
  1. Morrus

    Question Installation tips for those with large post tables?

    We had a similar problem with vBShop, but managed to persuade it to install after repeated tries. vBCredits is refusing to play ball, though - installation times out every time. It's not a bug with the mod, but I assume I'm not the only person ever to try installing on a board with a large...
  2. Davagator

    Question import errors

    On a fresh install of VB and the arcade, when I try to import a .tar game I get: Warning: asort() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in [path]/dbtech/vbarcade/functions_arcade.php on line 328 Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in...
  3. K

    Bug Short answer quizes not being scored correctly.

    So we are creating Quizes with short answer and then judging them, but each time the score comes out to 0% on the review quiz side. Any idea why that might be? 3/3 would be 100%, yes?
  4. mikez006

    Bug Credits Plugin causing CPU spikes

    I've been noticing some random slow downs over the last few weeks and today I contacted by hosting provider to find out what was going. What would happen is the site would get extremely slow or just stop loading for a few mins, then be back to normal. I had originally thought it was a network...
  5. Morrus

    Question More than 5 comments?

    I've been slowly tweaking the layout of the quiz system to look (at least in my eyes) a little nicer. YMMV, of course, but I have stumbled across a question. Neverwinter Competition - EN World: RPG News & Reviews Re. the Comments section at the bottom - how do I increase the number of...
  6. Vcize

    Bug SQL error when removing category or extension

    Attempting to remove a category returns the following error: Attempting to remove an extension returns: Product version is actually 2.0.0b2. It wouldn't let me enter characters in the version box.
  7. Vcize

    Question Custom item -> sql query

    I run the occasional contest/giveaway (for real physical goods) on my forum. I would like to allow users to buy entries to the contest with credits through vbshop. For the entries, I have a table that stores the userid, date, and contest name each time they make an entry. As such, I'd like to...
  8. CharlieDelta

    Bug Fatal Error Upon Registration with Thread Creation

    (Oh boy Fillip H. you are going to be sick of me if you are not already :)) I have an action set up to post an introduction thread when someone new registers. I get this error when completing the registration => The new member registers fine but no thread is created. I also noticed that the...
  9. Bullmama DeLano

    Bug Notifications not bringing to tabs or dismissing after upgrade

    About 3 weeks ago I upgraded all mods to current versions, as well as upgrade vbulletin to 4.2 Not sure exactly how long this has been an issue, but since doing one or the other I am not being taken to the correct tab when recieving mentions, quotes, or tags. Note I am using dbtech...
  10. heyzeus909

    Question Database Error On Every Page Load

    FYI - the 'Click here to buy' link for vBGallery on the main forum page doesn't work. It appears to be missing the product id number: http://www.dragonbyte-tech.com/vbecommerce.php?do=purchase&productid= On to my issue, which really isn't a "How Do I?" issue but I'm not sure that it's...
  11. K

    Question Custom Buttons field calculation in database-

    Ok, so as a test I made a custom button called "Bug Hunter"- The goal, and one of the reasons I bought the pro version, was so that I could let admins or moderators award bug hunting points to users. Then I could create a plugin easily that reads the field in the user profile that says how many...
  12. D

    Question Few Questions about vBShop

    Hey i purchased vBshop yesterday and have few questions about it. The main reason i bought this product was for the usergroup change item and i was wondering on how to extend a users item duration. Also on the expiration or discard of the item does the usergroup of the user go back to the...
  13. M

    Question Your help integrating another modification

    Hi again :), I am integrating itraders into this modification and just wondered if someone could help me with a small plugin Have a look how far I have got so far: For Sale. RGH Halo4 Slim You can see the classifieds feedback just above the attachments :) This is only visible in the...
  14. blinkster

    Need a little help

    Trying to create or find a forum block simply says the total number of downloads to date. In ACP on the left click attachments then attachments statistics, on that page it says Total Downloads xxxxxx Is there a simply code for a side block that can use this information which is already...
  15. magmf

    Bug Profile Error

    I think there is a bug that happens in some users that I don't know the reason yet example: https://under-linux.org/member.php?u=67554 Database error in vBulletin 4.2.0: Invalid SQL: SELECT entry.*, user.username, user.usergroupid, user.membergroupids...
  16. F

    Bug Collapsed posts cannot be viewed

    I have just started to make use of a feature offered in the Pro version of this mod: auto-collapse a post when a certain number of button clicks have been made on that post. The problem is that when the post has been collapsed there is some text, including the phrase but when I click the "View...
  17. D

    Bug Favourites Is not working

    When clicking favourites this page is returned Also, every single file seems to be added to my favourites by default. For example, when I view a file it shows in the postbit Remove from favourites meaning it is added to my favourites. This is the case with all files.
  18. J

    Bug Forumrunner DB error

    Hello gentlemen, I have been having a persistent issue with forumrunner visitors on the site listed in the problem description. I have been getting multiple DB error emails every day since starting that site. Since the error only occurs in forumrunner I was in contact with vbulletin and...
  19. Morrus

    Bug P by D quiz results not obeying correct question order

    The Personality by D quiz isn't acting as I'd expect it to. I have six questions, with their order set in the question manager as 1,2,3,4,5,6 as you'd expect. For many, though, the answer to Q1 is appearing in the middle rather than first when viewing their results. So they're getting things...
  20. Morrus

    Bug POst Results to Facebook - error

    When I click "post results to Facebook" after completing a quiz, I get this error: An active access token must be used to query information about the current user. on line 1041 in /var/www/virtual/enworld/forum/includes/facebook/base_facebook.php #0...