
  1. racersimage

    Bug Upgraded and member profile block now displays results as single posts links.

    Hi, I recently upgraded to the latest version 3.1.7 from the 2 series and I've gotten a few complaints about the member profile block. Members can view their thanked post links but upon clicking the link, a new window pops up showing the single post only. Members are complaining that this...
  2. heyzeus909

    Question Show *my* latest posts and threads

    In addition to "Today's Posts," I'd like to add tabs for the individual member's latest posts and threads. search.php?{session.sessionurl}do=finduser&userid={session.userid}&starteronly=1&contenttype=vBForum_Thread It doesn't render {session.sessionurl] or {session.userid}. I copied the code...
  3. Nirjonadda

    Bug Auto Replace URL with Titletag

    Auto Replace URL with Titletag not working for External URLs.
  4. U

    Bug Member profile descripiton empty when custome profile url used

    i noticed at googe webmaster tools member profile urls wrongly indexed <meta name="description" content=" is a in the Ecoiner Forums. View 's profile."/> username variable seems not working iused members/[user_id]-[user_name]/ format....
  5. M

    vbDownloads Pre-purchase questions

    Prior to purchasing the pro version of vbDownloads, I would like to know if: (Simply because the features list was difficult to understand somewhat..) When a file is uploaded, will a thread be created in a category on the forum. This is a feature that I am interested in having on my site, as we...
  6. neounix

    Bug Problems with Occasional Blank First Posts in a Thread After Installing DBSEO

    Hey! We are seeing "blank first posts" when a new thread is created since installing DBSEO. This happens occasionally, but not not rarely (we see is many times a day and now during holidays the forums are quiet). We are not seeing PHP error or DB errors. What seems to be happening is that a...
  7. soaringpine

    Bug No default buttons showing up after install

    Hi guys, everything seems to be configured right but no buttons are showing up anywhere to like or thank posts, etc. I am using the default skin. I set the usergroup options but still nothing. What could I be missing??
  8. heredia21

    Bug Problem with latest update

    Just downloaded and upgraded to the latest version of this mod and when I go into a user's profile I now get: An internal error has occurred and the module cannot be displayed.
  9. D

    Bug Space below signature

    I have the thanks mod installed, and I have the "cloud" set to show up below the signature. The problem I am encountering is that this setup is creating way too much space between the signature and the post thanks cloud bar. Below is a screen capture of what I am talking about: What do I...
  10. GarethBurrows

    Question Variable for total user thanks

    Hiya Have implemented this mod, and imported thousands of records, and its all working nicely I see there's an expandable postbit element, which I can integrate manually into my tmeplate and it works nicely. However, I'd love to just display the total thanks or have the postbit element...
  11. neounix

    Legacy Options for Multiple Sitemap Indexes and Sitemap Directories

    We installed the update today and all went smoothly. Thanks. Great job. We have custom code in place (just a quick hack, no options, settings, yet) which changes the directory of the sitemaps based on the name of the index file. $neo_sitemap_path =...
  12. heyzeus909

    Truncated Quotes in Replies

    It's annoying when someone always uses the "quote" option to reply to a thread - especially if it's a long post that they're quoting. They either do this purely because they're lazy, or because they want to make it clear to whom they're responding which means that quoting a giant post really...
  13. CharlieDelta

    Bug Relist Bug

    When clicking on the "relist" link just goes to error page with "Go Back" link.
  14. H

    Question Importing from another forum

    Sorry if this has already been posted, but I didn't see it. I noticed that the new version says it supports importing threads. I installed that version but wanted to ask here before I screw anything up on the site. We have a subforum on our site that had been used for years to post reviews but...
  15. A

    Error with Logo

    Alright so every time I put the logo picture in the folders it just shows up as cb33e1332349135d96112f3c685fc68d.png. Any hints on how to fix it?
  16. S

    Legacy Ban someone from using some (all) buttons

    Hi, I have a member who is spamming someone with "dislike" on every single post he is making. Is this possible to to ban a member from using some (all) buttons? If not, is this something that is plan to be added? It would be nice to be able to add a list of userid (or username) that cant use...
  17. neounix

    Question SEO Value in Sitemaps to Submit?

    Hey! We currently operate under a theory (and we have observed this as well) that there is an upper limit to the number of pages that GoogleBot will index for a site. So, we generally only submit sitemap info to GoogleBot and BingBot for: threads tags forums Sometimes we submit for: posts...
  18. P

    Question Settings help

    Hello, Need some help with settings: right now i give my users credits for every post they make but i want that it cant occur more thne 5x a day how do i do that ?? :) and second i want when someone gets infraction that they lose credits even when the infractions expires ? ty
  19. neounix

    Question Discussion on DBSEO URL Format for Threads

    Hi. I noticed that DragonByte uses this thread format: /f[forum_id]/[thread-title]-[thread_id]/ Do you mind to explain your thinking why you chose this over: /[forum_name]/[thread-title]-[thread_id]/ Which would give even more keywords in the URL. Or as we are thinking to do...
  20. bzcomputers

    Bug When publishing CMS article I get a 500 server error and 28 posts get created in db

    I did see this happen about a week ago when I created a CMS article and it just happened again a few minutes ago. I then retested and got the same thing. I can't say for certain it's DBSEO but I don't believe I've changed anything on the server other than DBSEO updates and the recent...