
  1. S

    Question Shout Issues Before and After Upgrade to 4.2.2

    A week ago everything was fine. Shout was smooth, no issues. Was on 4.2.0. Had not recently installed any files, mods nothing. All of a sudden, shout gets stuck on loading every once in awhile, rest of the site loads quick as always. Would have to refresh the page, sometimes and site over and...
  2. San

    Question I 'am getting a warning massage in ACP vbshout

    How would I fix these error warnings? Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in [path]/packages/dbtechvbshout/api/vbshout/shoutbox.php on line 657 Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in [path]/packages/dbtechvbshout/api/vbshout/shoutbox.php on line 724 Ok , I got it...
  3. W

    Bug Shoutbox tab doesn't blink

    Hi we have received many complaint from the users that the shoutbox tab is not blinking when someone chatting in shoutbox private room and someone sends them pm shoutbox. Or if a user is chatting in one room, he/she cannot see the other room tab blinking. Please help. Thanks
  4. M

    Bug vbShout 6.2.1 for 4.2.2 showing blank shoutboxes, but archiving shouts

    I just upgraded the files to 6.2.1. When I enter the chat, I type the message and send it to the shoutbox, but nothing appears. If I go to the archive, I see the shout.
  5. R

    Bug Shoutbox stuck at loading....

    I have uploaded the shoutbox files to my server, but the cpnav menu does not appear in the admincp. I checked that the shoutbox files are placed under the suspected file versions and hence not showing up in the menu of admincp and neither the shoutbox is loading! How to fix this?
  6. angeljs

    Question WYSIWYG Editor Problem

    Okay, I have a bit of a problem. Nothing to do with your mod as that works fine. It's just that I have vBa Dynamics, and their editor, although using vBulletins editor to some extent, is in a different folder off the forum. When I go to add a download (which is what I'm using that mod for), all...
  7. Nxt

    Bug Invaild SQL Select Error

    I keep seeing this error: Database error in vBulletin 5.0.5: Invalid SQL: SELECT user.*, user.dbtech_vbshout_settings AS shoutsettings...
  8. Black tiger

    Question Vb Shout Not Working on Vbulletin 4.2.2??

    I just upgraded my forums to 4.2.2. The shoutbox was working right before the installation. However, after, the box is clear, and active users are displayed in plain text such as: Vitaris]]> When I enter a shout and press Enter, it clears in the text box, but doesn't refresh. The archive is...
  9. Eda

    Bug Messages not displaying when "edit site : off"

    The content of my shoutbox (users shouts) is only active when im opening the page with the "Edit site:" button with state "on" When button is "off", we are able to shout but no messages are viewable. Active users and sticky are showing correctly. And the "Working..." dialog is showing up on...
  10. B

    Question Disable notification on the main shout tab

    How to stop all notification in the main shout tab ? I don't want any notification other than members shouts in the main shout tab. Please help.
  11. I

    Question Can you place an instance of vBShout on a specific Forum only?

    Is there a way to specify where an instance of a shoutbox appears? We are looking for a way to put a specific instance in a forum on the site. Thoughts? Thanks!
  12. L

    Bug Notificaten in Shoutbox

    Hello, Despite my settings in the Admin CP in the download settings, which is to no, still in the shoutbox, a notification is sent. Can anyone help me? Best regards, Level Lord
  13. F

    Question 5.0.4 Dragonbyte tech shoutbox problem

    I installed the shoutbox but for some reason it doesn't show up.. I installed it correctly as far as I know, and I edited everything to be like it should be. =/
  14. A

    vBShout pre-sales questions

    Site is not up yet but I'll try asking here, how / where do were change the template so that the controls are center aligned, instead of left aligned? Tried the div in dbtech_vbshout_editortools but either we did it wrong or that's the wrong place. Would like to buy the full version but only if...
  15. P

    Question Some help

    hi need again some help :) 1) i want that the typing window is like in dragonbyte forum and that when someone write stuffs that the txt goes down not up :) 2)when i create a room and write a name it adds some weird characters like ime%3f it...
  16. Bounce

    Question Getting links clickable...

    Hiya... How do I make links to threads clickable? appears that only admins links are clickable, is there a setting to turn on ? Also I like the different colour that you have here to show its a thread link, is that possible too? Thanks, liking the shoutbox :cool:
  17. Jonty

    Question AOP with Load balanced servers (EC2)

    Hi there, I've purchased vBShout, and i'm keen to install it on my forums. The trouble is, the forums are load balanced EC2 instances, i.e. multiple file systems. This is fine for most of your plugins, as most dont write to the file system, but this one appears to. The problem is with the...
  18. angeljs

    Bug Time out of sync after last update

    Before I updated the shout mod, all my users could see the time of the shouts in their own time zone, but now the time seems to be off by a few hours for everyone...server time I presume. Is there any way to fix this?
  19. R

    Question smilies not getting inserted into shoutbox when clicked.

    The smilies are not getting inserted into the text area of the shoutbox when clicked. How do i change this setting so that smilies when clicked will be pasted in the text area?
  20. J

    Legacy Invisibility mode toggle

    How do I limit the users who can toggle invisibility mode in the chat? I can't seem to find an option within the mods control panel ( though its possible I overlooked it), and user groups who are not allowed to set themselves as invisible in the forum proper are allowed to do so in the mod...