
  1. D

    Legacy Incorporating Side Blocks

    To incorporate side blocks for each category tab. It'll work just the same with forum sections like how it is now, but for side blocks! And possibly, if you wanna extend that, have it so you can favorite side blocks as well
  2. XERQ

    Bug Profile Page Pagination Error

    When viewing your (or another user's) profile, the mentions and quotes tabs are paginated to allow viewing of historic data. However, the links they provide also include a parameter called 'perpage', presumably to set how many items are listed perpage, and any time the server gets a 'perpage'...
  3. T

    Bug Profile tabs not showing at all

    I have installed 3.0.5 Lite (was running 3.0.4 before) and I have only the mentions enabled. Notifications work, but the profile tabs are not showing at all. Members do get a notification, and the link redirects to the member profile page, but does show the 3 standard profile tabs only. There's...
  4. D

    Bug Forum Tabs work with v.1.0.3 but not 1.0.4+

    I decided to go and disable all the mods I have on my forum and the tabs still did not show. I then decided to try earlier versions of this mod and found out 1.0.2 and 3 would work but 4 would not.
  5. Drahnier

    Main Page Menu bars clean up?

    I know you're running a massive amount of addons in order to preview your own products but frankly you guys need to figure out a way to make your menu bars a tad more palatable most of the time what I'm looking at looks like this (I usually jut have my browser over...
  6. D

    Bug Receiving a warning when viewing a download

    I am receiving this line of text along the top of my page when viewing a download listing: Warning: array_keys() expects parameter 1 to be array, boolean given in [path]/dbtech/downloads/actions/download.php on line 26 This is the first time I have experienced this error message. I have made...
  7. c0dhackz

    Question how to use PT? help me!

    hello every1, 1 year ago, I set my postbit tabs as shown in my signature, I can not remember most as you do, can someone help me? I would like to divide the postbit in four sections, the first with user info details (joind date rep etc), the second with the info gamers, the third with thx and...
  8. hakkuo23

    Bug Redirect Error

    GO here, and click the mention tab or the quote tab. Then try and go to another page, and it gives you a redirect error.
  9. GoodApples

    Bug Draft Posts / Forum Tabs

    Copyright for Draft Posts is including Forum Tabs in the Copy? ;) Forum Tabs by DraftPosts - vBulletin Mods & Addons....
  10. cykelmyggen

    Question Links on sec. navbar not working on iPad browsers

    Hi I've added a couple of extra links on my sec. navbar and they are working fine on my PC in FF, Chrome and IE, however they are not working when I try to open them on my iPad - no matter what browser I try - Chrome, Safari & Dolphin tested so far. Example: Nyt fra forlagene Any solution...
  11. hakkuo23

    Bug Doesn't Work At All

    In UserCP when editing the tabs: TypeError: b.curCSS is not a function Line 12 Also in UserCP, the moderation tab on the right is completely messed up.
  12. GoodApples

    Screen Resolution Issues

    Yes, I know this my screen resolution but this looks so bad. Please limited the number of tabs in each bar. :p I know...I am careful on my site with this mod. :)
  13. GoodApples

    Network Calendar

    This just came to me during my workout and I am sharing it here. :) Suggestion: Network Calendar Picker Select Calendar to be Network Calendar Network Colour Tabs which correspond to days colour.
  14. bszopi

    Question vBSlider Templating

    Ok, I said I would do a quick tutorial on using the templating feature of vBSlider v3.0, so here goes! First, click on the "Manage Templates" option from the vBSlider ACP menu. Here, you can create a new template. In the "Add New Template" dialog box, it asks you to enter the number of...
  15. O

    Bug no access

    my developer team is unable to download forum tabs from my customer area - your systemm keeps saying ""Required Licence Field Info Missing" - i have purchased the pro version of forum tabs along with branding free... So, can you please sort this out in my customer area and update me here.
  16. GoodApples


    Hey, I have noticed this along time ago and maybe it's been mentioned or chatted about has anyone notice when visiting dbtech the whole monitored screen often has an occasional white flash overlay then disappears. Is it due to updating the site live or something or a mod causing it? I will try...
  17. S

    Question Cat Tabs

    How do I control the color of the category tabs in the arcade? It looks like they should be blockhead but they don't show the way I have that set. Everything else seems to look fine skin wise.
  18. EasyEasy

    Bug Forum Tabs Not Showing After Installation

    Hello Wanted to try the lite version before going pro. Have installed the lite version and been through all the settings however the tabs do not show.
  19. D

    Question Wondering how can I move the Conbribute navbar

    I want to move the Contribute nav bar over beside where it says Buy Now on my forum.
  20. F

    Bug Integration with "reputation" profile tab

    Should the mod integrate with the reputation tab on every member's profile? This used to when I was using v3.0.3 with VBulletin 3.8 but since upgrading to VBulletin 4.2 a couple of days ago new "like" button ratings etc. are not showing up in my members' "reputation" tabs in their profile pages...