
  1. Nirjonadda

    Question vB Optimise v2.4.0 Upgrade

    Hello just vb Optimise v2.4.0 Upgraded but i can't access my admin panel and forum error messege? Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class vB_Cache_Observer_vBOptimise in /home/xxx/public_html/vb/cache/vboptimise.php on line 304 how to fix it ?
  2. IcEWoLF

    Bug Please add to readme file

    Hi there, could you please add to the readme file for users to configure the Navigation Bar up top for users that use vBulletin 4.2. I noticed out of the box the contribute link directs you to: http://localhost/dbtech_vb4_vb_4.2/vbdonate.php?do=donate It should be changed to...
  3. M

    Bug DBTech - Post Thanks > Search does not work

    Hi, something is wrong with the pagination on "DBTech - Post Thanks > Search". First page displays correctly, but when I hit on Next Page or Last Page button I get an empty frame. The search is not a very importat feature, but I'm afraid something else might be broken. No errors are displayed...
  4. S

    Tabs are not correctly located in advanced editor mode

    Hi there, The tabs show up correctly in the direct answering mode of the editor (screen 1). But if you go into the advanced mode they´re in the upper right corner of the editor (screen 2), although they´re supposed to be below the editor like in the direct answering mode. Hope you can help me...
  5. Papa Bear

    Question Add on packs

    If I purchase the Business Card add on pack can it be used with the Lite version..or do you need the pro version for the add on packs.
  6. Taurus

    Bug Tabs position not correct.

    I have ticked the option to display the tabs below the editor, yet it is on the top right corner in quick reply and advanced. I did also follow the instructions in the 'Readme' file about setting the total smileys to '0' in the ACP. Also, when I add a smiley to a tab, it looks like this...
  7. grc

    Bug Fatal error: Call to undefined method THANKS

    While viewing a post, you click on the poster's name you get a menu that includes "view forum posts." However, when you click on it you get a white screen. The error is: Fatal error: Call to undefined method THANKS::parse_bbcode() in /xxx/xxx/public_html/community/vb/legacy/post.php on line...
  8. webrunner

    Bug Several problems in vBShout

    Hi, I have several problems in my vBShout installation. It is the latest (lite) version. 1. I don't see the reports tab so reported shouts end up in a black hole 2. The menu in the adminCP looks weird, several menu items are showing up twice 3. Notifications inside admincp show blank box, no...
  9. CoZmicShReddeR

    Bug Branding Free: vBSignatures

    Regarding the Branding Free: vBSignatures the license isn't working
  10. GoodApples

    Bug vBEditor Tabs Position

    I have this set to Below Editor and it works on Quick Reply but it places itself top right hand side when I Post New Thread or Go Advanced
  11. MudRacing

    Bug Branding Free Key ERROR

    As the title suggests, the Branding Free Key don't work... Thanks
  12. Neo_Angelo

    Question not sure if its a bug more of a how do i?

    ok when i select the "Use vBavatars" as my avatar thing i get a vBulletin message saying "Imageinfo Failed:" now i don't think it is a bug because what i've done is i'm in the process of deleting all the pre-set stuff so at the moment i have deleted the male and female images and added my own...
  13. U

    Question How do I export yaas?

    I just purchased this mod and see that folks are talking about importing yaas. I'm assuming it's this yaas. How do I export it all from yaas so I can import it in activity? Sorry for the noob question.
  14. TandyServices

    Bug Branding Free: Forum Live Feed & User Wall

    I have just bought and installed.. I also bought the Branding Free. When I go to put the code in I get: Error:You did not enter a valid value for this setting.
  15. F

    Bug vBshout pro bugs

    Hello, I've purcheased dbtech vbshout pro yesterday. I was using vbshout lite before so i disabled the vbshout lite > uninstalled before i started with installing vbshout pro. Now there are few bugs that i can't fix nor have any idea how to fix. As you can see from this image - most tabs...
  16. H

    Question licence key is not in readme file

    Hi, I have purchased the tagging addon but no licence key is found on the downloaded zip file. It is supposed to be in readme,right ? Nope,its not there.
  17. F

    Question How can i remove copyrights from the product?

    I have the option to put the copyright inside the product or on the footer of the forum. What i want is remove it since i am lifetime customer, it says on readme files i can find the branding free key but i couldn't find anything there but text about guide how to install the product.
  18. T

    Question Add New Row Tab

    Hi guys, I was trying to add another row navbar and had Enable Second Navbar: Yes but it didn't show. Please help. Thanks.
  19. A

    Bug Receiving Fatal Error after Upgrade

    After upgrading from 1.1.7 (cannot be sure what version it was) to 2.0.2 I am now recieving the below error message whenever I enter a user's profile and select "Find All Posts". However, I do not receive the error when I select "Find all started threads". Error Message: Fatal error: Call to...
  20. L

    Bug Shoutbox is "loading..." all time

    In Firefox and IE chat doesn't want to load. In latest Opera and Chrome works ok. no errors in error console firefox, only warnings. I have one another question, how to change the character encoding to iso-8859-2, or somthing else, with Polish special characters.