
  1. Robert Morrison

    Question Postbit and Title

    How do I change the name Post Thanks / Like under each post to just Like since I removed the Thanks button. How do I alter the postbit to just display a single line without a drop down button to just display Likes Received: 3
  2. B

    Bug No setting for permission

    Hi, i add a new usergroup and this is the reason why i look for the permission settings. I can remember on that page but in the vB 4.2 i cant find it. No option for THANKS,
  3. djFarsang

    Question The message of redirect page will not display the name of the user when save setting

    After pressed "Save setting" of the notification in usercp, The message of redirect page will not display the name of the user. Thank you for updating your profile, {1}.
  4. GoodApples

    Legacy Postbit change text

    Option to change the text in the Donate Block In The Postbit. Donate If you enjoy reading the content here, click the below image to support our site
  5. GoodApples

    Bug Default dbtgallery.php - Not Found?

    Filename The default is dbtgallery.php. Does not appear to exist in dbtech/gallery/clientscript/gallery.js
  6. liebherr

    Question flagged as Idle

    Hello to all. After a lot of time working without problems with the version 4.1.x of vB to been to update to the version vB 4.2 and to have a problem, whenever I recharge the page it marks me like inactively. "Notice: You are currently flagged as Idle. Click here to un-flag." Not if there...
  7. Nirjonadda

    Question Sidebar Blocks Not Working

    Hello Sidebar Blocks Not Working.How I can Add Block create vBDonate for sidebar? please need tips and php code for display on side bar.
  8. GoodApples

    Legacy Hide Prase Names

    I would like to request to hide the phrase variable names dbtech_thanks_postbit_entries and now in version 3 a separate option to hide the total thanks and likes etc.
  9. Papa Bear

    How do I

    How do I turn off the subnav menu Contribution Actions..I have turned if off in the Admin panel in the VB Donate settings but it still shows..i even flushed vb optimize..this is on 4.20 .
  10. IcEWoLF

    Bug Weird link showing

    I just recently upgraded my mod and under the sub navbar there is a weird link that points to the user statistics page for DBTech tagging.
  11. bemanistyle

    Question Rename Downloads

    How do you change the name Downloads in the menu (navbar) to something else?
  12. twolegit

    Question set up jackpots and prices

    I've set all games jackpots but it still says play for free. i looked the arcade docs but i didn't see anything in there....I'm guessing i am missing a step
  13. Trekkan

    Bug Disabled signature styles still appear in the dropdowns

    As you'll see from the images, the last two styles are disabled, but they are still showing up in the second screenshot.
  14. A

    Question Translation? Phrases

    Hello there, as I'm now done with translating of "Username Change" (got to be moderated in translation forum ;)) I continued translating "vB Post Template". As the literally German translation of "Post Template" might be confusing, I decided to rename the mod to "1-click-posts"...
  15. A

    German Username Change

    DEUTSCH/GERMAN Hallo zusammen, heute wieder ich mit einer neuen Übersetzung für euch für das kostenlose DB Tech Mod "Username Change". Wie immer bei mir für Deutsch - Sie geschrieben. Natürlich sorgfältig übersetzt und getestet. Dennoch bitte alle Fehler, die ihr findet, einfach hier posten...
  16. M

    Bug Changing name of quiz controller file

    We want to change the name of our quiz controller file from "vbquiz.php" to just "quiz.php" and we have changed it in the AdminCP settings and changed the filenames in the forum root and /admincp directory. It seems to be working correctly for taking a quiz, but just to be safe, I checked the...
  17. Valcav

    Question "Rotating Banner Settings" -> "Show Sliding Banner?"

    Sorry Ozzy, call me stupid or whatever, but I kind of missing something, or I'm to blind to see/find it... (You can add content to the sliding banner by clicking on the Custom Content tab under the DBTech - vBDonate Group.)
  18. Freekoid

    Legacy Removing action text from buttons drops image.

    I've started removing the action text from buttons as all members know what this part of the forum does just by the imagery and hovering over the icon/button, but thus doing so pushes the image down, i've provided two examples below to show the differences :)
  19. chiphu

    Question How do I access the User Threads settings?

    Mine is a Super Administrator enabled account, but I don't see the User Threads settings anywhere in my Admin CP to grant it the "Can Administer User Threads" permission, and I don't see this as shown in the screenshot, either. I need it to be in use right now and perhaps I'll go get the Gold...
  20. M

    xFShout Help

    Hello. Could somebody show me how to remove these lines?