
  1. Mokonzi

    DragonByte Classifieds v1.1.10 Released!

    Hi everyone, This week we have a bug fix update for DragonByte Classifieds (v1.1.10) fixing a few issues that have come up in recent weeks, included in the notes below are some updates from a patch we did to v1.1.9. Thanks again to everyone who keeps us up to date with new ideas and any...
  2. Ryan Persad

    Question User ranks

    How do i use this mod to add user rank images for purchase.
  3. mikez006

    Question minimum credit purchase?

    Is there a way to setup a minimum purchase for members to buy credits via Paypal? Some members are buying 10-20 credits for $0.10-0.15 which is annoying. I want to make it a minimum 250 credit purchase.
  4. moedecai

    Question before purhasing skin

    Hey, So I'm about to purchase the VB5 Connect license here within the next couple of days. I also wanted to purchase your 'MMO' theme which is only available for VB4. I am curious as to if you guys are ever going to re-release that skin with VB5. VB5 seems to be more what I'm after in...
  5. I

    Purchase Upgrades

    General questions regarding all DB Tech products. 1. Do all paid versions include branding-free (remove the links from footer)? 2. When buying a 3-month or 1-year license to try one or more pro version mods, and then later upgrading to lifetime, can the original purchase be credited towards...
  6. E

    DBSEO - Pro Purchase question

    I'd like to purchase DBseo and have just 1 question thats concerning me. When URL's are re-written, what happens to the old urls submitted to google. Are they redirected to the new url or will it send loads of errors to google for non existant pages?
  7. A

    i can change purchase point vbshop change to post thank you hack ?

    i can change purchase point vbshop change to post thank you hack ?
  8. S


    Now that xenforo is really picking up some steam, are you going to be releasing your add-ons for that platform? Might be time to re-consider that.... I know I and many others that have left vb would surely purchase your addons such as the shout....