
  1. T

    vBMail Question

    We currently use newsletter software that is not integrated with vB. Is it possible to import its ASCII email list into vBMail so we don't have to start the newsletter subscribers from scratch?
  2. C

    Question What does a bounced email do?

    When a bouced email is received, what exactly happens? Does it change the receive admin emails to "no"...are they unsubscribed from all lists? Does the system try to notify the member of the problem at all? Does vb mail affect any of the existing email notifications coming from vb? I don't...
  3. AttalaEA

    Question How I can make sticky in the shoutbox like DragonByte?

    How I can make sticky in the shoutbox like DragonByte? Welcome to DragonByte Tech! vBShout v5.4.4 (Pro) - Available on vB 3.8.x and 4.x.x! -=- Feature List -=- Purchase Info -=- QuickTime Plugin -=- Cosmic's Dev Blogs - Updated and when I click Purchase info for example to open a link?
  4. AttalaEA

    Question How I make sticky text with link same as Dragonbyte?

    Please I would Like to make sticky text and when i click it goes for a link same as DragonByte stickt!
  5. galerio

    Legacy My suggestions to make it really the most complete product

    Here are my suggestions in order to call this product "The most advanced, most feature-rich and most professional Activity tracking system ever". Set independent points for every single forum (Points per Thread, Points per Vote, Points per Reply, Points per View, Points per Sticky). For...
  6. T

    Legacy Allow users to buy a Sticky thread w/ expire time

    I would like to request a store item that would allow users to buy sticky threads with a admin set expire time. This is a feature that existed on vbplaza.
  7. djFarsang

    Question How to fixed "Sticky" at bottom of shout

    I want to fix "Sticky" at bottom of shout similar to v.5.3.2. This version made "Sticky" overflow on top, sombody can't see it, How to.?
  8. Solein

    Bug Missing instance admin option on VbShout 5.4.x

    Since the 5.4.x update I can't find the option to auto-display the shout box in other pages than the index (was working with previus versions). This is my current instance admin area where is supposed to find the option: I'm also still with the non-deleted messages and stiky positioning...
  9. M

    Question How do i make a contest

    Hi, I want to make contests on my forum : All i need is a contest each month that will count points from most activities, and i want to offer prizes in free bets, or even real money. How do i do that ? I added award so i can add prize, but i don't like that, because the...
  10. I

    Bug Blank Pages Now

    I'm sorry, but I uploaded the new files (right after it released), went to import the product, and since then haven't gotten anything but blank, white pages. Since then I've deleted all the vBulletin files and reuploaded them. I've also restarted httpd and mysqld. Please help me *pathetic...
  11. Freekoid

    [Suggestion] Newsletter - Subscription - Email system

    Noticing your frequent emails, they are mainly text based writings. • What about a customised newsletter that will incorporate your products, image with link. • spotlight member shown • latest threads of certain forums, admin controlled. • able to pull the header and footer making it look...
  12. C

    Question Sticky's

    I wanted to know if I could have more than one sticky? Also any way to have the stick stay at the top of the shout box even if you change the direction of newest and oldest at the top.
  13. U

    Bug Users turned to guest.

    I imported 370,000k in thanks last night from Abes mod Took a long time but they all appear to be on your thanks table now. When it stopped importing it gave me this error... Database error in vBulletin 4.1.1: Invalid SQL: SELECT entryid, varname...
  14. joshuwae

    Question Additional Criteria, remove <br /> between sticky/non-sticky achievements

    1. Can you please explain how I use the Additional Criteria field? Example: I would like members to earn achievements for more than 180 days and less than 365 days. 2. I would like to ensure that certain achievements always display first - but I don't want the <br /> in between the sticky /...
  15. P

    Bug Getting an Error message, when Importing

    I have downloaded and uploaded both vBActivity Lite and vBAdvanced Post Thanks and Like Lite, to test this weekend. If they worked I wanted to buy them on Monday. But every time I try to import the XML for either add-on I get this error: Then I am prompted to go back to the Admincp, and the...
  16. Ozzy47

    Shout errors

    I am getting these errors with firebug, and it is causing alot of lagging on my forums. Also I think it is causing my server to have issues too. (vBulletin 4.1.0 Patch Level 2) DragonByte Tech: vBShout (Pro) - 5.3.2 Firebug Report: POST 200 OK...
  17. Khan Jii

    upgrade problem

    after upgrading to latest version.. i have links error its not showing last post url and font its showing there code /sticky <font color="red">example text ..(it was wit red colour but after upgrading its showing colour code and last post adress is showing up insted of click * user has just...
  18. P

    double messages + broken shoutbox

    hey i have vb 4.06 and i have just installed advanced user tagging pro and i have the following problems 1 - when creating a post with a mention in it (@something), posting takes a lot of time (over 20 secs) and eventually two identical posts are created. the mention is working. 2 - i have...
  19. C

    vbO 3.0 beta "fetch cache" broken

    vb 3.8.5 vbo 3.0 beta php 5.3.3 w/php-fpm, compiled from source Problem: "Your Opcache Operator extension is functioning, however it is unable to store data. Please check your extension configuration" during 'System Test' I have tried memcache, apc, and xcache --- all latest versions compiled...
  20. Dutch_Boy

    Awards not in one line in postbit.

    Hello, I just found out that when there are more then 1 awards in the postbit it doesnt put them in one line. It puts it under need the first one. How can i fix this? Kind regards, Dutch_Boy.