...
  2. Edrondol

    Reputation not giving credits.

    I have mine set up to give 5 points +/- the amount of rep (pos rep/neg rep respectively). But when I give rep nothing happens. They get the rep but not the credits.
  3. S

    AddOn vBCredits + vBookie

    Hi I have recently upgraded my vbcredits system to the vbcredits deluxe II and wondered how I can get the credits integrated with vbookie.
  4. kolenoblata

    What am I doing wrong

    I made event for currency that user will get X credits if they open thread in specific forum. I test it and in postbit and member profile I didn't get any credits but when I look in transactions in acp it is there. What am I missing? Thanks
  5. Dutch_Boy

    Problem with login

    Hello, Hmm im not happy :( Kinda strange. The forum logs me out by it self when i hit Members Area. Ever time i press on Members Area it ask for my user name and password. When i try to login it says that im logged in but when it try to go to the members area site it goes strait back to the...
  6. S


    Where do I go to find phrases like "You have not participated ..", "Triple Triad Statistics"... to do a translation? Thanks