
  1. Sarab

    Question Many Q!

    Hello, I really love this mod =.= <-- just finished understanding every aspect of the mod xD ( thank you Darkwaltz4 =) ) Will when I finished I had some questions, they are: 1- about paycheck is their a way to set it for users instead of usergroups? <-- we have ranking system for users so...
  2. S

    Question Pre-sale question

    Hi, I installed Lite version on a test board to see how it works. Before i buy the Pro version i have some questions: I see that here at Dbtech it's very different the design of the activity tab, it have a progress bar and icons for Achievements. In my installation only text... I don't know...
  3. Unfolded

    Legacy Copyright Text

    Hello, I use alot of vB Products as you well know, One particular copyright caught my eye down the bottom of my website since it looks all out of places and uneven due to Donation System provided by vBDonate (Pro) - vBulletin Mods & Addons. Copyright © 2013 DragonByte Technologies Ltd We know...
  4. reeshe

    Questions regarding renewal of products

    My forum is vb4 and I need to renew my licenses to a couple mods and I'm a bit confused on the latest options. Replacement Licence: Advanced User Tagging (vB5) -- Receive updates for vb5 for 1 year? Dual Licence: Advanced User Tagging (vB5) - --Receive updates for vb4 and vb5 for 1 year...
  5. J

    vBOptimise questions

    I have some vbOptimise questions: 1. Would vboptimise increase my RAM requirements on my VPS? I have 1.5GB of RAM, using 1.2GB leaving about 300MB of RAM left. 2. If I went for a 3 month license + the Branding Free option, does that mean if I ever renew my license, the Branding Free option...
  6. B

    Question branding free

    Why I don't become the branding free key and why nobody response to my E-Mails?
  7. U

    vBDonate Widget?

    Hello! I installed your latest version of vBdonate lite to try out. I am looking for a replacement to AWC Pro since it is no longer working. I like everything that I see so far, in particular, I am excited that your Pro version offers an import feature for migrating donations from AWC. One...
  8. cykelmyggen

    Question A few questions

    Is there some kind of docs for this plugin? After installing I only get the Registration Stats in Navbar and the general settings in ACP - where do You actually make the personal settings for the registrations on my site? As for now new users ony get the verify mail form when trying to register.
  9. K

    Question 777 Security concern for folder-

    Yes, 3 questions in a row... sorry bout that. Hopefully after this you won't even see me again :) The second step of the install is: 2. CHMOD the following folders to 0777 /dbtech/thanks/vbactivity_type This leaves me some concern about leaving a folder with 777 open. That can just leave us...
  10. D

    Question Few Questions about vBShop

    Hey i purchased vBshop yesterday and have few questions about it. The main reason i bought this product was for the usergroup change item and i was wondering on how to extend a users item duration. Also on the expiration or discard of the item does the usergroup of the user go back to the...
  11. heyzeus909

    Question 'DBTech vBNotifications' & 'DBTech Gallery' compatability

    How do I enable notifications for picture comments via DBTech Gallery? I have ALL notifications enabled along with the applicable usergroups via AdminCP >> DBTech vBNotifications >> Manage Notification Types >> Edit >> Active, Yes; Usergroups Selected. Still, no notifications show up when a...
  12. M

    Legacy HTML markup for answers

    This Mod has so much potential, I just want to know if these functions exist, and how to implement them. 1) For a vbform question how do I make the answers bold ?.......... Could you not have the same feature in the status (TEXT MARKUP) for the answers? 2) I have worked out how the status...
  13. K

    Question Questions regarding location of Shoutbox

    Hi there, I am thinking of downloading this however I have a few questions first: 1. Does the Shoutbox show in threads? 2. Can I have the Shoutbox only show up in threads in one forum only, but the shoutbox not show up anywhere else on my site? I don't want the shoutbox to show in Forum home...
  14. O

    Random Questions

    Hi, Where is 'Random Questions' on this site? I can't see it, or, have you removed it? Where can I see it in full action? Thanks.
  15. M

    Does your Downloads Plugin Support secondary usergroups

    Two questions please. Hi does your Downloads modification support secondary usergroups overriding the primary usergroups. We have a subscription service that adds a secondary usergroup, I need something that if a member subscribes to the forums they will get the downloads permissions and...
  16. T

    Question can't get more than 2 news items

    i have tried to get 4 news items to display on the ticker (finally gave up for now and uninstalled) but can only get 2 at the most though i entered 4. here I notice if i even counted right there are 15 items in the infopanels new ticker. what am i doing wrong? i do seperate each item with a...
  17. A

    Question User Shops/Signature items

    I have two questions, first I am wondering if it is possible for users to create their own shops and add little images to it to sell and/or gift to other members? Also, I am trying to get the items to show in signature and not the post bit. I unchecked the display in post bit. I put {vb:raw...
  18. R

    Legacy Questions about Pay to register?

    Hello Does the plugin has the feature for registration - Pay to register? I want to lock my site as private site and only people who paid, then they can register. I knew the paid subscription feature, but It is less flexible for me to manage my private website. Thank you very much
  19. mindzipper

    Question Doesn't appear to be working, and question regarding double post

    I have a couple questions. i'd like to purchase this mod if it works like we're hoping. but I'm having some trouble 1. I installed this today, and turned it on. I tested with two different user accounts on two different browsers, and the updates are not happening. 1.a also noticed, the only...
  20. CoZmicShReddeR

    Bug How to Stop Forums From Auto collapsing?

    I am having an issue with this mod it keeps auto collapsing my main forums?? I really want to use it but seriously some default setting or a conflict or something have no idea what it is but I cannot enable it until I figure it out or stop it from happening... There is also a theme issue not...