
  1. IcEWoLF

    Legacy Contribute tab on user profile page

    Hi Ozzy, could we add a contribution stats tab in the user profile page?
  2. H

    Legacy Member Donation

    This would have to be the best idea I've had in a while :) Site donations are cool, but I'd like to suggest an extension to this idea. Member donations. It would work similar to how handles the "Support Developer" - Click on support developer [DBTech] vB Optimise v2 (vB4) -...
  3. J

    Legacy Remove TOP X received/given from statistics

    Hiao all, i'd like to ask (request feature) how to hide specific TOP xx Given/Received field from statistics. On my forum, some of the users started to "gather" a _bad_ points just because they want to be "first" and also some of the users giving _bad_ rates without any reason every day to...
  4. H

    Legacy Unknown Location

    When viewing the thanks stats page, I see: Current Activity: Unknown Location /forums/thanks.php?do=statistics Probably happens for the tagging mod (so if you fix one, please fix both together lol)
  5. T

    Legacy Live Feed Permissions Change

    Currently the LiveWall shows the post content to usergroups who have View permission to a forum, even thought they don't have View permission to the thread within the forum. I wouldn't mind seeing the thread title in the feed without the post content for forums with "Can view forum" and "Cannot...
  6. T

    Live Wall Feed View Permissions

    Currently the LiveWall shows the post content to usergroups who have View permission to a forum, even thought they don't have View permission to the thread within the forum. I wouldn't mind seeing the thread title in the feed without the post content for forums with "Can view forum" and "Cannot...
  7. Darkwaltz4

    Question Download Beta: #7

    Kept here will be the revision log for each beta version. You can find the actual zip to download in your members area. The date on the members area download may not be updated, but just keep up with the latest posts here and download accordingly. This work is to be treated as any license...
  8. LissaE

    Legacy Postbit Stats

    I'd like to change how the postbit stats display....if I can lol At the moment looking like this: Thanks (Given): 17 Thanks (Received): 5 Likes (Given): 1 Likes (Received): 5 Dislikes (Given): 0 Dislikes (Received): 0 That's too many extra lines and I currently have it disabled, can I change...
  9. Freekoid

    Top 5 Stats Detach problem

    The top 5 stats 'detach' ie it should open up to the top 25 doesnt seem to work anymore, all I get is a new page with the top 5 but the heading with top 25 on it.
  10. W

    does vboptemize work wit the 4.2.x?

    does vboptemize work wit the 4.2.x?
  11. A

    Bug Buttons not showing, text not showing.

    Yeah, I have a serious problem, the buttons and all that aren't showing on the posts, and uh... I don't know how to fix this. Anyone mind giving me some help to work this mod, please?
  12. G

    Question Stats wrong

    Dear All, we see that stats showing 0 queries still & when we do test everything is perfect we feel something wrong in it Note: Also i see no documentation as usual ;) thanks gowri
  13. M

    Question Pulling reports of entries across all quizes

    We are using vBQuiz to run a static set of quizzes for our tutorial articles. We know we can see a list of entries for each quiz by going to that quiz's landing page and choosing "Current Entries" from the admin pop-up menu. We would like to get a report of entries for all of our 43 quizzes in...
  14. GoodApples

    Legacy Hide Prase Names

    I would like to request to hide the phrase variable names dbtech_thanks_postbit_entries and now in version 3 a separate option to hide the total thanks and likes etc.
  15. D

    Legacy Total Shouts Posted in Pro-Version with Auto-Delete wrong

    There is a problem with the statistic on the archive-page with the Pro-Version of vbShout. The amount of "Total Shouts Posted:" is wrong, if the auto-delete function of the pro is active. So for example I have activated the auto-delete after 24 hours now and the "Total Shouts Posted:" is showing...
  16. IcEWoLF

    Legacy Feedback #2 :) - Latest release. 6/5/2012

    Hi Ozzy47, 1. I'd suggest changing the corners to round corners for the contribute button, the square button (default) looks a bit weird, I think with round corners it would look much better. 2. Maybe adding an option for pro version users to have a gif image it would be nice too...
  17. IcEWoLF

    So how many DBTech Pro Mods do you currently own?

    So, how many Dbtech pro mods do you currently own? I myself own 7+ and using every single one of them because DBTech is amazing at keeping every single one of their products up to date!
  18. CoZmicShReddeR

    Bug VBArcade 1.30 XML Install Parse error

    Just downloaded and tried to install and received this error when using the product-dbtech_vbarcade.xml Installer Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_IF in /home/content/47/9320747/html/dbtech/vbarcade/arcade_installer.php on line 192
  19. R

    Bug No link to stats in "Community" after upgrade to 4.2.0

    As above.
  20. Taurus

    Some of your products just don't work on my big forum.

    I am sorry, but honestly, some of your products just does not work on busy forums. I don't know why....maybe you cannot test it on busy forums, or it is based on working on your site here... But really...I have bought almost all of your products, yet on most of them, it will just crash my...