
  1. D

    Bug No work

    Please see in all the forums no see the the "thanks" "like" or other ... Does not appear anywhere. You can browse the site no see anyhing . and i set the button Permissions . Thanks for help .
  2. T

    Question Post thanks feed forum sideblock header color

    How do I change the color of the Post thanks feed forum sideblock header text color? TY, Thomas
  3. IcEWoLF

    Question Recent Contributors block - vBadvanced

    Hi Ozzy, how do I remove the donate button from the recent contributors? The 47 Ronin Squad Also I noticed the width is too much, the text is not well contained. Also, would it be possible to make the recent donors look like the block on the forums? The 47 Ronin Squad
  4. Papa Bear

    Bug Back To Top

    @Ozzy47 How do I change the colors of the Back To The Top button that appears at the you can see in the pic it just shows all white on this skin. Thanks.. Bear.
  5. D

    Bug serious custom style issue...

    Hi There! I installed the Navbar-Addon for testing purposes in my XAMPP-testground, together with my new style "IdealVB" from Themeforest. I have a lot of issues, now, metioned your products... For better information, looks like the picture please, you will see the different: This is the...
  6. IcEWoLF

    Question Need some help block bar

    Hi there, how do I remove the red bar on top? It was not use to be there before, not sure if something changed in the recent versions with the styling.
  7. R

    Question Chat Box Tab Color Issue

    So am trying to install a new theme. Theme installs perfectly. But the two tabs on chat box "Active User" and "Hash Tab" are kind of black in color. The selected tab however displays color correctly accordin to theme setting. Something wrong on my part?
  8. B

    Question Bold text

    Hello How get bold text on forum names, thread titles ...etc on Top 5 stats (mean last replies block)? regards bosss
  9. S

    Bug Style issue with vb4.2

    So, I installed the latest version of NavTabs on my 4.2 board. The installation went just fine except for one problem. After installing NavTabs my skin went all funky and I can't figure out why. My site is not yet finished so it is turned off but I have attached images showing what it looked...
  10. Henk Keuris

    Question How do I change the text color on the Forum tabs?

    Sorry for all the questions. But I find it strange that these aren't working just out of the box? How do I change the font colors here? Specifically the active tab (forums), but also the inactive tabs, to match the style of the forum? Thanks!
  11. Henk Keuris

    Question How do I change the colours of text in tabs and archive?

    Hi, How do I change the colours of tabs and the colour of the primary lines in archive?
  12. IcEWoLF

    Legacy Navigation background button color

    Hi there, first of all I want to say that I am very impressed with the new version and it's packed with so many features!~ I would like to request a feature to do the following if there isn't one yet: Navigation Button Color, I need an option to change the background, right now it shows a...
  13. M

    Question How Do I remove Camera Information?

    Hi everyone! I run a sewing forum where I have installed Dragonbyte Gallery, so everyone can show what they have made. Now the software adds automatically the camera information. We don't need this for our purpose, so I would like to remove it per default. How do I do this? Thank you!
  14. V

    Question How do I fix explode error message?

    Hi I am using the latest donations plugin now but i am getting this: Warning: explode() expects parameter 2 to be string, array given in [path]/dbtech/vbdonate/hooks/process_templates_complete.php on line 33 Warning: explode() expects parameter 2 to be string, array given in...
  15. Bassinurface

    Question Need help (Color of letters)

    Is there a way to change the color of the letters shown in the attach image.
  16. S

    Bug Vbulletin wall formatting and bugs

    Posted on the forums but was told to post here. Anyway, I'm having a few problems. Having this problem where if a post comes in live instead of using ' ' marks it displays the whole quote box. If I refresh it's fine: Another issue, seems to have trouble with url's in quotes: Also...
  17. C

    Legacy Feature Requests

    Thanks for this great gallery for vBulletin. I have just upgraded to the professional version. :) I would like to see if possible: > Recently added comments. At moment i have about 15,000 images in the gallery and it is hard to find if someone has posted a new comment on an image. > Gallery...
  18. bzcomputers

    Bug Bad Path For Thumbnails When Using Physical Image & A Gallery Path Other Than Forum

    Bad Path For Thumbnails When Using Physical Image & A Gallery Path Other Than Forum If you choose a different path option for the Gallery, for instance, and have thumbnail type set to "Physical Image" all thumbnail paths are bad. It will look for them at...
  19. GoodApples

    Bug Warning 3.0.0b3 on the CMS

    Here are a couple of Warning on the new 3.0.0b3 on the CMS Warning: in_array() []: Wrong datatype for second argument in [path]/dbtech/vbslider/actions/widget.php on line 116 Warning: implode() [function.implode]: Invalid arguments passed in...
  20. P

    Bug Image up picture details on 1.2.1

    I´m having this issue since I upgraded this mod from 1.1.3 to v1.2.1: The "Add to Favorites" button is also near the image border, all is disorganized!