sql error

  1. J

    Bug Creating a new mailing list gives this error

    When I add a new mailing list, the following SQL error shows up: Database error in vBulletin 3.8.7: Invalid SQL: INSERT IGNORE INTO dbtech_vbmail_subscription (userid, mailinglistid) ( SELECT userid, 3 AS mailinglistid FROM user AS user WHERE ( FIND_IN_SET(2...
  2. KristerSwe

    Bug Not even get the tank/like to show above/below post or signatur

    Have try all.. Edit and save buttons Forum permissions etc
  3. EasyEasy

    Bug Notification Link

    Hello After having trouble with the intial release I decided to give this a whirl again now we are 3/4 versions down the line. Installed and everything is running fine so far with PM's etc but now I have activated the user mention its causing issues. I do have VB Seo installed and have that...
  4. doctorsexy

    Bug sql error 1.0.020

    This might have been reported before but just to make sure.. getting this error Database error in vBulletin 4.1.6: Invalid SQL: UPDATE dbtech_vbarcade_data SET global_link = '', global_user = '', global_score = , local_winner = 977, history_winner = 977, local_plays = 0, local_avgscore = 0...
  5. DxtGaming

    Bug Site is inaccessible

    While we past month we had to disable this mod because when cron action ( I think that it is the cause) were starting around 12:10 the site was inaccessible for everyone How could we fix it? We tried to disable "Activity Feed" but without success
  6. DemoniK

    Bug SQL Error

    Running 1.0.0b18 Getting SQL Errors - seems to be when it attempts to post the score. Seems to be only this one game (attached) :( just happens to be a game that's getting played a lot and my inbox is filling up pretty quick!
  7. J

    Bug SQL error

    Database error in vBulletin 4.1.5: Invalid SQL: SELECT commandlog.*, commandlog.username AS cmdusername, user.username FROM dbtech_vbshout_log AS commandlog LEFT JOIN user AS user ON (user.userid = commandlog.userid) When viewing the command log, if I click on the username header to...
  8. C

    Bug SQL error rebuilding stats after a button has been deleted

    It's a small bug : if the administrator creates a new button, then decides to delete it, when he will go to rebuild the stats, he will get a sql error: MySQL Error : Unknown column 'recommends_given' in 'field list' To suppress the error, just recreate the deleted button. In that case the...
  9. C

    Question Tutorial for vBulletin 3.8 Professional version

    Hello, first of all thank for your this hack. It's great. But, because there is a "but", the documentation is... not ^^. Fortunately there is this forum, but the information are everywhere so it takes time to collect them. The purpose of this post is to put them together. And only for vBulletin...
  10. Bravo

    Bug SQL Error

    Database error in vBulletin 4.1.5: Invalid SQL: INSERT INTO dbtech_notifications_types (typeid, title, status, phrase) VALUES ( 'dbtech_downloads_comment_notifs', '', 2, '' ); MySQL Error : Duplicate entry 'dbtech_downloads_comment_notifs' for key 'PRIMARY' Error Number : 1062 Request Date...
  11. E.T.

    Bug Mochi feed blocked

    Hi there, First of all I would like to give my compliments for the great job you've done so far. I've installed the latest beta version. My first question ( and I'm afraid there will follow much more :) ) How do I import games from IpBroArcade ? There is no selection possible in the import...
  12. Bravo

    Bug Error saving mochi score

    Played 1 game and got 3 emails with Database error in vBulletin 4.1.5: Invalid SQL: INSERT INTO dbtech_vbarcade_session (gameid, userid, ipaddress, timestart, status, timefinish, score) VALUES ('hydroblox', 2731, '', , 2, 1313292621, 102); MySQL Error : You have an error in...
  13. Trekkan

    Bug SQL Error

    Getting the follow errors sent to me in email:
  14. B

    Bug SQL error every hours in 1.1 beta PRO when running cron job?

    From vBulletin error logs ... I just cut-n-pasted the last three errors, as they are all essentially the same and seem to be occurring every hour for the last several days, generated by vbmail ..
  15. B

    Bug SQL error in 1.1 beta PRO when creating a new mail list

    Not sure how to fix this ...
  16. Trekkan

    Bug SQL Error

    So I didn't realize I was getting these errors messages as there are 21,000 of them in my spam folder (makes sense that it was in the spam folder then, heh). Anyway, here ya go.
  17. R

    Bug Creates numerous vbulletin database errors when activated

    100's of errors are produced when this product is activated.. I have to uninstall it to stop the issues. I have done this twice. Once with initial release and once since your updates were completed. process All files uploaded and product installed. Everything okay Management tools - >...
  18. C

    Bug Fatal error: Cannot pass parameter 2 by reference

    Manage Criteria -> Change -> Field "Posts" to "Points" -> Save -> Error: Fatal error: Cannot pass parameter 2 by reference in /usr/local/apache/htdocs/board/dbtech/vbactivity/includes/class_dm_condition.php on line 133
  19. T

    Several bug in vBdownload

    Hi, I have several problems with vBDownload Light. Flash upload does not work. White page after uploading. No previews for download. In the description wrong characters appear. Also, I get a SQL error. Use the latest version of vBdownload.
  20. 1001Musik

    What next?

    I bought the software because I need something. I'm buying my time to decide. Had some problems and I have described. Right now I do not want to work with it. Only makes sense if there are no errors. In my posts I get no response. Also some design errors are present. Here the information is very...