
  1. C

    Question Problems with vbAnswers

    I have the form block form displaying and working. I noticed I have a unsolved question showing up in the what's going on box. How do I find the questions that people posted? It appears looking at the mod settings they should show up under community and quick links menus (both are ticked)...
  2. greenlinenshirt

    Question Change vBShop to Store?

    I figured out how to change the NAVBAR link from vBShop to Store but when I click on it, it still says vBShop. Is it possible to change all instances of "vBShop" and change them to "Store" ? Thanks for the reply in advance.
  3. B

    Permission error when I click on the buy now button

    Dear Support I installed the lite version of classifieds and currently road testing but unable to sort out this permission problem when I click the buy now button. "Sorry, you are not authorized to view this page Go Back.." Any ideas which permission setting is causing the problem? Kind...
  4. greenlinenshirt

    Question Couple Questions about vBCredits (working with other addons)

    (vBCredits Version: v2.1.1pl1_[Lite] (vBShop Version v3.1.1 [Lite] Well I did some research on the forums here, and I know it's possible, however I am having issues doing it. I read the thread about it, and still can't figure it out. So I was hoping someone could explain this to me a bit...
  5. M

    Bug steal from members

    hi i created a user and added him cash it seems i cant steal from him even tho it says successful the amount is always 0 taken but if i login as this user and bank some cash im then able to steal from them and an amount is successfully taken. could you try reproduce this for me create a user...
  6. Bullmama DeLano

    Bug A few minor bugs found

    Found a couple of bugs with the General Settings---->Default Page Limit in Classifieds When entering "0" it defaults to "1". If you enter say, 10, then only 10 items show up and there is no page 2, 3, 4, ect. I also have a couple of questions or likely feature request, is it currently...
  7. C

    Advanced Post Thanks / Like Questions

    I'm considering purchasing the Advanced Post Thanks / Like Questions modification and have a few questions. I'm currently using VBSEO on my vb3.8 forum which I am upgrading. I have been using their like system for a couple years now but since they aren't around any longer, I will need to make...
  8. C

    Question Existing Submenus Disappear on Install

    I installed the mod using the contents of the 4.2 Only folder. However, the submenus of the existing menus have disappeared. I noticed another help ticket here that appeared to be a similar problem and it mentions missing tab scripts: Navtabs for vB 4.2 - Instructions? Where/how do I check...
  9. R

    Guild Recruitment Questions?

    I was wondering, which Mod would be best for asking questions and having members answer them, I tried forms and found that it is hard to follow. The users stated this. Meaning the questions are to far apart from the answers. So I was wondering which one may be the best option if any on this site?
  10. M

    Question Question Regarding DBSEO Future plans

    Hi Fillip H., I know you are busy with lots of debugging etc, but I just wanted to ask when do you think you will be implementing the MEMORY feature you spoke about. I forgot the name of what it would be called, but basically the memory redirects... when we change the URL structures that it...
  11. mrderanged

    2 Questions regarding reviews and gallery

    Hey Guys, Just had 2 quick questions about a couple of your products. 1. Are there any kind of importers available for your Gallery Addon? Specifically an importer vBGallery. 2. My site currenly has a review forum where either myself or a user create one thread per seller with all...
  12. HaZaRd

    My provider does not have mod_rewrite enabled

    I am no expert, I only know that my provider has FastCGI web server with only a very small set of rewrite directives. I've never tried vBSEO, but another yes: "OdiSeo", but I had problems with the CMS page (with the forum and the blog no). 1. What information do you need because you can...
  13. C

    Bug Category "All" tab lost the name "All"

    Somehow the name "All" got wiped out of the tab as is pictured on the attached image. There was nothing else installed. A few games were installed and php was recompiled. That is it. So i did not find any reason for the name to be gone. I did not mess with language files or anything like that...
  14. M

    vbDownloads Pre-purchase questions

    Prior to purchasing the pro version of vbDownloads, I would like to know if: (Simply because the features list was difficult to understand somewhat..) When a file is uploaded, will a thread be created in a category on the forum. This is a feature that I am interested in having on my site, as we...
  15. Nirjonadda

    Bug UTF-8 support

    UTF-8 support does not work, please can you check and give me a fix update on this, I have all default setting and Enable UTF-8 is YES.
  16. P

    Legacy A few questions from our users

    Hi and thanks for this product, it's been very well received by our community since we added it, there were however a few questions/feature requests I was wondering if they could be implemented. - An ability to only see quotes/mentions from other users in the list, instead of seeing when you...
  17. neounix

    Question Disable DBSEO for a Specific vB Style ID

    Hey! We are having a tough time debugging why one of our mobile styles stopped working after installing DBSEO. It works find on our staging server, but on production, we are getting a 301 from the mobile style to the main style; and have not be successful debugging it. We have even tried...
  18. A

    Error with Logo

    Alright so every time I put the logo picture in the folders it just shows up as cb33e1332349135d96112f3c685fc68d.png. Any hints on how to fix it?
  19. O

    Legacy Add support for VBSEO slugs or similar

    In VBSEO I could map a forum id to a custom forum title this gave me the ability to name a forum as "Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)" and then map it to "faq" So I could have the url as instead of
  20. D

    Question Adding categories into shops

    I am sorry if this is a dumb question. I've figured how to add items into categories but how do I add the categories into a particular shop? I've had this mod for some time but I'm only now attempting to implement it, so I may have more questions down the road LOL