
  1. J

    Question Trouble getting plugin to work

    I had added the twitch.php to the navbar tab with no problems, but I get a permissions error when going to twitch.php. I am a full admin, so not sure what is going on.
  2. S

    Question Shout Issues Before and After Upgrade to 4.2.2

    A week ago everything was fine. Shout was smooth, no issues. Was on 4.2.0. Had not recently installed any files, mods nothing. All of a sudden, shout gets stuck on loading every once in awhile, rest of the site loads quick as always. Would have to refresh the page, sometimes and site over and...
  3. CoZmicShReddeR

    DBTech Navbar custom forum link Error

    Used Navbar to go to a custom forum linked with the "Minecraft tab" for the CozWorld Minecraft forums The tab link showed Error Results are: Fatal error: Using $this when not in object context in...
  4. JMocks

    Question PM Tabs

    I've recently installed your guys CB because I was looking for something new and better. The previous one I had installed was pretty, simple and bland. I like what your CB brings to the table. The only problem I'm having is the PM tabs aren't staying open. If you refresh the page, the tabs are...
  5. M

    Legacy @usergroup and profile tab

    1. If you write a usergroup the output is: user1 user2 user3 etc. Is it possible to somehow hide the names of the users? leave only usergroup 2. Profile tab For vb3 a lot of profile tabs. Is it possible to somehow make it all (mentions, quotes) in one tab?
  6. W

    Bug Shoutbox tab doesn't blink

    Hi we have received many complaint from the users that the shoutbox tab is not blinking when someone chatting in shoutbox private room and someone sends them pm shoutbox. Or if a user is chatting in one room, he/she cannot see the other room tab blinking. Please help. Thanks
  7. angeljs

    Question How do members configure their favorites tab?

    I know I'm probably missing something, but I was just wondering how members add smileys to their favourites tab? Thanks.
  8. angeljs

    Legacy Images to load in when tab clicked?

    Would it be possible for the smileys to be loaded on the page only when a tab is actually clicked? This would save a lot in page loading times. :)
  9. Glen Green

    Bug Extra entries in the live wall

    Seem to be randomly getting lots of reviews and replies appearing in my live wall area, have attached a screenshot to explain.
  10. A

    Question What template is used for the user profile thanks/like tab

    I need to know what the template is that is for the user profile tab to fix some things... the issue I'm having is there is a line going through the dates when the user goes under the thanks/like tab in the profile.. I also want to change the title of the thanks/like tab since I do not use a...
  11. J

    Bug Broken links on games

    All my game links are going back to /# instead of their respected links. If I click "Play" from within admincp they work, but not in the actual arcade tab. Arcade - Heads Up Gaming is where they are now.
  12. P

    Question Install on vb5.05?

    Where are the VB 5.x install instructions?
  13. O

    Question Changing the profile notification for dislikes when names are not shown

    The names of people who dislike are not shown per my preference, but I would like the profile block to give a bit more info on posts that were disliked. Is there a way to code the profile block to say "[number of users who disliked this post] clicked Dislike for this post: [url of post that was...
  14. S

    Bug @mentions and quotes do not redirect to correct tab

    Hi, My mentions and quotes in notification bar do not link to the correct tab on my profile page. I've searched the forums and do use VBSEO, but the strange thing is that it has worked before (i've read something about vbseo breaking the feature).... The link redirects me to...
  15. B

    Question Disable notification on the main shout tab

    How to stop all notification in the main shout tab ? I don't want any notification other than members shouts in the main shout tab. Please help.
  16. CharlieDelta

    Bug User Profile Blank When Likeing a Review

    When a review is liked it is blank under the users profile tab. Only shows the date. I confirmed this with my other site as well but have not tested the thanks yet.
  17. angeljs

    Question Which template to edit?

    Please can you tell me which template to edit that shows the member's awards in their profile so I can take away the 'Award earned on' tezt? Cheers. :)
  18. obviator

    Bug Maintenance: Invalid Action

    Hello, Today I installed vbSecurity Lite, and everything worked fine except for the "Maintenance" tab (aka Reset All Passwords). When I clicked "Maintenance" in the left-hand menu, I saw the standard Password Reset form, asking me to confirm if I really want to reset all users passwords...
  19. heyzeus909

    Legacy Live Feed Tabs

    Similar to the tabs you have for your forum here at dragonbyte-tech, I would like to have the option for tabs on the Live Feed page. Example: a tab for "Likes". Only the recent likes would be displayed. The same for would apply for a "Posts" tab (latest posts), "Threads" tab, "Signatures,"...
  20. heyzeus909

    Bug Dislikes being notified as "Likes"

    When I receive a "dislike," it shows I get a "like" notification. To be clear, if I already have, say, 3 "like" notifications at the bottom-left of the screen that I haven't cleared out yet, then receive a "dislike," it will then show as 4 "like" notifications (with no "dislike" notification...