
  1. G

    Bug 1.4.0 b2- just empty space after installing... forum, ACP

    Reuploaded and reinstalled 1.4.0 b2 and got blank pages... I tried to uninstall, and... got the same blank page After this I can see vbdownloads section in products.
  2. ufshane

    Question Fix an error with xcache

    I am getting this error: Warning: xcache_get() [function.xcache-get]: xcache.var_size is either 0 or too small to enable var data caching in [path]/dbtech/vboptimise/includes/operators/xcache.php on line 21 I have looked everywhere on how to set the var size but I cannot find it. My php.ini...
  3. GoodApples

    Screen Resolution Issues

    Yes, I know this my screen resolution but this looks so bad. Please limited the number of tabs in each bar. :p I know...I am careful on my site with this mod. :)
  4. bszopi

    Question vBSlider Templating

    Ok, I said I would do a quick tutorial on using the templating feature of vBSlider v3.0, so here goes! First, click on the "Manage Templates" option from the vBSlider ACP menu. Here, you can create a new template. In the "Add New Template" dialog box, it asks you to enter the number of...
  5. D

    Bug No work

    Please see in all the forums no see the the "thanks" "like" or other ... Does not appear anywhere. You can browse the site no see anyhing . and i set the button Permissions . Thanks for help .
  6. H

    Bug Memory size error

    Tried to tag a usergroup and received the following error: Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 67108864 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 83 bytes) in /forums/includes/functions.php on line 6013 I tried to search the forums for this but with no success.
  7. F

    Bug Memory exhaustion error in class_core.php

    My users are reporting getting an error message when trying to use the advanced reply feature in my forum. As background I downloaded and hotfixed the latest version of class_core.php and thanks.js yesterday. I guess I should go back to the earlier version of class_core.php but I hope this...
  8. djFarsang

    Bug Scrolling messages automatically to the base

    I was set the shout default display order to Older First. Although, I’m scrolled by manually to the base but the messages use a few minutes for stay at the base, after that they always scrolling to a middle of shout box. This issue occurred to Firefox too.
  9. IcEWoLF

    Question Recent Contributors block - vBadvanced

    Hi Ozzy, how do I remove the donate button from the recent contributors? The 47 Ronin Squad Also I noticed the width is too much, the text is not well contained. Also, would it be possible to make the recent donors look like the block on the forums? The 47 Ronin Squad
  10. A

    Question Photo enlarge option not showing

    Hi, i have installed Gallery Lite but i would buy Gallery Pro and import photos from vBGallery, but i don't see in your gallery photo enlarge option! :( How can i enlarge uploaded photo? For my forum this feature is very important! Thanks Antonio
  11. D

    Bug serious custom style issue...

    Hi There! I installed the Navbar-Addon for testing purposes in my XAMPP-testground, together with my new style "IdealVB" from Themeforest. I have a lot of issues, now, metioned your products... For better information, looks like the picture please, you will see the different: This is the...
  12. Alan_SP

    Different PM's size by usergroups

    I need mod that will enable that different usergroups have different allowed PM's size. As you know, now we have global maximum size for PMs. Could someone make mod that will check PM's size by usergroup? It would be ideal if this setting would be set where we set usergroups' allowed number of...
  13. N

    Bug Management Forums doesn't work

    Hello! When I try to save the configuration of the forums, doesn't work. Boxes go blank again. Sorry for my english... Regards!
  14. D

    Attachments Gallery

    A Gallery (widget for CMS, Block for vbadvanced, Forum-Sidebar-Block) for the last x Attachments from the forum (not gallery!) If the attachment is clicked, it brings you direct to the posting. possible settings in the ACP: 1. Layout: - horizontal - vertical - table 2. Number of attachments 3...
  15. W

    Question Size Multipliers

    How can I remove size multiplies or make them inactive? I want people to earn just the 2 points for a thread and just 1 point from a post. Not 1 point plus multipliers? Thank you
  16. Alan_SP

    Question CometChat and vBNotifications

    I just checked, there's a thread with problem with CometChat and vBNotifications, but it doesn't solve what I want to achieve. I would like to rise vBNotifications bar about 30 or so pixels from bottom of screen, so it doesn't collide with CometChat bar. Could you tell me where is CSS that...
  17. A

    VBShops Lite and Pro

    Hi, I am using VBShops Lite now and was thinking to upgrade to Pro. Here are some questions: 1. With pro, can I customised my own shop icon? Under "add new item" -> "shop icon". I want to add in my own gif. 2. How do I know if a customer purchase something? Is there an email notification...
  18. IcEWoLF

    Legacy Feature requests

    Dragonbyte Gallery - The 47 Ronin Squad 1.Could we display the number of views in the image blocks? 2.Also Is there a way for users to click the image to show the full actual size of the image on a new pop up type screen? Something like what XenForo or vB5 uses would be neat. (jQuery based)...
  19. CoZmicShReddeR

    Bug Live Feed page Images Popping out!

    Using vBulletin version 4.2.0 Patch level 3 Feed image width not set... I noticed maybe since the latest update of vBulletin the images are poping out from the sides of the theme/Style Live Feed - The Hybrid Gamers Zone Should I download something that controls the image width or...
  20. BrianC

    Bug Slow Loading

    Hi, My gallery is causing pages to load slowly. The green rotating circle Windows displays will display for 30 seconds or more and then displays the favicon when complete. Is this due to the size of the images or normal? It appears something is wrong as to me it indicates the page is taking...