
  1. R

    Question A couple of errors on new install. what is causing this, and how do I fix it?

    I am getting the following error in the Encyclopedia > All Achievements: "Warning: Missing argument 1 for vBActivity_Type_blogpost::action(), called in [path]/dbtech/vbactivity/type/core.php on line 86 and defined in [path]/dbtech/vbactivity_pro/type/blogpost.php on line 7: and this error shows...
  2. T

    Question Removing "and" from the SEOed URL

    I have bought dbseo in order to replace vbseo, and dbseo is not active on my live server yet. If I have a forum called Mobiles and Tablets, VBSEO would make the link: domain/forum/mobiles-tablets/ However, dbseo makes it: domain/forum/mobiles-and-tablets/ Can I get dbseo to ignore "and" in...
  3. M

    Legacy Support for http errors 404 etc

    Hi Fillip H., Would it be possible to integrate a similar checking into your product. Have a look here. HTTP Error Response Codes by BOP5 (Help reduce "soft 404" errors for improved SEO) - Forum Very useful :) Mick
  4. M

    Question Displaying other Members and Cron Job Help

    HI there I have installed the product on the website, however am battling with other users logged in showing their location. I can only see my pin on the map. I have checked the user groups as well as the schedule tasks. I see someone else battled with this topic as well in this thread...
  5. GoodApples

    Bug Sellers Items Block Height

    Is there a setting to change the height of the sellers items / Sellers Other Items side block? or stylevar if there is one which I don't see...?
  6. R

    Question Stop translating URLs in Post

    Please tell me where i can stop the function to translate URLs in user´s posts. If i want to link to Google than i want to read and not any SEO-stuff sentences that are used by this page as a title.
  7. J

    Question vBTubePRO stops working with SEO active

    Hi, Hope you can help me out with this. I have vBTubePRO running in my forum and all works great to i enable DB SEO and just the main page will be displayed on Vtube, all other links redirect me to my forum home page. I think it is due to vBTubePRO ReWriteRule as follows # vBTube...
  8. F

    Legacy Profile block mentions which show usernames next to hidden mentions is a problem

    The quick version of my question is this: I had some forums enabled for this. They were forums for moderators only. My problem is that even after I disabled those forums in the settings, users still have a list of people who quoted them in those moderators' forums next to the word "Hidden", e.g...
  9. anicolac

    Question Time format error in Spanish language

    [solved] Time format error in Spanish language Hello. Does anyone know what files I need to modify to fix this? If I have selected the Spanish language, date / time, only one "r". url: Apple Maníacos with the English language, yes it looks good I thought it may come caused by...
  10. R

    Question & is changed to and, where can i change this?

    A forum´s name like "Bread & Butter" is changed ftom DSEO to bread-and-butter, but i prefer another word than and. Please tell me where i can change this. I tried it here: DragonByte Tech: SEO > URL Rewrites: General Settings > Custom Character Filter with & => und but it doesnt work like...
  11. EasyEasy

    Bug Bids Not Registering

    After installing from the fix you gave I have set the modification up however im unable to bid. Screenshot is below.
  12. M

    Question Sitemap - Can't Manual Build

    I can't get the Sitemap to build. It keeps hanging. Every time it runs it stops at processing.... and no other part of the script is run. Here is what I have done to solve - Re-uploaded the files (twice) Checked all mysql settings as previous suggested disabled / re-enabled I am prepared to...
  13. GaWd

    Question Shoutbox Archive - Where is it?

    How can I get to the archive? It's enabled in settings, but I can't seem to find it anywhere, and neither can my users/ Thanks!
  14. K

    Bug Decimals (2) shown only in stats page, in postbit no decimals - how to fix?

    I changed option for decimals to 2, but decimals shown only on credits.php page and not on postbit. Please suggest how to fix?
  15. Grumpy

    Bug Updated to 1.1.3 and now no usergroup has access to ads

    I updated to 1.1.3 and now no one has access to ads including myself [admin]. I changed no settings in the user group(s).
  16. R

    Question List for files to exclude?

    Is there a list for all that files we should exclude from rewriting? Yesterday i found out that the relative url for my .css war rewritten wrong, now i am afraid that more inludes int the source will be wrong. I am shure that this problem was solved many times before, so i ask if there is a list...
  17. clubcooee

    Bug newest pro version:vBShout (vB5) v6.1.0a7 "Editing Instance:" can't be saved.

    newest pro version:vBShout (vB5) v6.1.0a7 "Editing Instance:" can't be saved. Well I only wanted to show the smilies button, but the normal "Edit Instance" won't let me save my settings. I had to give access to my members by using the "Quick Instance Permissions Setup" cause the "usual" way of...
  18. P

    Question Documentation broken!

    Hi, I just downloaded and installed the latest version of this paid, pro version. I'm fairly disheartened to see the documentation is broken! The documentation.html that came in the .zip file is all sorts of broken. The installation steps have no details, the steps just have the same thing as...
  19. A

    Question vbshout 6.2.2 - a particular user is not showing up in 'active users'

    I have one particular user who for some reason appears to not show up as 'active' user, even though he is absolutely active. I have compared his account settings to other users with the same exact settings and they show fine. I also had this user generate a new account, and that account shows...
  20. Em Kay

    Bug Unable to remove feedback in ACP

    Trying to remove feedback via ACP "Manage Feedbacks" returns an "Invalid Action"