
  1. Nirjonadda

    Question Password Security

    How to change Password Security rules text? my site user does not understanding about the word lower-case and upper-case Must be at least 8 characters Must contain lower-case characters Must contain upper-case characters Must contain numbers Must contain symbols
  2. bzcomputers

    Bug Phrase change and possible caching issue

    dbtech_dbseo_deactivated - phrase text currently refers to Forum Ads program. When installing or re-activating DBSEO there seems to be a lag in when the dbseocp options will begin to work again. Even with clearing cache it seems to be a 10-15 minutes before the control panel pages will load...
  3. G

    Question Thanks button not working

    Hello i successfully installed the advance post thanks/like but the button is not click able can anybody had experience like this please guide me thanks. Best Regards, GsmCebu
  4. Freekoid

    Bug non-aligned text in admin-cp drop down

    Text leaking
  5. Force

    Bug missing phrase

    Missing phrase see screenshot anyone
  6. CharlieDelta

    Bug Buy Now URL Error

    When clicking the "Buy Now" link on a for sale item, the URL or link is wrong. It seems to have an extra "dbt" inserted as well as no listing id??
  7. CharlieDelta

    Legacy Postbit Link

    Possible to add a link in the postbit to users listings? For instance - "My Items for Sale". Would be nice to be able to change the phrase easily via Classifieds Options in ACP.
  8. A

    Question What template is used for the user profile thanks/like tab

    I need to know what the template is that is for the user profile tab to fix some things... the issue I'm having is there is a line going through the dates when the user goes under the thanks/like tab in the profile.. I also want to change the title of the thanks/like tab since I do not use a...
  9. heyzeus909

    Bug Error After Submitting Listing

    I briefly get this error message after clicking 'Submit' when creating a new listing: Also, I'm unable to find any listings I create either via search or browse. If I copy the link after I create it, then I can paste that link into my browser later and view the listing. But if I, instead, go...
  10. heyzeus909

    Bug Adding Currency *NOT* Primary

    Hi, just getting a chance to dig in with this tonight for the first time. I'm still getting accustomed to things, so sorry if I'm doing something wrong on my end of things (or if this has been discussed elsewhere - I looked, but didn't see it). I'm able to add a currency as 'Primary' = 'yes'...
  11. M

    Bug Phrase Missing - redirect added postage thanks

    Hi, Found this following missing phrase when submitting a new postage through the user control panel. please see attached image.
  12. M

    Bug Phrase Missing - Invalid Country

    Hi, I accidently pressed the number key while searching for a country and the following phrase was missing Please see attachment
  13. M

    Bug Images Not Updating - After Edit

    Hi, I added a new item but forgot to add an image, I used the edit listing function and added 3 images to the buy it now advert but when I click on the listings page. No matter how many times I edit or add images there is still nothing showing in the buy it now listings Please see attachment
  14. M

    Bug Phrase Missing - Invalid Listing

    I clicked to offer on my own item in a WANTED listing and I got the following error popup: See attached image:
  15. E

    Question databaseerror

    hello, i have install the light version, bevor will buy this addon. after install, system running 4 days, then becam databaseerror in the night: Datenbankfehler in vBulletin 4.2.1: Invalid SQL: SELECT languageid...
  16. Bullmama DeLano

    Question Which Template to edit?

    I am very pleased with this mod, it has been perfect for what I wanted to accomplish on my new site!!! I am hoping for a bit of template editing help. When you scroll your mouse over the images in the image gallery/block/widget it shows "User" "Name" "Title" "Views" "Size" I would like to...
  17. 1quicksi

    Bug Incorrect title on importer

    When running the importer, if you select VBSEO the title in the upper right corner says "Abe Post Thank You Hack to [DBTech] Advanced Thanks/Likes" Should be VBSEO ;)
  18. Davagator

    Question invite?

    I installed this mod, enabled usergroups to invite, but I can't find the spot to actually invite people. I can see Registration Stats, but not where to invite. Can someone point me in the right direction? Thanks!
  19. A

    Question Centering buttons?

    Site is not up and running yet but we were wondering where/how we could center the (thanks, likes. dislikes) buttons at?
  20. N

    Question vBDownloads & vBCredits Integration.

    Greetings, I am setting up a new forum for my wife. I downloaded your 2 lite versions of the following: vBCredits vBDownloads I came across vBDownloads here: [DBTech] vBDownloads v2 (vB4) [AJAX] - Forum where it states that it can integrates with vBCredits. I installed both...