
  1. M

    Question Threads to sitemap

    Settings DragonByte Tech: SEO - URL Rewrites: Forum URLs Rewrite Thread URLs - No Ex. forum/showthread.php?t=5374 Click Build Sitemap dbseo_sitemap_thread_0.xml.gz <url> <loc>forum/showthread.php?f=5374</loc> <lastmod>2014-08-03T10:43:18+00:00</lastmod> <changefreq>daily</changefreq>...
  2. H

    Question Sitemaps Not Listed In Google

    I have been recently becoming familiar with Google Webmaster tools and have noticed that my forum did not have a sitemap registered. I assumed this was mostly just some kind of synchcronization issue or reporting flaw so I registered the sitmap index manually in order to get the full set of...
  3. Nirjonadda

    Legacy Prune Sitemap Build Log

    Please can you add Maintenance option to Prune Sitemap Build Log?
  4. bzcomputers

    Legacy Sitemap Log: Add a Total URL Count and differences from Last Build Counts

    It would be nice to see a Sitemap URL Count total and a differences calculation from last build in both the sitemap log and the sitemap email notification. Something like this:
  5. bzcomputers

    Bug "Sitemap Next Generated" showing incorrect date/time

    Just noticed the sitemap next generation time was showing incorrectly. I have it set for daily at 03:00 (3:00AM) and it is running fine at that time, but the displayed next generation time in the control panel is showing "15:00, 25th June 2014", 3:00PM this afternoon. Not a big deal just...
  6. Papa Bear

    Bug Build sitemap error

    when trying to manually build the sitemap i get this error.. Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class dbseo_rewrite_taglist in forum/dbtech/dbseo/includes/library/tags.php on line 21 it would seem that the /dbtech/dbseo/includes/library folder is missing..
  7. webi

    Bug Sitemap Report counts only last file

    Hi Fillip H., In Sitemap Report only the last Sitemap file is counted and not all files in total. Yesterday: Today:
  8. Nirjonadda

    Bug Sitemap Next Generated

    Sitemap Next Generated is error, its show me yesterday Sitemap Next Generated 10th Jun 2014 and today show me Sitemap Next Generated 11th Jun 2014, But Sitemap Generate does not Run.
  9. S

    Bug Automatic Sitemap Search Engine Submission Error

    Hi Guys, I see this issue on Automatic Sitemap Search Engine Submission: An error occurred while processing the bitfield files, the following information was returned: How to fixed it? Thanks, Eugenio
  10. Nirjonadda

    Bug Sitemap Last Generated

    Its show me Sitemap Last Generated 06:00, 1st Jan 1970, Years is Incorrectly.
  11. T

    Question Submited Sitemap long time ago and resubmited it, but still o result on Webmaster too

    Hi I resubmited my Dbseo sitemap many times on google webmaster tools however I dont see any results on the control panel I dont know how to resolve it can you help me please ? thanks
  12. CharlieDelta

    Question Webmaster Link Problem Advice

    I need some advice on how to deal with three URL's that webmaster tools tells me there is a problem with.
  13. Nirjonadda

    Legacy Statistics On DBSEO CP

    Please can you add Statistics On DBSEO Control Panel Home? Ex: Last Sitemap Generation date Next Sitemap Generation date Total thread Submit total blog total Spider Log etc ... !!!
  14. AnjaC

    Bug Unable to parse URL

    Hello Fillip, after update to 1.0.17 in some threads we get this error: Warnung: parse_url(http:/// [function.parse-url]: Unable to parse URL in [path]/dbtech/dbseo/includes/class_core.php (Zeile 5850) or something like this: Warnung: parse_url(http://AF-S DX Zoom-Nikkor...
  15. A

    Bug Database Error

    Hi, i get this error when I build the sitemap manually. The error occurred the first time on 23rd of April with version 1.0.14. I do not made any changes and try to repair the tables but does not solve the problem. Database error in vBulletin 4.2.2: Invalid SQL: SELECT text, languageid...
  16. N

    Legacy Sitemap Option

    Hello Fillip, can you integrate a Function into the Sitemap Creator where man can set the Time for every Forum how many old Threads are included into the Sitemap. Thank you! Kindly Regards Stefan
  17. N

    Legacy Sitemap Cronjob

    Hello Fillip, is your Sitemap Generator Script compatible to call it from a Linux Cronjob and dont use the vBulletin Cronjob? Kindly regards Stefan
  18. R

    Legacy Ping New Threads !

    Hello, There was a feature in VBSEO which Ping new Threads to a list of sites such as could we see this feature in the upcoming updates ?
  19. Hoof Hearted

    Question Sitemap Error

    Hello all, Gotta say first - Amazing Product! Luff it :) How do I fix this? Fatal error: Class 'vB_Types' not found in /home/siglab/public_html/dbtech/dbseo/includes/class_sitemap.php on line 2456 Line 2456: AND contenttypeid = '" . vB_Types::instance()->getContentTypeID('vBForum_Album') . "'...
  20. M

    Question Sitemap - Can't Manual Build

    I can't get the Sitemap to build. It keeps hanging. Every time it runs it stops at processing.... and no other part of the script is run. Here is what I have done to solve - Re-uploaded the files (twice) Checked all mysql settings as previous suggested disabled / re-enabled I am prepared to...