
  1. neounix

    Bug Bug in DBSEO When Tags Are Multiple Words

    Hi. Just noticed that DBSEO rewrite for v3.8 is used for tag, it works fine if the tag is a single work. However, if the tags is more than one work, an error is generated. I have attached two screenshots to illustrate this. One is a single word tag (works fine).. the other is a multiple...
  2. bzcomputers

    Question Beta8: Question on how URL rewrite history works

    Being that the URL rewrite history is handled in the background without any user settings (from what I can tell), what happens when I spend a couple hours setting up DBSEO initially to get the settings the way I want? This may happen on initial install of DBSEO or the install of another DBSEO...
  3. neounix

    Bug Bug in DBSEO Rewrite Rules for Forum Navbar Navbits

    We have installed DBSEO on our backup server and notice a problem (see images attached) where DBSEO breaks the way the Navbar navbits image is displayed. The correct working code is (for example) before DBSEO is: <a href="/showthread.php?t=238407?t=238407"> <img class="inlineimg"...
  4. pcam

    Question Images , .png , Not viewable when rewrite rules active (nginx)

    I followed a post here, , and urls are being optimized, but my images are broken. I am using nginx, vB 4.2.2, and have just purchased db seo. When I revert to my non dbseo nginx vhost for the board, the images are correctly distributed. I had...
  5. S

    Bug Dbseo breaks my Tapatalk installation

    Hi, After migrating from vbseo to dbseo, i've noticed my visitors cannot access the site anymore with Tapatalk. DBSEO enabled: Tapatalk fails VBSEO enabled : Tapatalk works The rewrite rules for my webserver are the same, except when calling vbseo.php i use dbseo.php (when dbseo enabled) and...
  6. bzcomputers

    Legacy Add the ability to include a separate list of urls outside of vb standard urls

    I personally have quite a few add-on pages that will not currently be picked up by the DBSEO Sitemap feature. This includes personally created custom pages and some pages that are created by additional add-ons to vb4. This was something that was handled previously by vbSEO's sitemap...
  7. J

    Bug Sitemap issues

    I've installed beta7 today, and found few issues with sitemaps already: 1. Manual sitemap generation in dbseocp links to dbseocp/dbseo.php?do=buildsitemap instead of index.php?... any idea why? I'm using rewrite settings from the readme file. 2. lastmod for forums is set to 1970 in the xml...
  8. D

    Bug Rewrite is not working

    Any forums clicked just lead to the home forum page and any forums posts errors: The page you are looking for cannot be found HTTP error log [Wed Dec 04 11:52:10 2013] [error] [client] script '/var/www/html/' not found or unable to...
  9. S

    Question nginx

    Hi, Got my lifetime DBSEO license and am planning for the upgrade, but was wondering if anyone else yet has implemented it on nginx/php-fpm? Apache is way too slow for my site, thus migrated to niginx. Vbseo works on that, can i use the same rules for the dbseo.php? These are my settings for...
  10. U

    Question .htaccess

    I didnt use vbseo and today i just brought these awaresome plugin that i wait for very long i not very familar with how the rewrite rule work so is it possible to attach the .htaccess rewritten rule code here for url rewirte ,i read the readme text but was confused
  11. Mental

    Bug Way too many sleep queries.

    Hi Bought the plugin , migrated all settings from vbseo, unistalled.. installed dbseo and trying it live... hounded with a lot of queries. | 216431 | username_forum20 | localhost | username_forum2013 | Sleep | 1 | | NULL | | 216504 | username_forum20...
  12. A

    Question Writing And Data Store Error

    Hi There The product looks fantastic but im not quite there yet with it. I have errors such as the one below? Warning: Missing argument 1 for DBSEO_Datastore::flush(), called in ..../dbtech/dbseo/actions/admin/save.php on line 71 and defined in ..../dbtech/dbseo/includes/class_datastore.php on...
  13. L

    Legacy Various Requests

    Hi Would be nice to see some features vbSEO supports 1.) Enable Adsense Section Targeting? BETA Select "Yes" to add Google AdSense section tags to relevant parts of your forum pages within forumhome, forumdisplay and showthread. 2.) Option to rewrite the Archive 3.) Relevant Replacements, is...
  14. M

    DBSEO Question

    Hi Fillip H., I wanted to know if your product features redirects should you wish to change the way that your links work. An example. If I had links like mysiteurl/this-thread-url-223456.html and I wanted to change the links to mysiteurl/forum-name1/this-thread-url-223456.html Would...
  15. bzcomputers

    Bug Issues noticed on Beta5

    1) CMS Urls: When there are two stopwords together on a CMS article title there is an extra "-" (dash) left in the rewrite url. Forum urls looked ok. Thread url: CRUISIN - Cruise Music - Songs That Get You In The Mood! Thread title: Cruise Music - Songs That Get You In The Mood! 2) CMS Urls...
  16. bzcomputers

    Legacy A way to backup settings in order to revert back to them if needed

    I can see instances where it would be beneficial to have a way to "save current configuration" with a date/time stamp. This way users could easily revert back to a previous setup. It would also make it easier for users testing different setups to be able to quickly revert back or switch between...
  17. A

    Dragonbyte SEO Section rewrite

    How will the cms sections be rewritten. What I would like it instead of
  18. fly

    Question Any chance that all posts here are archived somewhere?

    So I had to uninstall vBN at some point but now I want to get it back. I customized the CSS template for the notification and posted here what I had done. The thread appears to be gone. Any chance it's archived somewhere? I'd really rather not have to rewrite it, so I figured I'd ask.
  19. E

    Question vbarcade nginx rewrite rules

    Hi, I am using nginx web server with php-fpm. I couldn't find nginx rewrite rules for vbarcade. Could you please give me a sample nginx rewrite rules for vb arcade ? Thanks
  20. S

    Question vBDownloads + vBSEO rewrite URLS?

    Hi, Previously I used another download manager but have switched to yours because the other is no longer supported, plus yours is better ;) I used to use the attached mod with the previous download manager which integrated it with vBSEO so that it was SEO friendly URLS. Is it possible to do...