
  1. heyzeus909

    Legacy Image Rendering in Hashtag Subscription Page

    When viewing my hashtag subscriptions, it shows the image url, but not the image. I would like to actually see the image, not the url.
  2. HaZaRd

    Tracks Mod for Game Racing Community

    I'm admin of Italian Community about Gran Turismo, a game for PlayStation3. I need a Mod for track online events with a control panel for input the data (pilots, position, points hearned, best lap etc...). Basic specifications: 1. Interface for input online event details (date, time, name of...
  3. pcam

    Question Images , .png , Not viewable when rewrite rules active (nginx)

    I followed a post here, http://www.dragonbyte-tech.com/f239/nginx-13232/ , and urls are being optimized, but my images are broken. I am using nginx, vB 4.2.2, and have just purchased db seo. When I revert to my non dbseo nginx vhost for the board, the images are correctly distributed. I had...
  4. S

    Bug Dbseo breaks my Tapatalk installation

    Hi, After migrating from vbseo to dbseo, i've noticed my visitors cannot access the site anymore with Tapatalk. DBSEO enabled: Tapatalk fails VBSEO enabled : Tapatalk works The rewrite rules for my webserver are the same, except when calling vbseo.php i use dbseo.php (when dbseo enabled) and...
  5. bzcomputers

    Legacy Integration Interest On Tapatalk Forum

    While cruising the Tapatalk forums the other day I saw this thread: https://support.tapatalk.com/threads/does-tapatalk-support-dbtech-advance-post-thank-mod.13644/ It shows quite a bit of interest from Tapatalk users in getting DBTech's Advanced Post Thanks / Like Mod integrated with Tapatalk...
  6. bzcomputers

    Bug Beta5: Possible conflict with Tapatalk app

    There may be a conflict with DBSEO and Tapatalk. I came across an error when trying the latest version of Tapatalk for vb4 - version 4.8.1. Server error occurred: 'require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required './global.php' (include_path='.:/usr/local/php5_3/lib/php')...
  7. J

    Advance Like & Tagging - features compatible with App?

    I have an App for my forum via Tapatalk. It's a custom App. Can you tell me if the Advance Post Like & Advance User Tagging is compatible in the App version of the forum? If not, I want to be sure it doesn't interfere with the App fuctions or performance at all. Thanks in advance.
  8. Morrus

    Legacy Doanload delay change

    (You can't post in these forums with tapatalk as the pre-post forms are missing) The download delay is a great idea, but would be a thousand times better if it used the best setting for your usergroups rather than the worst. The way it's currently set up, you can't use the paid subscription...
  9. Sicilian

    Vbform - Disable priority

    Guys, I've been having a play with VBforms lite with a view to buying pro version. Is there a way to disable priority?
  10. Morrus

    Bug No sidebar

    The sidebar isn't a sidebar. The contents all appear at the bottom of the page instead. Screenshot attached.
  11. CharlieDelta

    TapaTalk - Yes or No - Why?

    So I see that DBT uses Tapatalk and would like to know the advantages of using it rather than the stock ForumRunner. What are the disadvantages? Why is it better than forumrunner? Why is forumrunner better? Why should I switch from forumrunner to tapatalk? Or, do I even have to switch, can I run...
  12. T

    Bug Problem with Instance search

    The search function doesn't seem to search all fields. The crucial field to add would be at least the title.
  13. angeljs

    Bug Tabs stopped showing after adding more tabs in admin

    This was working nicely, but now the tabs have stopped showing in the forums. I have a feeling it's because I've added a lot of them - 12 to be exact - as a few tabs below this number and everything worked okay. Is there a way to have tabs shown across several rows?
  14. viper357

    Bug Tapatalk, moderators forum and Permissions

    Hi, we had an issue last night whereby a moderator mentioned a few members in a private moderators forum yet the members were able to see these notifications and the thread title on Tapatalk, although when they clicked on the notifications they were not able to read the thread due to permissions...
  15. Nirjonadda

    Bug vBCredits problem with cometchat

    cometchat online user's avatar does not show with vBCredits,If i Disable vBCredits cometchat online user's avatar are working,please any fix update about on this? without vBCredits with vBCredits
  16. T

    Bug Threads don't load in Tapatalk

    In threads that have a the rating enabled, Tapatalk will not load the thread. It will throw the error "Invalid thread specified. If you followed a valid link..." I am running the latest version of Tapatalk. It seems to have happened after the last update.
  17. D

    Bug Forum Runner crashes when opening a PM with an inline image.

    Forum Runner crashes when opening a PM with an inline image.
  18. F

    Bug Tapatalk users not receiving points

    This is a major bug for our community as we rely on points earned via reputation. Users who use the Tapatalk mobile app fail to receive points for received reputation, even after they log in on their normal PC's. Bug is repeatable in the following way: 1) Set "Reputation" event to give 10...
  19. S

    Mobile Skin

    I hope DB Staff will make vbulletin mobile skin. This far i only know 2 mobile skins that exist on vb world : Default vb mobile skin. Cons : very heavy for mobile connection. Too "fancy", not suitable for mobile connection. Some people have very slow mobile connection so they need very...
  20. fera2k

    Legacy Support Thanks / Like button on Tapatalk client

    Hello, We installed your MOD [DBTech] Advanced Post Thanks, v 3.1.0 Lite, and we see that's a very nice addon to our forum. But we have a lot of users that loves to use Tapatalk Mobile Client (on Android most). I'm kind of disappointed when I was looking foward how to enable Thanks/Like...