
  1. bzcomputers

    Legacy Ability to add custom ad locations

    It would be nice to be able to integrate custom locations into this mod. I see these settings be required: 1) Set location name / description 2) Upload location screenshot 3) Get code into custom location. All but 3 is pretty easy :) I personally use the Rotating Banner System mod without...
  2. tio2013

    Bug Problem URL with DBTech seo

    Hello, I install DragonByte SEO so when i clic to the forum section i have a white page ( The requested URL /work-out/ was not found on this server.) right now i disable the plug in so my forum work. I hope you can help? Thanks
  3. tio2013

    problem with DragonByte SEO

    Hello, I install DragonByte SEO so when i clic to the forum section i have a white page ( The requested URL /work-out/ was not found on this server.) I hope you can help? Thanks
  4. bzcomputers

    Bug Sitemap Error: Missing CMS Sections and Category URLs

    Not sure how I'd missed this before but when building the sitemap the CMS Section is only listing the default "Front Page" section (only 1 url in sitemap file) and not any of the user created sections. Also CMS Category URLs/File is not being created at all.
  5. T

    Question Too many vboptimise different folders / files.

    I have multiple folders throughout my directory related to vboptimise. I have the pro version. I'm wondering which files I can uninstall and which files I'm supposed to configure. memcache is ready to go on...
  6. S

    Customizing how signatures display

    So, I had an idea for forum signatures to try and make them visible to guests, but invisible to things like googlebot and any other spider/indexer. But I'm apparently terrible at this (as in, I'm not a coder). I understood that iframes show up to bots as simply white blank space - which sounds...
  7. Bullmama DeLano

    Legacy Choosing End Date for Auctions

    I really REALLY need to be able to enter an end date for auctions. We do our rescue auctions for only one week every couple of months, with them ending at the same time. We like to create the auctions as we get the items donated. Having them listed as we get them makes it easy to see our...
  8. Nirjonadda

    Bug vBSEO Rewrite Rules

    vBSEO Rewrite Rules does not working on my site, Where member posted thread link it does not Redirect new URL . Its Redirect to Home Page, Please can you look into about on this issue. Old vBSEO URL /desi-picture/173166-a.html, Does not Redirect new URL /forum8/thread173166.html
  9. bzcomputers

    Bug Beta10: Ampersand is not being filtered out of CMS URLs, it is being rewritten "amp"

    Beta10: Ampersand is not being filtered out of CMS URLs, it is being rewritten "amp" Ampersand is not currently being filtered out of any CMS URLs, it is being rewritten as "amp". It is correctly filtered out of the Forum URLS.
  10. M

    Bug Classified Listing Gone?

    Hi Mokonzi, I cannot really explain this one apart from to give you a link to the item itself. which has vanished from the listings (apart from direct URL access) Viewing Listing: For sale.VU+DUO2 - Buy Sell Wanteds on Digitalworldz Classifieds Adverts basically if its sold then how would...
  11. M

    Question Listing Display on Ipads and smaller screens

    Hi Mokonzi, This is starting to look great and I am about to go live and take it out of beta on my forums too. But one thing is that we have quite a large ipad user base, and one particular moderator that looks after our existing classifieds section. He asked me to find out why his ipad...
  12. Mental

    Bug New section created - rewrite rule not updated --- inaccessible by default.

    Scenario 1 - created a new sub forum 2- added a moderator 3- went to homepage to click , URL incorrect (not rewritten) Incorrect URL: forumdisplay.php?f=844 correct URL: /f844/ me scratches head. Thanks.
  13. D

    Question How do I change Pay Pal address

    I want to change the Pay Pal address to other than used for a paid subscription, how do I change this?
  14. D

    Question How to exclude one section from showing up on the main CMS front page?

    How to exclude one section from showing up on the main CMS front page? The slides show the best photos, but again from the vbulletin suite as articles. Can I exclude from the home page of vbulletin suite category or section? how can I do?
  15. Adam H

    DBSEO Case studies ? Any for a read ?

    Im interested to see some case studies if possible of owners who are willing to share some data in regards to improvements either in performance , indexing or traffic increases or indeed if anyone has endured looses of traffic , page views etc. Im keen on trying it but i cant see my self...
  16. GoodApples

    Question Long Time CMS slider not displaying

    I have been using the vbSilider on the CMS for some time without issue and it now has disappeared? Any suggestions on what to check? ...I recently did change servers about a month ago. ...I recently change the vb style and when updating the CMS (Section Information) this displayed Warning...
  17. A

    Error with Logo

    Alright so every time I put the logo picture in the folders it just shows up as cb33e1332349135d96112f3c685fc68d.png. Any hints on how to fix it?
  18. S

    Classifieds v1.0.0b13 bug fixed and report

    in dbtech_classifieds_feedback_list_bit image icons fixed <tr> <td class="blockrow"> <a href="dbtclassifieds.php?do=listing&action=viewlisting&listingitemid={vb:raw listing.listingitemid}"> <vb:if condition="$listing['attachmentid']">...
  19. bzcomputers

    Legacy If referer is not site domain redirect to download page. Stop direct links to files.

    Awhile ago I decided to open my downloads section up to the public. Now it no longer requires a login to download any files. What I want to cut down on is people linking directly to file downloads on my site from another site. I thought about going back and requiring a login and I may if I...
  20. I

    Bug Top X Stats: Can't Update block and reload does not work

    Hello, We are having an issue with InfoPanels' Top X Stats section. If users try to change one of the three blocks from the default setting to another option (Say from Top Posters to Top Thread Starters or any other option) it simply will not let them select the new view option for that block...