
  1. P

    Bug Not showing at all

    Hi, I am trying all dragon byte products one by one cause its all very interesting. But it seems that i am very unlucky I installed profile hover but it is not showing up at all. I enable it for all usergroups and enable the profile hover via usercp I reupload files and reinstall the product...
  2. mrderanged

    Bug Time to Install?

    Hey Guys, Just wondering is the install time for this hack based on how large the post table is? We have over 1.7M posts and importing the xml seems to be taking a while.... Thanks in Advance
  3. Black tiger

    Question Fatal error need help??

    hello, i need some help when i access my View Forum Leaders the flowing error is displayed........ Fatal error: Call to undefined method vb_optimise_db::escape_string() in /home/******/public_html/includes/class_core.php on line 1635 the line 1635 code is please tell me what...
  4. Snafu

    Bug Manage Criteria/Awards/Request/Nominations: Displays message "Invalid Action."

    Manage Criteria/Awards/Request/Nominations: Displays message "Invalid Action." Any of the three options mentioned in the title throws this message: I'm the administrator and possess all permits, i tried reinstall and repair cache :( PD: Sorry for my poor english
  5. djFarsang

    Question Upgraded to vb4.1.4 PL1 ENG and Thai Lang of Activities disappeared

    After upgraded to vb4.1.4 PL1 make ENG and Thai Lang of Activities disappeared such as: dbtech_vbactivity_condition_perthanksgiven dbtech_vbactivity_condition_perthanksreceived dbtech_vbactivity_condition_perdislikesgiven dbtech_vbactivity_condition_perdislikesreceived...
  6. Solein

    Bug Description field missing when upload

    Hello, I just update my board to the latest 4.1.4 and the upload page don't show the editor for the description of the file: The editor works fine in the rest of the site. I've reuploaded and reinstalled vbdownloads and still no luck.
  7. D

    Bug PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined method vb_optimise_db::escape_string()

    I'm noticing quite a number of occurrences of this in my Apache error logs. I was using APC cache until recently but changed to XCache due to recurring issues, and now the problem seems worse. My forum became completely unusable – rather than rendering pages properly, it would render them...
  8. R

    Question PM's not working & Admin panel for mods?

    Hello, I've installed vbshout lite 5.4.4, and things are running fairly smoothly. Just a couple questions: 1. Why is the Admin panel only showing up for the main administrator? I.e...No other admins or mods can view the DBTech - vbshout tab in the vbulletin admin panel. Is there a place I can...
  9. J

    Bug New PRO user, two issues.

    1) I randomly get a ERROR: Invalid response from the server. It mostly appears if I am doing something bandwidth intensive in another window (downloading for example). However, my users complain of this often. I am using vBOptimize and not the integrated optimizer in vBShout. 2) I was using...
  10. Ozzy47

    Bug database errors

    I just purchased this tonight, now I am getting some emails (about every 10 minutes) on strange vBulletin database errors: Database error in vBulletin 4.1.3: Invalid SQL: select queries from vboptimise where dateline='Apr 26th'; MySQL Error : Table 'myfriend_forums.vboptimise' doesn't exist...
  11. H

    Bug Just Upgraded to VBshout 5.4 - Shout is now broken

    Ok, followed the upgrade, went back through the settings and renabled stuff. Created a new room.. set the permissions.. deleted the old hooks, cpnav, etc from the old system. Turn it on and i get: Fatal error: Using $this when not in object context in...
  12. R

    Bug Field 53 Error Upon Installation

    When uploading the xml file during installation, I get the following error:
  13. D

    Bug White screen when trying to hunt

    It's just as the title says. It isn't possible to hunt, when we try to, it only shows a white screen. We tried recreating everything, but still nothing. We also checked the apache server, and upgraded from v1.0.0 to the current version. Still nothing. Can anyone provide a solution to this...
  14. Alan_SP

    Question How to hide just part of text with [hide] BBcode?

    I tried to get just part of the text hidden with hide BBcode, but it hides all. What is exact syntax for hide BBcode? Please, write it without []
  15. I

    Advanced Post Thank/Like

    Hi all, sorry, I recently had to reinstall my vBulletin and when I tried to import the Advance Thanks/Like mod the buttons aren't showing up anywhere, what's going on?
  16. H

    Bug FF was Error when import Post Thanks v7.7? Can run import again?

    My firefox has error and close when run import thank from Post Thanks v7.7. After that, I run import again but it non stop and seems no thank was imported. What should i do next? Supporter, Where are you???
  17. A

    Bug Resource Statistics not working with 3.8.7

    I have upgarded the vb from 3.8.6 to the new 3.8.7 and i found that the Resource Statistics & Optimal Settings Check & system test & Flush Cache it has been changed to the normal XML not like before and its only listing the resourcing such as : please look to the photos in the attachment Any...
  18. galerio

    Bug Flash Leaderboard doesn't show

    After installation and the update of counters and stats, the flash leaderborad doesn't load any graph. Any idea? I have also tried with the default vb theme, but I get the same result. I also tried to disable vbseo and htaccess, but nothing. I tried to uninstall and reinstall all and to...
  19. D19RNY

    Question How do i reset all purchases and reset store

    How can i reset all purchases, gifts etc. I just want to reset everything.
  20. D19RNY

    Bug No "Generated page in x.x seconds", no data in filecache/ directory

    The bit in the footer saying Generated this page in x.x seconds is not showing anymore, and there is no data in filecache/ directory I am using memcache as the operator.